We do not get enough information to make even informed guesses about what is going on in the world. Our news media tends to use shorthand to proclaim this or that – liike they proclaimed Canada was going “conservative”. Anybody care to rank Canada’s “conservatism” up against the good old USA wingnuts? Canadian friends might tell us, but I am not sensing that they are witnessing the stark evisceration of their country’s morals as we are seeing. Of course I am prejudiced. I think worrying about an unborn fetus and promoting war is the height of nutness. What is life after all and how much are we responsible for bloodshed in IRAQ? Well wingnuts – I believe you have bought it all for us to bear. We will be paying for iraq for a good long spell. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the pain at least as much as I do.
More on the flip:
But I digress. I was watching a story about Mexico’s election. There the fellow painted the choices between the two leading candidates as a choice between Hugo Chavez like candidate and business as usual candidate. And just like our 2000 election, there is a “Mexican Standoff” with both parties coming too close to call. But I don’t think we are getting the whole story (as if!). How is it that Mexico can do a hand recount but aside from each party declaring victory I am not hearing the whining that goes on here about the cost of recounting. Jeez, in the last few elections recounts have all created whining from everybody about the costs. Get a life people! If we have close elections, consider recounts a cost of doing business!
a coherent poll out of this so suggestions not just wanted but demanded!
Ah well. . .
On Air America Radio yesterday, BBC reporter, Guradian Reporter and author, Greg Palast web site told us that republican (US) election consultants were employed by the conservative, with the promise of a “sure win” in the election, no matter what. So I look for the conservative to emerge victorious from the “too close to call election.” It seems the progressive voters from the worker class in heavily populated Mexico City were “purged from the voting roles” in huge numbers. Gee. . .that sounds so familiar. Wonder where we’ve heard that one before.
Seems our newest export is “how to steal elections” complete with all the experts of proven success.
Mexico has had stolen elections before like the time when the computer mysteriously “blacked out” and came back on with the winner changed.
The fix is in. Count on it.
I now know why the so-called news media was trumpeting the democracy of Mexico!