Rarin’ to Go!

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
FBC — providing Hump Day encouragement since 2005
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
of positive thinking. Didn’t work.
Morning all.
Good morning! How are you doin’?
Good morning, Andi and PF37.
Good morning to you as well! 🙂
Good morning Andi, Psi and ask.
Ah, another geezer joins the crowd. 😛
Morning you young whippersnapper. 🙂
Are you looking forward to a great day of work?
Don’t be sarcastic, now!
I guess it’ll be alright, but I definitely wish I could get some more sleep.
And to think these will be my only days off of work until I finish up…sigh.
Is this a summer job? Or do you do it year-round?
Summer job. Then it’s on to a killer semester coming up for me – taking six classes, including 3 finance courses in Wharton. Yikes.
The great thing about summer jobs is that they always come to end. The great thing about semesters is that they always come to an end. The bad thing is that eventually all the semesters come to an end and you start jobs that just go on and on. Damn, I shouldn’t try to be encouraging so early in the morning.
Me sarcastic, never!
If I were sarcastic I would have mentioned something about I remember how it used to be to have to get up and go to work, but it’s a distant memory.
But I would never say anything like that. 🙂
I’ll see what effect this picture has to this one.
Well, good evening to you, keres.
Beautiful image.
Thanks. I suppose I should have mentioned that you can click on it to see the larger version.
It’s South Cape Lagoon, at the very southern tip of Tasmania. Next stop Antartica.
it looks like a great place to stop.
I saw picture of the place at the lagoon — what a nifty place to stay. On more addition to my ‘someday’ list.
Actually, the place we stayed both Saturday and Sunday nights was about a two hour drive north. It’s part of a private land reserve on, get this, Mt. Misery.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – we have a spare bedroom. Just give us a bit of notice to get the bed made.
that’s why these items on my someday list that are in Tasmania have an asterisk by them. 😉
Oh, and that’s Imogen standing at the cliff’s edge.
It’s a 7km walk each way to get to the lagoon from the end of the southern most road.
It’s great. The windswept vegetation; the waves.
The walk there was beautiful as well.
The middle portion passes though a swampy area full of Button Grass, which has wooden “duck boards” to walk on.
that my boots were wet and my knees were sore, when we we finally got back to the car?
These two pictures remind of me of hiking in the Alakai swamp in Kauai.
And the dogs are reminding me they want to go hiking in the woods.
Hope you are back to dinner for two very soon.
Later (earlier).
8pm Wednesday evening here. I suppose I should think about what to have for dinner.
Imogen’s away on business, so I’m doing the “eat whenever” thing one does when not cooking for two or more.
Hi keres. That’s a great picture.
Wanted to share my 4th of July with you.
I went to a festival here in Round Rock to work as a volunteer at the Williamson County Democrat’s booth. I wore this shirt.
For the most part the response was very positive. I actually handed out several business cards and had lots of people ask about the shirt. One person was upset and made the comment “What an American Shirt.” I said thank you and when he said I didn’t understand him, I said maybe he needed remedial English just as W did. LOL
We had lots of interest at the booth and by the time I left at 2:30 we had registered 10 new voters. It takes being out there and talking to people and offering them a choice to make a difference.
Doing My Part for the Left,Left of the Rainbow
I hope everyone had a great forth and has a fabulous 5th!!!!
Good morning Refinish.
Sounds like you had a good 4th.
Morning FamilyMan!!! Yeah I had a great one. We had storms last night and some of my redneck neighbors were still setting off direworks at 1 am. I finally went over and told them I would call the cops if they didn’t stop as I had to get up for work this am.
Sorry to hear about your neighbors. I think I was pretty lucky becuase after 9:00 pm I don’t remember hearing any.
Neighbors + Fireworks + Redneck = Be careful. 🙂
I know but these folks seemed sober so I just went over instead of calling the cops. I guess they took today off work so they could celebrate and forgotm some might not be able to be off today.
I’m glad to hear they were cooperative. I was just remembering the worst neighbors I ever had. They were the kind of people who if you ever asked them anything, such as quieting down, some type of retaliation would be coming.
Morning refinish.
That was good of you to challenge that guy. And a great line.
Morning Andi!!!! Thank you. It actually made the people around him and me laugh at him. I think that embarrassed him more than anything. LOL I also walked past the republican booth about 10 times to make sure they saw my shirt. LOL
A great shirt for the fourth this year! Sounds like you had a nice holiday. 🙂
Thanks!!!! I did and I hope you did.
I love your comments to the person. 🙂
here this story about the veteran with the Veterans for Peace shirt that got arrested in a VA hospital coffee shop?? Out country is so fucked up.
Thanks Janet!!!!!
I am off to work or at least to get ready for it. I hope everyone has a great day and I will check in later if I can.
Have a good day Refinish.
Or did everybody go to work and walk the dogs and whatever else?
Both CBs are at camp. :::happy dance:::
And it’s raining again. :::sigh:::
keres – astonishingly beautiful photograph. I brought the larger size up and just sighed.
Andi – I don’t think I displayed an appropriate level of concern for your injuries last night. Hope you got some sleep and they’re scabbed over and feeling better. Ouch.
RF69 – love the shirt. I have the same sort of thing on a bumper sticker but below the W it says ‘still an idiot.’
Family Man and ask – good morning to you and hope you have a good hump day. How can you not?
Hi to everyone else, too.
Greetings, fellow late riser! Are we the only ones here now?
I think so. The place cleared out before 8 it seems. ARe the boys at sleepaway camp or day camp?
Packed yet? 🙂
(Don’t worry about providing an appropriate level of sympathy — I’m very, very good at feeling sorry for myself.)
Not packed yet but I’m doing laundry in anticipation of thinking about packing. I should be worried about cramming 9 days worth of clothes into a carry-on but I’m not. Damn this medication.
Nine days of clothes? Feh.
Just pack 4 days worth and do laundry once. Much easier.
My thoughts exactly. Me worry? – Feh.
Are you having company this week, in spite of those devastating injuries from your bicycle crash? I hope they pamper you while they’re there…
Wait a minute – I was under the impression the visitor was the pampee…
Well given someone’s mother hen tendencies, I don’t think you have to worry too much. 🙂
I’m bringing Colin’s laptop in case we run out of things to say – we can just chat to each other in the FBC.
While we sit on the porch at the Ocracoke Coffee House sucking up their wireless, no less. 🙂
Oops, that went with our beach comments…I need more coffee. Desperately.
That sounds like a great idea! It’s cool to meet Bootribbers in person. Really weird though because you already have this sense of familiarity even though you’ve never seen each other.
Bad plan — remember we connect to the internet here by dial-up. You’re going to be stuck actually talking to me.
Damn. In reality I’m bringing it to try to give the appearance of being busy during the day when all of my sisters are at work. I’ll hang out in a coffee shop and pretend that I have something to do. I forgot that the sister who I’m staying with has a longtime live in boyfriend who works from home. It’s not that I don’t like him – I just don’t know him very well and I’d rather not be stuck alone in the house with him. Uncomfortable.
You do have something to do — you’ll have to email about 50 email reassurances that you really had a good time (whether you did or not) and you really didn’t mind that the dogs shed all over you, that Jim makes really bad jokes, that we live in the middle of nowhere, and that I’m even more of a cranky geezer IRL than I am in the cafe.
We just swept up the dog hair — we’re going all out here.
That’s more than I ask. Except for the half and half of course.
Day camp. CBtY is doing one where they go out geocaching, looking for hidden treeasures with the GPS unit. He’s looking forward to showing me how to do it…and I wanted to tell IndyLib thanks for pointing that stuff out to me a while ago, because I wouldn’t have picked that for a camp otherwise.
CBtE is spending his day in Philly at the Museums, since it’s raining and they were supposed to go to the beach and apparently the beaches are closed.
They’re both doing a week at sleepaway camp in August, after we get back from the beach. Woo-hoo! What to do, what to do…
How is your summer going?
