I’ll get your back — I can’t believe she would post a good night and run. Maybe SN will get on when she goes to bed … Oh wait … the three of you go to bed at the same time … 🙂
Andi you’re here. Ok what have ya’ll been doing, have you had fun, did you take SN for a walk in the wood, do the dogs like her, has she laughed at Jim’s jokes, did she oh and ah over your scrapes, and many more questions to come which I guess can be answered tomorrow. 🙂
It has its good points and its bad points. The good point is I have lots of time to write, read and blog. The bad point is, the only money I have coming in is from unemployment insurance, which is something but not near ’nuff. (And it keeps getting whittled on. For instance the monitor on my desktop computer went out today and I am going to have to pay about $150 to replace it. That’s an expense I could have done without.)
That’d be a lot easier if I bought tickets. But then, being mathematically literate, I know that I have pretty much the same chance of winning the lottery whether I buy a ticket or not.
Still, that doesn’t keep me from thinking about how I’d spend the money if I won.
but very doable…the key is to find someone responsible to rent to for a couple mos. There’s an office at the Univ that you can work thru for short term rentals to visiting and guest faculty that’s pretty reliable. A nice bene esp since I’m very near the U.
If I do it this year it’d be West coast bound, Central Coast Ca, up thru NCal maybe as far as Vancouver and E thru BC…it’s a very germinal idea at the moment, and prob won’t happen if I manage to land a proj in the next 2 mos…always try to have a plan, eh…:{)
It’s funny … I think of you being west (relative to where I am) but I guess you’re not really …
We’re considering a trip out to BC to visit my bro — he just bought his first house a month ago, and I have to get out there to visit him. Was considering driving, but it takes one week to get out there and if we stayed a week we’d be looking at 3wks total which is too long to be away right now.
I do drive fast, but if I have to be somewhere, I don’t stop very often. Boulder to Boston 2 days goin’; lazed a bit coming back and took three…plug in the detector, set the cruise on speed limit + 10 and get after it if you’re on the interstate’s, back roads take a little longer…:{)
I want a lover with an easy touch
I want somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
I want somebody who will understand
When it comes to love, I want a slow hand
the great Pointer Sisters — one of them passed away earlier this year… 🙁
Frustrated here with my not-so-Mighty Mouse…not being able to scroll downwards is quite annoying, especially on 100+ post diaries. Will definitely be paying a visit to the Apple Store tomorrow (not sure if we’ll go to the one in Palo Alto or the one at Valley Fair) to get it looked at, possibly purchase a new one. (Wish Apple would come out with a Bluetooth Mighty Mouse…wonder if that’s anywhere in the works…)
Okay, heading for bed myself, I think…have a good night…
there’s a very active climbing community here, a few world class folks. Lots of good rock climbs really close by, some you can walk to.
It’s gotten a lot more popular than it was when I was doing it. Generally, a couple people a year die on local climbs. IMS, there’s been 2 fatalities already this year, and a couple people seriously injured.
Hey there Omir! Didn’t get a chance to shout ya out earlier when I popped in, so please consider yourself gladly greeted! (He says as he heads out the door… bad me, baaad me!)
Hope to catch ya again soon sometime when I can stick around longer… keep cool out there!
So far so good around here … no real snarls or anything. But Pepa and Rolly have some training in store to break him in to the ways of this pack… He’s really well behaved and friendly, but I wonder if any of them realize the long term plan yet! In any case, much harmony at least so far around here.
This pup, however, has been way too pampered and needs to lose some serious weight. He weighs more than Pepa who is significantly bigger, all things considered. Anyway … he’s gonna lose the weight eventually.
They do make really cute graduated pups … kind of like Russian Nesting Dolls, but without the nesting.
She didn’t come to be called the old bitch of the house for no reason! When she wants, she can be quite the hussy to get what she wants. I worry more about Rolly being intimidated by another male, but I think he’ll assert himself if he needs to.
No idea about the bed, but I suspect not at this point. There are so many dog-loungeable spots in our house that no one need go wanting there.
I did a quick survey of the garden tonight and gasped at the number of weeds that still need to be pulled… a couple of good rains and it’s all chaos again. Tomorrow night will be a weed and water night, I’m afraid. And Saturday, and Sunday, lol!
I will be so glad when I have tomorrow’s work out of the way … this week sucked! Are you finally emerged from FCH? Please, say yes!
