This dairy is taken from the excellent work by Troutfishing on dailykos. I did not see this dairy here, and given the kind of individual focus of Booman I wanted to share it.

Here is the essence: A town in Iowa was aggressively supporting “Christianity” in schools. One Jewish family went to complain. When the six grader stood up to read, people in the crowd shouted hate speech. Eventually, the family fled from the town, in part because of death threats BY A FORMER SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER.

The trial is starting soon, so that is why this would be of interest now.
This is not a death threat from Fred Phelps or some marginal loon. This is from an elected official. Someone whom a plurality of people think is good.

The analysis is terrible in that it is right.

If you are boycotting orange here are the other links:
is the best

but here is another good one


Here is the localnews, which is all warm and fuzzy and silent about the horror that they are producing: