Ann Coulter is a plagiarist. Hat tip to Real History Lisa. Also, this just in: Jimmy Swaggart is still creeptacular.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Thanks for putting that front and center. I can’t wait to see how the Republicans defend this! I loved the author Recchia’s headline, btw:
(Read more at the link above.)
So I guess she has the same professors george did. LOL
Sorry, hit the post button by accident there…
Another fun tidbit from her book, courtesy of Atrios. Intellectually lazy AND perverted. I can see why she’s the poster girl of the right. 🙂
Page 12:
Liberals used to tell us they were teaching fisting to fourth-graders because `kids are going to have sex anyways!’ (Yes, `fisting’ is exactly what it sounds like; have a nice day!) Now they’ve dispensed with that and openly concede that they believe virtue is just one of many equally valid points of view that must be counterbalanced with the argument for promiscuity, group sex, fisting, and other lifestyle choices.
Page 175:
Anal sex, oral sex, fisting, dental dams, `birthing games’–all that would be foisted on unsuspecting children in order to protect kindergartners from the scourge of AIDS.
Page 275 251:
From the reaction of the evolutionists, you would think the Dover schools were teaching fisting to twelve-year-olds (when, as any student knows, that’s not covered until junior year).
obsessed with “fisting”?
It’s not just you.
And, I can’t understand the appeal to either sex. It’s definitely a dumb thing to do.
It is very strange…you hear these sorts of things from conservative Christians all the time where they go on and on about the evils of all sorts of sex acts. Sad part is that I have never done 90% of these these things and had never even heard of many of them either. Some liberal I am…
The morally conservative element represses themselves and denies their sexuality so much that they obsess about what other people must be doing. Sort of reminds me of the way priests used to "examine" (ie violate) women’s genitals when they were hunting "witches" during the witch crazes in medieval/Renaissance Europe.
Modern conservatives seem to obsess about preventing other people from having the sort of sex they wish they having I guess.
…and the more objectionable she becomes, the more bandwidth she gets.
I just saw another Coulter blurb on MSNBC (fortunately, I had the sound off). Ah me. Sybil the Soothsayer on the nightly news.
Olberman just had Barrie on his program discussing this story.
This isn’t worthy of a diary. So I thought I’d put it here.
Call me crazy, but I just got done listening to the story on the death of Kenneth Lay, and all I could think is — did someone go down and authenticate the fucking body. I want prints and dental records. No I don’t fucking trust the bastards. No I don’t think this is being disrespectful of the dead. If that fucker did get off with a lethal coronary, then he is one lucky bastard.
Here he was, just about to spend the rest of his life in prison and Ta Da…….he’s free now! Cabingirl told me this morning her doubts lie with it really being a heart attack…..I wondered if maybe he, with his moolah wouldn’t have access to something that would cause a massive heart attack because I don’t think the man had the cojones to do the time! Not like Martha does!
to the Democratic Party in a long time.
Are we going to see a complete rupture between the pro-corporate Republican Lites like Lieberman, and the democratic wing who can be counted on to vote for things like Universal Health Insurance? Right now there are signs of it, with several Senators saying they will back Lieberman even if he LOSES the primary.
That is — in my view — a pre-emptive declaration of war by at least 2 seated Democratic Senators (Salazar and Nelson) against the Democratic Party’s own voters. And I say: “Bring it on.”
This is like when northern racists finally own up to it instead of pretending it’s all southernors, because you’re getting honesty about something you always knew to be true.
The Dem Party’s Republican Lite wing is finally, openly, publicly admitting its utter contempt for its base and for the democratic process… we on the left knew it a long time ago, but now this Lieberman thing might lay it bare for all to see!