Kick it. That’s what I wanted to do when I saw it, kick it through the fucking wall.
This began in an unlikely place, the local dollar store. We had come to find some of those thin aluminum roasting pans, and find them we did. But there, amongst the aisles of light bulbs and batteries, I found something that prompted in me a strong emotional response. To be truly accurate, it brought conflicting emotional responses. Arranged on the shelf and wrapped in individual protective plastic covers was a group of hackysacks, each emblazoned with the American flag. (Or at least what passes for the flag in the realm of hackysacks.) < gasp > Quick, alert the flag amendment proponents! Surely they’ll want to make quick legislative provision for this singular outrage!
One of the hackysacks in question is seen in the photo directly below.
Never having seen such a hackysack, it seemed strange that an object made for the sole purpose of being kicked would be decorated with the American flag. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem putting the flag on a hackysack. In fact, when I saw it, I wanted to make full use of it and slam the thing.
Yes, yes, I’m know. I’m confusing the sad actions of our government with the symbol of our country. But it’s become hard to separate these things, especially in light of the recently attempted flag amendment.
Unfortunately, these days, the flag (or hackysack approximation of same) makes me feel both anger and pride. I’m proud of the nation that gave rise to that flag, but sickened by the recent actions of our government. On the day that I saw that hackysack, anger was the stronger of the two emotions.
I felt anger because of a war intentionally brought about by lies. A war that has caused the deaths of thousands and devastated a country and will likely give rise to a new generation of local activists.
I felt anger because of the assault on the middle class and the disappearing safety net.
I felt anger because of the sale of national forest land, potential offshore
drilling and the degradation of our national park system.
I felt anger because a country that is composed of immigrants or the descendents thereof, has demonstrated its xenophobia.
I felt anger because our government thinks so little of our personal liberties, trashing them daily.
But more than than anything, I’m angry at the wilful ignorance that has perpetuated the current administration and its minions, resulting in our current sad state of affairs.
So along with the aluminum pans and a few other items, I bought a flag-enhanced hackysack and took it home. I kicked it. I kicked it hard.
It’s okay to kick the flag. And wear it as a halter top. And cut a hole in it and wear it like a poncho. Or autograph it. Or hang it from your bedroom window instead of a curtain. Or make a bikini out of it. Or a beach towel.
Just don’t burn it.
since most of the flags are made in China anyways.
I once had a Republican candidate for congress in Illinois hand me a plastic trash bag for my car decorated with his name and the American flag. Oh, yes, there was also a flag-painted dumpster at a construction site that I saw recently.
how about these
it was made in China.
(((Boran2))) I deal with the same outrages, too, at the slightest things like that.
I saw a one of those yellow support the troops bumper magnets but it had a CROSS in the center of it and was on it’s sid elike a jesus fish symbol
road rage from hell that day.
I saw a one of those yellow support the troops bumper magnets but it had a CROSS in the center of it and was on it’s side like a jesus fish symbol
Did the car have Tennessee tags by any chance? We’ve got lots of those down here!
I’ve been trying to decide whether they keep putting those ribbon magnets on the car sideways consciously to look like a “jesus fish” or unconsciously because they’re so used to the jesus fish thing that it just “looks right” to them that way.
I can imagine Monk coming to Tennessee and going through parking lots straightening out all the ribbon magnets back to a vertical orientation, if his head didn’t explode first, LOL.
are those damn flag cakes. Some are frosting some are made with berries. I just want to push them off the tables.
I hear, “let them eat cake”…
You do know that those cakes were invented by the blueberry and strawberry marketing boards, in cooperation with the manufacturer of Cool Whip, don’t you? </snark>
Speaking of symbols this article in the NYT set my blood boiling. I had to remind myself that I do believe in free speech.
Oh, but some Jungian psychologist could have a field day with that one! I thought the fundamentalists didn’t believe in the goddess. We might finally have found a place for common ground of outrage between fundamentalists and pagans, LOL.
I can’t decide if this monstrosity is best left up as a warning to future civilizations and visiting aliens that there was no intelligent life here, left up for comic relief, or should have a nighttime visit from EarthFirst!
Now that’s one “nationalist” asswipe that feels the need to have this in their “free” home.
Patriot CONDOMS…
But don’t kick those!
depends on who is wearing them I guess 🙂
Sorry about turning your diary into a photo vent therapy hall.