Froggy Bottom Cube Day.
How’s you cube today?
Got all your squares lined up
Got all your squares lined up
Newcomers and lurkers join the fun.
Everyone here is the boss.
Everyone here is the boss.
Grab a load of papers and throw them over the partitions.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you.
New café up for you cube dwellers. Have you loved your cube today?
I’ve been loving my cube all morning long. It’s like a little slice of heaven right here on earth.
I am so envious of your cube.
My cube is like oxygen. My cube is a many splendid thing. All you need is a cube. A cube is all you need.
I’ve got to get the day started and run errands.
I’ll check back later.
Hey all, I wrote this in the window between the coffee cart being open and closed. So, hello again.
This continues to be a good week. I got another editing project cleared yesterday and today I’m going to start the final polish on a young adult novel that got stuck on the back burner for the past five months. That’ll be finished tuesdayish and then it’ll be my agent’s problem. Maybe five more days of work on back projects after that and then I’ll actually be completely free to start something new. Between the crossed off stuff and the PW starred review, I’m feeling no pain.
Tea Today: Diet Cherry Pepsi. Sigh. But what I’d really like is a big old mug of Earl Grayer.
Well – I’ve given my resignation at this job from hell. I have a high probability of getting a great job in SF…more later as I know.
Life is good and change for the future in my world is good. I’ll check in later…I just posted a diary and I’ll need to make sure I spelled correctly – need more coffee!
For us left-coasters – fresh coffee!

Good for you! I hope that you get that job.
Hey SallyCat, I know we talked a couple of months ago about the possibility of you switching jobs and you were hopeful the issues at your job would be resolved. Sorry it didn’t work out; but I’m happy you’ve made a decision to leave a bad situation. Good luck on the job search.
That is great news! I hope you get the new job, and have some time in the mountains in between.
in the mountains AND a couple of days whitewater rafting with them up front!
Woo hoo a second vacation just after getting back from the first!
but I need to get my eyes adjusted. For a second there I read that as underwater rafting.
Yeah SallyCat. Rafting has always been one of my favorite past times. π
on the work front. I hope it works out wonderfully for you.
and hope that if you get a job in SF, it’ll work out that you can take GG Transit into town (driving/parking in the City is a bee-yatch). Maybe you can park at Larkspur and take the ferry! π
Dropped a little comment into your wonderful diary — I can’t read DTF’s because my doctor wants me to keep the blood pressure down… lol
Looking forward to lots of “Cube Stories”! Once I even choreographed a dance about the Rubic’s Cube, believe it or not….
Please go take a look at my diary if you have a moment, a labor of love for my sister who lives in England. Would love to get your comments!
And it took the dancers three days to get themselves upright and untangled, right?
If it was me I’d have just had everybody pull off their leotard and put on one of the right color so it came out right. Just like peeling stickers off the cube.
Hey Omir! (Penguins, penguins!)
It was a sweet dance, I did it on my students when I was teaching at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, and one dancer sat on a cube and solved the cube during the dance. Of course I had to teach him how to solve it, but the audience just loved it!
Little cubicles in the office,
Little cubicles made of ticky-tacky,
Little cubicles in the office,
And they all look just the same.
There’s a gray one,
And a gray one,
And another gray one,
And another depressing monotonous industrial nondescript gray one,
And they’re all made of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same.
They don’t look the same if you have a Boo Trib. sticker stareing at you. π
Hi everybody. I’m back for a minute while I’m getting ready for the day.
Part of my getting ready is making a new recipe. No not for the still, that one is pretty basic. I’m trying another ice cream recipe. Got a problem though. I’ve got measuring cups and spoons, but without a weight measurer, how do I measure out 100 grams of sugar?
I’m beginning to believe this ice cream making is more effort than a person of my slackerly abilities wants to put out.
BTW how’s life in cubeland?
I’m already outta here again.
Back in a minute.
Olivia I can’t imagine you in cubihell.
We are the place we make and you always make a place shine with joy and good will.
Man I’m piling it deep today, aren’t I. π
That was good — exactly what I needed right now at this moment. Thanks for the laughs FM.
How’s it going — getting your errands under control?
It’s going OK. Got most of the errands done.
We’re getting some rain right now. I think I can actually see the grass growing. Arrrrggggg.
Tell me you’re doing fun things for the rest of the day.
Yes I’m doing fun things.
From there not sure how much more fun I can have. π
You should skip 1 and 5.
Too bad about the rain. I found a pic for you … maybe one day your lawn will look like this:
I can only wish for a lawn like that.
