Yesterday I sent my sister, who lives and works in England, the following email:
What you think of these statistics?
Britons Tire of Cruel, Vulgar US: Poll
More than two-thirds who offered an opinion said America is essentially an imperial power seeking world domination. And 81 per cent of those who took a view said President George W Bush hypocritically championed democracy as a cover for the pursuit of American self-interests.
Her response after the flip.
And my response to her:
Sad that we all have to get blamed for the soulless monster that’s living in the White House. Especially as IMHO he was never actually elected and therefore does not (I repeat NOT) represent the majority of Americans. As far as I’m concerned, the US government has become a corporate supremacy and we basically live in a propaganda state since the media is owned by a handful of corporate supremacists who care for nothing besides protecting their right to accumulate and own obscene wealth. Our so-called government is comprised for the most part of their paid shills and sock puppets.
A couple of nights ago I fell asleep with the TV on and woke up to the documentary “Bush’s Brain” on the Sundance Channel, which was pretty scary. It’s about Karl Rove the evil mastermind that is driving the current administration. Long ago Rove came up with a formula for using the mass media to manipulate public opinion and subvert political will. Not only is Rove’s moral and ethical bankruptcy appalling, but the slavish willingness of the “flag-waving, gun toting sheep” to be influenced by malicious, slanderous gossip and moronic schoolyard-bully slogans is beyond comprehension. Maybe even more incomprehensible are the mindless multitudes who jump up and fiercely hate America without either the means or inclination to shed light on problems that effect them just much as they do Americans.
And our biggest problem right now, IMHO, is electronic voting. It has been proven that electronic voting machines are easily hackable from your basic home computer. Moreover, they are owned by right-wing neocons. It completely subverts democracy to have an electoral process that is not 100% traceable and transparent.
However, the “flag waving, gun toting sheep” are just in love with the fact that electronic voting is so “easy.” It’s just so much f**king trouble to go to the polls for 15 minutes every two years or so to put officials in office who represent their interests, so they want to streamline the process! These are idiots who’s uneducated simple minds are grist for the Rovian propaganda mill that is driving public opinion in this country. One of the scariest things for me is the fact that our votes just aren’t counted.
Many Republicans — most notably bu$h — have won under suspicious circumstances. For example, no one has come up with a cogent explanation of the bizarre statistical anomalies in the 2004 exit polls. Kerry was 2% ahead in the exit polls on election eve and then bu$h won by 2% the next morning. Experts put the odds of something like this happening at millions to one, and it would have triggered an instant investigation of election fraud in any other country. But here, they couldn’t recount all the votes even if they wanted to, thanks to paperless electronic voting.
Voting reform activists are fighting this tooth and nail, and even got electronic voting machines decertified in California. But then, suddenly, on the eve of a recent special election, the (Republican) California Secretary of State Bruce McPherson recertified the electronic machines (and a Republican won, naturally). The result of the election remains in dispute, but what are you going to do, really? The results of election 2000 are no longer in dispute. Gore actually won, and no thinking person disagrees with this. But the “clock” ran out long ago on making any restitution to Al Gore or to the voters who elected him, not to mention those who have lost lives and/or had lives destroyed by bu$h’s illegal and immoral Iraq invasion. The state-level Secretary of State is a weak link in the electoral process, and this has been exploited to the utmost. For example, Kathleen Harris, Kenneth Blackwell, Bruce McPherson, to name three.
But the point I’m trying to make is that the Rovian “whisper campaigns” in combination with election high jinx and fan-the-flames wedge issues (such as illegal immigration and gay marriage) are all part of a systematic crusade to dismantle the electoral process in order to permanently install a corporate supremacy at the helm of America and, ultimately, the world.
People go to sleep thinking their candidate won — just because s/he was ahead in both the pre-election and exit polls — and wake up to find out that s/he has been defeated. It seems incomprehensible, but the big media prints story after story about how the extreme religious right was suddenly mobilized to stampede the polls at the last minute to “Save America” because Ann Richards is a lesbian, or John McCain has an illegitimate Black daughter, or Max Cleland is holding hands with Islamist extremists, or John Kerry is a coward, or illegal aliens are destroying the US economy, or homosexuals are polluting marriage, or whatever, you get my drift. All lies, and I really wonder if any of these lies really drive majority-voter behavior, or just put us all to sleep while our democracy was hijacked?
So my answer to your question is that there are no easy answers. However, education happens one mind at a time, so if it is in your power to diffuse the rabid identity politics and educate even one person in your circle, then you can be part of the solution. The corporate supremacy is global and should concern every human being on the face of this planet. By hating America instead of thinking and acting rationally to address the problems we are all facing, they are helping bu$hco destroy the world as we know it. There is obviously hope, even in this poll:
Anyway, are these people really so proud of that horse’s ass Tony Blair who is ultimately responsible for helping bu$h commit the Iraq atrocity?
There are so many good resources for progressive activism on the internet. I wish you would visit Booman Tribune, which also has a European Tribune counterpart, or Daily Kos and ask some of these same questions. We desperately need your intelligence and your voice and your passion!
If anyone here has any thoughts, advice, or encouragement to send to my sister in England, it would be greatly appreciated!
We need to keep repeating that generalizations are the root of power for the corrupt. Your letter to your sister coincided with my thoughts that have been coalescing for a while…and came to fruition earlier.
Maybe some of the ideas in my diary below yours will help your sister. Many of us are trying and if we convince her, and she convinces 3 others…and so on. We each need to keep trying and stop generalizing. The media is so culpable…aaarrgh!
Just read your diary and agree that sweeping generalizations are at the root of the problem!
I’m reading this through tears, sorry. I’ll have to wait a while and reread your lovely diary when I’m more… I dunno…
But I did want to say that Amy Goodman once mentioned at a speech that it’s so hard to combat the words, the news because everything is based on a sound byte, a short clip. And to combat it, to reason with it takes longer than a quip or a blurb. It takes time. And it’s really hard to do that in most situations.
Anyways I’ll follow the links and the strings back to your heart in the diary with some tea, kleenex and a calmer heart later. (But wnated to let you nkow I liked this and I’m glad you’re doing the “mental ju jitsu of one on one activism because that’s so much harder than marching some days 🙂 (MM))))
Thanks for reading commenting and encouraging and sending along the Amy Goodman quote. Boy ain’t that the truth! I’m in blogging-black out at work…. but wanted to sneak a peek and see if there were any more comments. Be back later!
Excellent, excellent, excellent responses, Mythmother. It’s all true. When you mentioned eolectronic voting as the pivotal issue, I fell in love. There is no vestige of democracy left when the people can’t vote with any confidence.
True, and it makes it that much more difficult when people talk about election reform as the issue. If the election process is corrupt and the officials are corrupt, then who is going to reform the election process and how are they going to do it?
That’s what I don’t get!
This is the fundamental root of the problem. Americans as a whole are being blamed for the actions of an administration that they did not elect. They basically have two options: try to clean up the system or engage in a violent revolt. While some distant faceless commentators may prefer to puff on their pipes, pretend to be wise, and comment from behind the safety of their screens that Americans are irresponsible for not throwing their lives away in a pointless war, I applaud those that are actually trying to fight this unethical, illegal regime responsibly.
…..puff on their pipes, pretend to be wise, and comment from behind the safety of their screens….
Well said, Egar.
And I too have thought of the “violent revolt” option. I can’t really picture it happening and don’t want to picture it happening, since violent rebellions are just about the least effective means to bring about positive social change. Yesterday on KPFK I heard someone talking about the Mexican election who said something like “the political process is not a mechanism for social change” and I’ve been thinking about that. If not, then what?
Historically, I can’t think of any case where a civil revolt (the people of a nation against it’s government) has lead to a positive change. I could be missing something obvious, but they always seem to lead to increased tyranny and oppression. The American Revolution is often lauded as a counterexample, but that was more a war by a nation soverign in all but name against a foreign invader that didn’t really want the land anymore.
Working within the system takes time, but it works. Armed revolution is the easy answer and, like most easy answers, it tends to fuck things up.
I totally agree, Egar. George Orwell’s Animal Farm really tells the story about how revolutions usually if not always turn out. However, there are many kinds of revolution, and I think it is definitely time for a peaceful voter revolt. Not sure what form it would take, but it is much needed and maybe wiser heads than mine will lead the way.