Justus’s challengers suffer bad reviews after candidate forum

Is Jason Klumb “the most obnoxious candidate in Missouri?” One Kansas City journalist who covered the recent candidates’ forum in the Historic Northeast opined that Klumb is “in the running” for that title.
According to Bruce Rodgers, editor and publisher of eKC, neither Klumb nor Mike Flaherty offer much to 10th District voters: “Flaherty – a conservative Democrat who repeatedly bought up the name of former state Sen. Harry Wiggins as his mentor; and Klumb – who, in my opinion, is a sound-bite machine, well in the running as the most obnoxious candidate in Missouri. Here’s a guy who repeatedly uses such meaningless phrases as ‘get things done for us,’ ‘protecting our citizens,’ ‘I will fight for you,’ ‘I view this (race) as destiny,’ ‘I have the ability to get things done’ and ‘We need to cut waste, reduce waste.’ What is even more annoying is that Klumb says such tripe behind a plastic smile plastered on his boyish face. Despite conjuring up the ghost of former Gov. Mel Carnahan, Klumb reflects everything that is wrong with the majority of Democratic, and Republican, Party candidates – condescending, lacking in ordinary real-life working experience, heavily in debt to special interests, implying a right to hold office because of who one has known or knows, and assuming language will hide a lack of ideas when it comes to addressing issues before the public.”

Rodgers assessment of Jolie Justus presents a positive reflection of the 10th District that she seeks to represent in the Senate: “an unabashed liberal and an idealist wanting ‘social advancement for everyone.” Sounds like just the prescription for what ails Jefferson City.

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Crossposted at the usual suspects.