I’ve got to get at least number one done, so I’m off to having a good time.
Enjoy the rest of your day in Olivia’s Cube World. π
I love your sign, Olivia! Just a quick sneak in here while at work so I can at least say hi to everyone. Yup, cubihell here again (still) today and for the foreseeable future. <sigh>
On a lighter note… (I hope!) Andy, the new pup will be coming to our house to live tonight. We’re taking Pepa and Rolly over to his (soon former) house to get them acquainted on a group walk, then he will come home with us. Wish us luck! I hope all my apprehension about this is unfounded ….
Hope I can make it to the FBL later tonight … fell asleep in my chair last night and woke up to go to bed at 3:00 am! Someone did try to rouse me earlier but I guess I stayed asleep, lol.
Hope you and the rest of the gang are having a tolerable day! Seeya toots…
I’ll be thinking of you all and hope that it goes smoothly. Make sure you bring the Beggin’ Strips … π
Trying to get moving here…may need to pay a visit to the Apple Store; the scroll wheel on my mouse has given up the ghost (scrolls up, but not down). I’ll take it to the Genius Bar folks and see if they can check it out, but looks like I’ll be buying a new one today. (It gets a lot of use, especially on longer threads.)
Other than that, not much going on…same old same old… sigh
My cube’s 75 acres which is why I can only duck in and out during the day. Quack! I must run off agin!
Cleaning and naps are done and a new batch of the recipe made.
Who’s around?
Nice to brush into you if only briefly… sounds like you had a productive day, and I will soon be ready to leave here and perhaps get a brief nap in for myself. I just can’t get enough sleep lately for some reason (thus my nod offs in the chair).
How has that ice cream been working out for ya? Have you been working on your proprietary chitlin version yet?
Gotta run, my friend, but I did see your comment at the b the other day. I hope to have some new stuff up by this weekend. The last week has been really hard on me for various reasons, so my apologies on that!
Hi IVG. I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard time recently. The sleep thing is always a good thing. π
No need to ever apologize about the b. You rest up and enjoy yourself some.
What kind did you make — chocolate almond? π
Yes and it’s in the fridge now. I’ve got to chill it for another couple of hours before I can put it in the freezer.
Chocolate almond … mmm mmm mmm! π
In a couple of hours I’ll find out if it’s a nightmare.
It’s like most of my cooking. I don’t know how it’s going to turn out until it’s done. π
The first didn’t harden, the second was okay?
Yep on #3. The second would never freeze in the maker. So I put the mixture in the freezer and it came out kind of gluey. Tasty though. π
This batch I decided to follow the recipe. I figured what the heck. The people who know how to make ice cream might know something.
Following the recipe that is. I hope it turns out! I’m going out for a bit … see you later?
See Ya later Olivia.
Her flight went fine and we’ve been enjoying ourselves so much we forgot about you guys. And now we’re going to forget about you some more.
Oh sure. You’ve both forgotten about us, but we’ve been here worrying about ya’ll.
Sure go ahead and have fun. π
Have you whipped up the chocolate frosting yet π
Won’t you come see about me
I’ll be alone, dancing
you know it, baby
Tell me your troubles and doubts
giving me everything, inside and out
love’s strange, so real in the dark
think of the tender things that we were working on
slow change may pull us apart
when the light gets into your heart, baby
Don’t you forget about me…
Have fun, I wish I was there! Give each other a hug from me. π
an he lef mi alon…not kewl…i’em komputer litrate too, heir’s whut itz relly like at casa Bu
an i don like bein’ called boy!!!
You tell him! π
i wil hez gone be sorri i got frendz in hi plazez
hehe hehe heh
Just so you know, he missed you terribly when you were gone … so go a little easy on him. π
Geez if my sister and b-i-l were in the picture, I could really identify with it.
You fixed it though, so hopefully no more “here boy” right?
Yea I figure I’m good for another six months. π
Hi there Bu! Nice to see you checkin in, since mean ole dada won’t let you do it very often, so take advantage when you can!
Do you have any words of wisdom for the new dog coming to live at our house tonight? He will be here in a few hours, and Pepa and Rolly have been told, but we’re not sure they understand fully what it means (yet).
Well I have to run now, so I can go watch the LIEberman vs. Lamont debate on teevee, and hope that Lamont wipes the floor up with Holy Joe!
Maybe I’ll be able to catch you later … if not, you, dada and all of the great peeps around here have fun and be good!
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour here