Even when Republicans try to sound reasonable, they fail. Jim Kouri, in the Conservative Voice tries to understand the left’s problem with Holy Joe. He gets off to a respectable start, but then comes the hand grenade.
While Lieberman is a Democrat in the tradition of FDR, Truman and JFK, the rest of his party has sunk to the lowest depths of Stalinism, flirting with treason and betrayal as part of their strategy to gain power while accusing others of what they themselves do.
I don’t think Kouri is engaging in tongue-in-cheek humor here. But what do I know? I don’t understand conservative humor. Democratic humor, on the other hand, I get completely.
One parade float, organized by Lamont supporters who write Web logs, or blogs, had a sign calling Lieberman a “RAT,” a Republican Apologist and Turncoat.
Another read: “Joe Lieberman supports Plan B for himself, but Joe Lieberman won’t support Plan B for rape victims,” referring to legislation requiring hospitals to provide emergency contraception to rape victims.
The float also boasted two papier-mache replica heads of Lieberman and President Bush kissing. It mocked how the president hugged Lieberman and appeared to have kissed his right cheek after the February 2005 State of the Union address.
As for the Republican, Alan Schlesinger:
…he hopes Lamont wins the Democratic ticket, Lieberman runs as an independent, and that they continue attacking each other until November. When the dust settles, the Schlesinger campaign should win with 37 percent of the vote, he said.
“The odds go way down in a two-way (race, but) I honestly believe I’m the front-runner in a three-way race,” Schlesinger said.
Meanwhile, Christy Hardin Smith is on a rampage to make sure that the DSCC fully supports the winner of the August 8th primary. She has all the contact information you need to make sure the DSCC knows how you feel.
I really believe Joe Lieberman is going to lose the primary. I didn’t believe that until he made the decision to run regardless of how he does in the primary. I just don’t think he can insult the primary voters by telling them he will not respect their vote and still win a majority.
On Friday at 5:30 PM EST, Lamont and Lieberman will have a half-hour debate at the WVIT Channel 30 studios in West Hartford. Holy Joe is going to need to force Lamont into some tremendous gaffe to stop his Nedmentum (or Nedreniline…whatever).
Lastly, Lieberman, in utter desperation, has revived another failed Vice-Presidential contender’s rhetoric.
“My challenger is backed by a group of very zealous people and they are using me to get at President Bush,” Lieberman said. “I know President Bush. I wouldn’t say he’s a friend of mine. and trust me, I am no President Bush.”
Joe get smoochie-faced with the shrub, but they’re not friends? One can only wonder what manifestation of endearment he reserves for his actual friends.
Hey Joe, way to take one of the best verbal smackdowns in political history and turn it into a steaming pile of crap.
Oh, I’m snickering.
There’s a little bit of the bible that describes the anti-Christ coming to earth and posing as the messiah.
I wonder if we would feel reassured if Christ declared to sceptics, “I know Satan (they’ve had drinks). I’m not fond of him, and buhlieve me, I am not Satan.”
Joe sure won me over!
out to get at President Bush”…Dear Joe…you got it wrong again…
“We” are a bunch of zealots out to defeat you in August and beat the Rethuglicans in November.
“We” are a bunch of patriots trying to save this nation from asshats like you and George.
“We” are putting together a team – including Ned Lamont – to once again have a Congress and Senate that make laws and enforce the ones we have…
“We” will work to Censure or Impeach your buddy George when our team takes office.
So now is the time to stop kissing George’s butt and bend over and kiss your own political ass good-bye!
The GOP is in serious trouble in this country and new polling data shows
that the key voters this cycle are rejecting the Republican agenda of
regression and stagnation. Last week a new USAction/GQR poll came out
showing that swing voters in ’06 toss up Congressional Districts and Senate
races are not only fed up with President Bush, but also favor a progressive
investment agenda:
The climate is changing fast and it looks as if right wingers have even more
reason to be cowering in fear .
Of all the people on Faux news who are complete assholes none gets me more frothing at the mouth then Hannity. So I was reading he had holy joe on and they are just so chummy and good friends that Hannity offered to do anything he could to help re-elect his buddy joe-including going to Connecticut and campaigning for him.
If I needed any more of an incentive to think little joe is a complete turncoat the idea that Hannity is one of his friends and backers slammed that nail in the coffin but good.
There is a nice video of the parade here:
The pink poster is the one about Plan B.
Check it out!
Lieberman: ‘I am no President Bush’ (from Danbury News Times, CT):
Joe’s right, he is not President Bush and here is some visual proof.
President Bush:

Joe Lieberman, Bush’s favorite Democrat (AKA Bush’s Ass):

Funny thing about that. If the Democrats had a primary, someone won it, and then all the Democrats got together and supported that candidate, he would easily defeat the Republican.
So who is damaging the Democratic Party? The guy who runs in the Primary against the Republican Apologist & Turncoat, or the RAT who refuses to accept the decision of the Democratic Party and runs as an independent if he doesn’t like the answer the Dems give him?
Lieberman will lose the primary next month, then come in third in November.
the rest of his party has sunk to the lowest depths of Stalinism, flirting with treason and betrayal as part of their strategy to gain power while accusing others of what they themselves do.
but this is a little like reading spoon’s description of the ‘authoritarian left’ and the multiple Communists who are reliable Democratic voters. Stalinism? Are these folks crazy? What are they talking about?
What they are talking about is that there is a new group of Democrats out there that scares the shit out of them, so they better demonize them ASAP.
“(The Republican, Schlesinger) hopes Lamont wins the Democratic ticket, Lieberman runs as an independent, and that they continue attacking each other until November. When the dust settles, the Schlesinger campaign should win with 37 percent of the vote, he said. “The odds go way down in a two-way (race, but) I honestly believe I’m the front-runner in a three-way race,” Schlesinger said.”
Instant Runoff Voting (or IRV) would eliminate all this garbage.
If Connecticut voters had IRV, they could go into the booth in November and vote for Ned Lamont 1st, and Joe Lieberman 2nd (or vice versa) and not worry about splitting their vote and giving the race to Alan Schlesinger. The time has long since come to do away with this spoiler problem. The time has long since come to enact IRV.
IRV is fully constitutional, and takes but a simple act of state legislation for any given state to utilize it on its ballot. No act of Congress necessary, no constitutional amendment required.
London elects their mayor with IRV, Australia has used IRV for decades, and San Francisco now uses IRV for all of their citywide elections. To learn how you can help make Instant Runoff Voting a reality in your municipality or state, please visit the Center for Voting and Democracy, at http://www.fairvote.org
Patrick Meighan
Venice, CA