It seems to be flying by in a sort of agenda-less way, which is how I like it. We haven’t even been to the beach yet which is weird because we’ve usually gone 3 or 4 times by now. It’s just hard with the boys older and having more to do. They may go next week while I’m gone.
We don’t have too much time left till our beach trip, now that I think about it. I can’t wait.
That’s sort of my last chance to spend any time with Colin before he leaves for college. 🙁
Our neighbors had the lovely idea of taking the canoes out to watch the fireworks from the lake. Fabulous.
Today’s tea: Bittersweet Green, because that’s how I felt about the 4th this year. It’s a Sencha green blend with a lot of fruit and floral notes.
Up earlier than usual — spouse set alarm for 8:30 so that he could go move the car; we parked in front of the office last night to unload stuff and had to move it before 9am when the office opens.
I think my vacation cold is relapsing 🙁 — woke up a bit congested this morning. Other than that, doing okay; might try tackling cleaning out the pantry today if I can get a little bit of energy.
Hope everyone has a great day…
Good mor…, afternoon to all froggies! Car trouble has given me a late start today. When are they finally going to come out with those cars that fly?
Trouble: 1991-2006
This weekend out cat of 15 years died of acute kidney failure. It doesn’t help to know that he was getting progressively more sick for the past year – it still feels like your heart is ripped out. He hasn’t been the same since his 19 year old sister died 4 years ago.
He waited until we got home from vacation – then until we were at the cabin this weekend. Then he gave up. A wonderful vet locally helped us on Sunday…and for that we are very grateful.
My memories will be many:
A snuggly, fluffy kitten wrapping his paws around our necks when we first met him…captured our hearts instantly.
A gray cat in a pile of gray feathers…as he flips his tail so proud of his capture.
Squeaking so proudly as he brought live mice home to play with…then losing interest when he let them go briefly and they got away.
His head resting gently on my hand…as the vet administered a final needle and he went quietly and peacefully to sleep.
Good-bye my friend…you take part of my heart with you on your journey to Summerland…
Oh SallyCat, I’m so sorry.
So very sorry to hear that. We’ve lost a couple of our feline friends over the years and the pain is always awful. I still get tears in my eyes from time to time, especially for Spot, the fat fuzzhead who showed up on my doorstep one day and demanded to be adopted. I know there’s nothing I can do or say that’ll make it feel any better, but you’ve got my sympathy. About the only thing I’ve found that helps at all is to watch an old favorite movie of the deeply silly variety. It seems to cut the sadness a bit without making me feel like I’m trying to blot out the memories of beloved companion. Hugs.
I tried books and a lot of Scotch this weekend…but I need to give him more….
So I’ll write him a tribute…and to all the pets that are just family members. For your Spot and my Trouble and the original Booman and all the others….with tears of healing and giggles of love.
They’ll be watercolor memories of love.
Hugs right back Kelly {{{{KMc}}}}
Every one of the cats we’ve lost over the years has made at least a cameo appearance in a story or book of mine, and sometimes more than a cameo. I’m sure you’ll do Trouble up proud.
and my happiness for all your wonderful memories.
I loved seeing the puppy pic today.
Our friends make us smile and love us and sharing makes us smile. Thanks for all your puppy pics…they’ll always make me smile!
He sounds like he was a wonderful cat, Sally.
I’m so sorry, Sally. We lost one of our beloved cats in March. All I can say is it does get better with time. Thanks for sharing such a loving tribute with us.
I think we all appreciate the pain of the loss of a beloved pet, but it never gets any easier, no matter how hard we (unsuccessfully?) rationalize the situation. It sounds like he was a remarkable and wonderful cat, who enriched your lives as much as you surely enriched his…
My deepest condolences to you and your family at this time. And that was a very moving tribute you gave to him here … sure brought tears to my eyes.
we are all so sorry here.
Oh I’m so so sorry about your pootie. They are so much a part of our family. You brought a tear to my eye remember the kids I’ve lost over the years. You will meet pootie again at the rainbow bridge.
The Happy Hour lounge is now open.