The only things for certain are death and taxes … we could amend to add weeds! This week sucked and blew … can’t wait for it to end. Um, FCH — yeah. Well, I don’t know what to say about that.
This was pretty soon after we brought him in the house, and all of them were still very excited from truck ride and walk … it’s much mellower downstairs now. Andy is following C around everywhere, but he does know him better than me, so I figure that’s normal.
and groomed; wanted to make a good first impression…:{) I’ve never brought an adult dog into the family, it’s always been pups. That’s always an adventure, but my experience is the existing dog really makes training the pup easier…peer pressure, or adulation from the newbie…:{)
Yup, he went the to the groomer the other day. It’s home haircuts from now on out, pup… this is a no foof zone around here. And lordy, he came with 2 duffel bags of toys and stuff as well. Time to transition from the pampered life to the luxury of the simpler, I’m a real dog, life.
Swore I’d never ever own a poodle unless it was a standard I really liked. Nor a cocker … now we have a bit of both, lol.
He is very sweet and likes being a lap dog, so he may end up working as leverage for me w/Pepa, who often blows me off in that dept. hehehe
who had a black cockapoo female, she was really a sweet dog, and smart…just barked a lot…which is a major problem in my book. Tried to break her of it but got no back up…love me-love my dog-as is…:{/
glucosamine for joints (which I think Rolly should be taking as well) and has special deodorant, lol! Like I said, he’s gonna transition into the no foof zone quick.
Doesn’t seem to be a barker so far, but I’ll forgive him that during the transition if he’s freaked out by this neighborhood’s many dogs and different noises.
Seems pretty bright too… he knows which ones of his toys are the puppy, squinny and squirrel!
If we don’t groom him (note, that is C), yes he’ll get all foofy like a poodle, which then can get all matted and nasty. Besides they look better clipped short, I think. Never wanted a dog that had to be clipped, but here we are and C can now also take over haircutting duties there, lol!
are crawling off the side of the page here… as my eyes start to grow heavy… Probably should head on out before I stay up too late (again). At least all is quiet in the house still, and night one of the new pup seems to be going well. (Though he did bark at me briefly when I went downstairs a little bit ago, lol.)
One more frazzling day of cubihell and I can relax tomorrow night (after weed and water)…
Catch you two on the proverbial flip side of dada’s hourglass….
Right backatcha… gonna try to keep up the more reasonable schedule, but miss my late night loons (guess that makes me a dodo or something obscure). Anyway… definitely catch you all at some point in the next few days with more pupdates (if need be)…
Night, dada, omir, chers lurkeurs and our dear friends ennessay…
Clean cafe and plenty of room.
A new cafe to trash. 🙂
Ain’t it wonderful.
Yes, why yes it is. How are you this fine evening FM?
I’m doing fine Omir. Are you still enjoying you break?
Leave the helmet off — it makes for really uncomfortable napping.
You mean when you finally show up it’s to say good night?!?! No updates?! Annnnnnnndddddddddddiiiiiii!
Wait until tomorrow Olivia. Boy I’m going to let them have it for just jumping and and saying good night….
Wait a minute, she still might be lurking.
Never mind.
I’ll get your back — I can’t believe she would post a good night and run. Maybe SN will get on when she goes to bed … Oh wait … the three of you go to bed at the same time … 🙂
Andi you’re here. Ok what have ya’ll been doing, have you had fun, did you take SN for a walk in the wood, do the dogs like her, has she laughed at Jim’s jokes, did she oh and ah over your scrapes, and many more questions to come which I guess can be answered tomorrow. 🙂
It has its good points and its bad points. The good point is I have lots of time to write, read and blog. The bad point is, the only money I have coming in is from unemployment insurance, which is something but not near ’nuff. (And it keeps getting whittled on. For instance the monitor on my desktop computer went out today and I am going to have to pay about $150 to replace it. That’s an expense I could have done without.)
Sorry to hear about your monitor. Easy solution on the money. Win the lottery. I know one of these day I will. 🙂
That’d be a lot easier if I bought tickets. But then, being mathematically literate, I know that I have pretty much the same chance of winning the lottery whether I buy a ticket or not.
Still, that doesn’t keep me from thinking about how I’d spend the money if I won.
The geezer goddess has beat me to saying good night.
So good night everyone.
Have a good night in the pond.
Sleep well FM!
G’Niht FM, Andi, SN, et al. Sweet dreams.
What’s new and exciting?
this keeps up I just might rent the house for a couple mos and take off again.
