I’m just throwing this up as a planning diary. We have another round of Petals for Peace going tomorrow. And we’re doing some cool things. We’re spreading out to yet another wing-nut Congressman. Rep. Bill Shuster. Thanks to tampopo’s initiative.
Let me give you the e-mail I’ve sent out to the local peace people:
Petals for Peace
Petals for Peace is creative and easy way to protest against the war in Iraq. People simply deliver a flower to their congress person on a selected day. So far we’ve delivered approximately 850 flowers over the course of seven days.
The next Petals for Peace day is Friday, July 7, 2006. Delivering a flower to Congressman Mike Rogers is easy. There are three methods of delivery: 1) Call it in. Bancroft Flowers will deliver for you (1-866-476-8608); 2) Personal delivery. Pick up a flower at Bancrofts (1417 E. Michigan Ave. Lansing) and walk it next door to Rogers’ office (1327 E. Michigan Ave. Lansing, Michigan); or 3) Fax it. Draw a flower on regular paper and fax it to Rogers (517) 702-8642.
Be sure to send us an e-mail (tjayolson@hotmail.com) so we can count your flower delivery. We’re trying to get to 1,000 flowers this time around. So tell a friend or two.
For those of you who are really motivated, we have expanded Petals for Peace to include two other members of Congress. You can also deliver your Petals for Peace to Rep. Joe Schwarz (MI-07 — 6604 W. Saginaw Highway, Lansing, MI; Fax 517-327-7488) and Rep. Bill Shuster (PA-09 — 100 Lincoln Way East, Suite B, Chambersburg, PA — Fax 717-264-0269).
Thanks for joining in. Peace.
If you are a blogger (and you must be if you are reading these words), then here are some of the things I could use your help with.
- Put your ideas in the comments. This is a pretty organic movement. And new ideas are welcome.
- I’ll be out picketing tomorrow. But I’ll thow up a diary here asking for people to get involved. The diary will also go up at dKos and My Left Wing. Recommend the diaries if you can, and you like this idea. Also, spread it around at other blogs. And by e-mail. Etc. I’m going to try to get my diaries up early. Between 7-8 a.m. EST. And then on to start deliveries.
- Let’s get a good start for tampopo’s Congressman. I’m suggesting that we actually schedule fax or flower deliveries for each hour of the day (that only takes eight of us). Or each half-hour if we have that much energy/interest. I’m definitely in for that.
- Please take the time to deliver one to Rogers, if you can. By phone or fax. Or in person for the rare one of you in my viewing area. I’ve got 43 deliveries pledged so far. So I’m still 107 short. That is going to have to come from blog land, or somewhere. If you can’t afford to participate, check out item 5.
- For those who can’t afford to participate, I’m going to offer this. Just put your name below. Whatever. First name and initial. Or blogname. And your message to Rogers — be civil — we’re being civil. And I’ll make sure we fund your flower delivery. But we’re not delivering without a sponsor. So I need your names/messages. Locations would be great too. Whatever you want. If you don’t feel comfortable posting such things, you can e-mail me (tjayolson@hotmail.com). If I don’t respond by sometime late this evening, just figure that your message got weeded out by my e-mail. And try me again. I never fail to respond when I get an e-mail — but my e-mail is a bit touchy sometimes.
That’s all I’ve got for now. Off to meet with contingent going to Schwarz office. One of the results of your efforts. We’re meeting his staff today to discuss peace. A dialogue. Cue chorus of angels on my mark.
Thanks to all who’ve helped before. And will help again. And to all in general. You are all pretty good Joe’s in my book. Not that my book is all that good.
By the quiet persistence and patience results are being made by all of you in your home state Boston Joe.
Thank you for all of your patience and quiet resolve. You would make so many of the leaders for peace proud of you…from the past to the present.
Flowers and quiet respectful words….or honey not vinegar make change.
Thank you….I’ll do what I can from my side of the country.
Thanks Sally Cat. I appreciate the Western influence. This war will end. And someday, I think it must all change. It is going to get better.
Good work and good luck BJ…keep the faith, and I know from four decades of anti-war activism, it ain’t easy. You’re making a difference and the support you’re receiving, esp locally, is a sign of that. Be sure to take care of yourself and your family too…listen to your friends when they offer you good advice, stepping away is often required. It’s not admitting defeat, it’s acknowledging the toll that it takes and taking a break to re-charge.
I’ll not be around much tomorrow, so if you’d like to use the posters from ej, manny and I again, here are the links…put ’em where you want… they’re hosted on TinyPic, so no ones’ bandwidth gets chewed up:
day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
It may be time for us to get together and do a new set, but can’t for tomorrow.
Peace Bro
Thanks for everything. I’ve been looking for these links, but haven’t found the time to look through the old diaries for the images. I want to use some of them. Great stuff. Thank you for the input. We’ll catch up with you again on down the line.
normally I call or send a flower or two.
Janet Aylward
Proud Patriotic Liberal
Beaverton OR
Mr. Rogers:
Stand up and stop these wars!
If not for our children…
then at least for yours.
Sincerely, a mother who will march till the bloodshed has stopped.
Thank you Janet. That’s one. And an awesome one at that.
Hey Joe – don’t tell me the book isn’t that good. I just spent my last dime on it at the Booman store.
Please put me down on your list. I don’t know how to put a flower picture in a comment, or to send a fax.
Thanks – Alice Ward, Lake Oconee GA
Well thanks for the book buy. I’ll tell you what. If you honestly don’t love it, I’ll get your money back. 😉 I’m pretty confident in that old book. It’s the new one that’s giving me fits. Still time to fix it all though. I’m off to deliver yours and Janet’s flowers now. Thank you.