There’s something to be said for that: being able to pack up and take off whenever. Where would you go in this scenario — somewhere warm?
Btw, IVG and C are getting the new pup tonight.
but very doable…the key is to find someone responsible to rent to for a couple mos. There’s an office at the Univ that you can work thru for short term rentals to visiting and guest faculty that’s pretty reliable. A nice bene esp since I’m very near the U.
If I do it this year it’d be West coast bound, Central Coast Ca, up thru NCal maybe as far as Vancouver and E thru BC…it’s a very germinal idea at the moment, and prob won’t happen if I manage to land a proj in the next 2 mos…always try to have a plan, eh…:{)
It’s funny … I think of you being west (relative to where I am) but I guess you’re not really …
We’re considering a trip out to BC to visit my bro — he just bought his first house a month ago, and I have to get out there to visit him. Was considering driving, but it takes one week to get out there and if we stayed a week we’d be looking at 3wks total which is too long to be away right now.
no way that’s a week…3 days, max…:{)
You must be a speed demon!
I do drive fast, but if I have to be somewhere, I don’t stop very often. Boulder to Boston 2 days goin’; lazed a bit coming back and took three…plug in the detector, set the cruise on speed limit + 10 and get after it if you’re on the interstate’s, back roads take a little longer…:{)
Interesting … 🙂
some things are better fast…:{)
I want a man with a slow hand…
don’t even know who sang that ah-hem, “song.”
ya got a perverted mind…bringing up some of the devil’s musics’ double entendre lyrics; which are too numerous to catalog properly…:{)
I always liked the jimi hendrix misread Excuse me, while I kiss this guy…
They’re called Mondegreens
what would I do w/out ya, dada?
You gotta come to Chicago in Oct… esp if you’ll be travelling.
way back when…may still be but I never hear it used.
I want a lover with an easy touch
I want somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
I want somebody who will understand
When it comes to love, I want a slow hand
I knew there was a reason I always seemed to hear that song in a crowded bar under intoxicated circumstances …
Here’s a link of the actual song: link.
Not sure who it is tho…
the great Pointer Sisters — one of them passed away earlier this year… 🙁
Frustrated here with my not-so-Mighty Mouse…not being able to scroll downwards is quite annoying, especially on 100+ post diaries. Will definitely be paying a visit to the Apple Store tomorrow (not sure if we’ll go to the one in Palo Alto or the one at Valley Fair) to get it looked at, possibly purchase a new one. (Wish Apple would come out with a Bluetooth Mighty Mouse…wonder if that’s anywhere in the works…)
Okay, heading for bed myself, I think…have a good night…
Besides the motorcycle part, I’m sure you’ll approve then …
Telling tails: Iron Butt honours endurance riders.
but fun; kinda like “High Pointing” or ‘Peak Bagging”
gave up the technical stuff many years ago.
Is that a tourist draw?
I think we’ve lost IVG in the time warp.
there’s a very active climbing community here, a few world class folks. Lots of good rock climbs really close by, some you can walk to.
It’s gotten a lot more popular than it was when I was doing it. Generally, a couple people a year die on local climbs. IMS, there’s been 2 fatalities already this year, and a couple people seriously injured.
To Vail I think … for climbing.
Night FM’erino.
Sorry to hear about the job situation. At least you get UE, I’m just self unemployed…no bene’s. One of the more annoying aspects of it…:{)
Yeah, but look on the bright side, at least you don’t have a jerk for a boss. 🙂
Yeah, I’ve got to be cool, cause if I quit on account of myself being a jerk, there wouldn’t be anybody to do the work…”{)
Hey there Omir! Didn’t get a chance to shout ya out earlier when I popped in, so please consider yourself gladly greeted! (He says as he heads out the door… bad me, baaad me!)
Hope to catch ya again soon sometime when I can stick around longer… keep cool out there!
Hi . . . goodbye . . .
who was that masked gardener?
Here’s Andy …

… with a Y
So how are you all holding up? You all being You, C, Rolly, Pepa and Andy … phew!
So far so good around here … no real snarls or anything. But Pepa and Rolly have some training in store to break him in to the ways of this pack… He’s really well behaved and friendly, but I wonder if any of them realize the long term plan yet! In any case, much harmony at least so far around here.
This pup, however, has been way too pampered and needs to lose some serious weight. He weighs more than Pepa who is significantly bigger, all things considered. Anyway … he’s gonna lose the weight eventually.
They do make really cute graduated pups … kind of like Russian Nesting Dolls, but without the nesting.
Well like d said below — maybe too soon to tell — but so far so good.
So where’s Andy going to sleep tonight? Does he get bed access right away? 🙂
Poor Pepa is so outnumbered now!
She didn’t come to be called the old bitch of the house for no reason! When she wants, she can be quite the hussy to get what she wants. I worry more about Rolly being intimidated by another male, but I think he’ll assert himself if he needs to.
No idea about the bed, but I suspect not at this point. There are so many dog-loungeable spots in our house that no one need go wanting there.
That makes sense … 🙂 Maybe he’ll sleep on the floor beside C if he’s comfortable w/ him.
So how are the non-furry inhabitants? 🙂
I did a quick survey of the garden tonight and gasped at the number of weeds that still need to be pulled… a couple of good rains and it’s all chaos again. Tomorrow night will be a weed and water night, I’m afraid. And Saturday, and Sunday, lol!
I will be so glad when I have tomorrow’s work out of the way … this week sucked! Are you finally emerged from FCH? Please, say yes!
The only things for certain are death and taxes … we could amend to add weeds! This week sucked and blew … can’t wait for it to end. Um, FCH — yeah. Well, I don’t know what to say about that.
Looks a bit nervous, or hot, w/ the tongue hanging out like that…Pepa and Rolly down w/ it?…too soon to tell I suspect.
This was pretty soon after we brought him in the house, and all of them were still very excited from truck ride and walk … it’s much mellower downstairs now. Andy is following C around everywhere, but he does know him better than me, so I figure that’s normal.
Here’s another shot showing more of him, lol…

and groomed; wanted to make a good first impression…:{) I’ve never brought an adult dog into the family, it’s always been pups. That’s always an adventure, but my experience is the existing dog really makes training the pup easier…peer pressure, or adulation from the newbie…:{)
Yup, he went the to the groomer the other day. It’s home haircuts from now on out, pup… this is a no foof zone around here. And lordy, he came with 2 duffel bags of toys and stuff as well. Time to transition from the pampered life to the luxury of the simpler, I’m a real dog, life.
Swore I’d never ever own a poodle unless it was a standard I really liked. Nor a cocker … now we have a bit of both, lol.
He is very sweet and likes being a lap dog, so he may end up working as leverage for me w/Pepa, who often blows me off in that dept. hehehe
Does he have special food as well? 🙂
who had a black cockapoo female, she was really a sweet dog, and smart…just barked a lot…which is a major problem in my book. Tried to break her of it but got no back up…love me-love my dog-as is…:{/
glucosamine for joints (which I think Rolly should be taking as well) and has special deodorant, lol! Like I said, he’s gonna transition into the no foof zone quick.
Doesn’t seem to be a barker so far, but I’ll forgive him that during the transition if he’s freaked out by this neighborhood’s many dogs and different noises.
Seems pretty bright too… he knows which ones of his toys are the puppy, squinny and squirrel!
LOL … If you don’t have him groomed will he grow a longer coat?
If we don’t groom him (note, that is C), yes he’ll get all foofy like a poodle, which then can get all matted and nasty. Besides they look better clipped short, I think. Never wanted a dog that had to be clipped, but here we are and C can now also take over haircutting duties there, lol!
The things ya learn hangin’ out here…who’d a thunk?
are crawling off the side of the page here… as my eyes start to grow heavy… Probably should head on out before I stay up too late (again). At least all is quiet in the house still, and night one of the new pup seems to be going well. (Though he did bark at me briefly when I went downstairs a little bit ago, lol.)
One more frazzling day of cubihell and I can relax tomorrow night (after weed and water)…
Catch you two on the proverbial flip side of dada’s hourglass….
I’m glad the first night seems to be settled … hopefully it’s a good sign of how it will all work out.
Good luck tomorrow — one more day! Sleep well, sweet dreams…
Right backatcha… gonna try to keep up the more reasonable schedule, but miss my late night loons (guess that makes me a dodo or something obscure). Anyway… definitely catch you all at some point in the next few days with more pupdates (if need be)…
Night, dada, omir, chers lurkeurs and our dear friends ennessay…
w/ work and Andy.
On the flip, dude…
It seems way too early though LOL!
Every once in a while … 🙂
‘Bout to fall off the page.
Looks like you and me again…who’s gonna turn out the lights?
Ladies first … 🙂
G’Night, sleep well, good luck in cubihell tomorrow…catch ya on the flip.
Sweet dreams …