Also available at The American Nightmare.
Today is the sixtieth birthday of our feckless leader, George W. Bush.
In “celebration” of the event, I present the following as my gift to him…
to George, on your sixtieth birthday
Dear George, I give you my simple words as my gift to you
on this, the sixtieth anniversary of your magnanimous birth,
for you have bequeathed so much of yourself in sacrifice to our great nation,
you have given so much to us, so much that will carry on long after you have left,
you have given us an unending war against a sovereign nation with little chance
of wielding the holy world destruction that you extolled in your speeches,
screaming of fire and brimstone and apocalyptic mushroom clouds of death,
you have given us a generation of scarred, scared men and women and children,
permanently bruised from the acts witnessed and committed in the name of your savior,
desperately adjusting to life without limbs, without peace, without parents,
you have given us a debt that can in all probability not be overcome in our lifetimes,
while the huddled masses struggle to fill their shriveled stomachs and provide for their families,
the rich smile through their caviar encrusted teeth at the growing lower class,
you have given us the derision of the world’s mockery, cat-calls from the streets of foreign cities,
wasting away the camaraderie of our world neighbors that grew from our greatest modern struggle,
in the name of your deluded personal vendetta against a man of no real threat or power,
you have given us a generation of children left behind, without the tools needed to succeed,
children pushed through the system with basic skills and no understanding of meaning,
all for the reached expectations of mandated standardized testing of no true value,
you have given us warmer summers and deadlier weather, thanks to your cleverly named
environmental legislations, relaxing standards on those industries most responsible
for the forcible rape of our planet, must keep those who line your silken pockets happy, though, right?
you have given us the warmth in your heart and soul, showing us how to move on
when a center of American culture and home to hundreds of thousands is destroyed,
that cake was sweet like poison, that song was shrill like the wailing of a demon spawn,
you have given us so much of yourself, George,
such a self-less sacrifice in the name of your principles,
in the name of those cornerstones of our struggling nation,
in the name of money, power, oil and corruption,
those four horsemen of your global apocalypse,
so, on this, your special day,
I give you my words, my simple gift,
for you deserve no less,
go fuck yourself, George,
may you rot in the hell you have created.
Darrell J Gahm
July 6, 2006
thank you for reading and thank you for sharing in the wondrous event that is Georgie’s birthday…
Great writing…!
Go fuck yourself George!!!!
Fuck your wars for greed.
Fuck your rape of the planet.
Fuck your drilling.
Fuck your weedwhacking of the language.
Fuck your leaving every child behind.
Fuck your quitar strumming, cake eating, giggles as people drowned.
Fuck your entire family of criminals and lazy asses.
Fuck your blackened out history and locked up military records.
Fuck your silver spoon you worthless piece of shit.
And fuck your followers and your puppet masters.
oh… and fuck you once more because we know you’re such a greedy bastard that you take more than you deserve.
Janet Aylward
you really need to learn how to express yourself and speak up!! Nice rant!! LOL
wasnt even my diary… I didn’t think too much about it till I saw it had a comment. OMG!!!
Fucking WarPigs (53+ / 0-)
may they all rot in their own filth.
I’m not afraid of some Islamic Terrah… I’m afraid of the Redneck Mullet Man in the crapped out pick up truck, the pasty white family in the Jesus mini van, the Aryan in the wannabe cammies.
I’m afraid of policemen, women with high hair and crosses on their necks.
But I’m not afraid of Veterans for Peace. I love those guys with all my heart.
You wanna know what shirt I wear that makes some in America crazy with anger?? A PINK tshirt that says CodePink, Women for Peace.
That always seems to drive the Marine Recruiter, or the mousy housewife, or the 18 year old with the high and tight nuts!
The difference, of course, is that the Islamic terror threat is ginned up, a maybe-couldbe thing that might happen, someday. The domestic terrorists are among us now, and they’re a lot scarier because for the most part they look just like us.
And lest you think that’s hyperbole, what do you call it when someone tries to scare you into silence and/or submission? I call it terrorism, and if His Nibs really wanted to get rid of it, he’d start at home.
Yup. He needs to fix his country first… all I see is him neutering it.
I’m not afraid of a terrorist bomb hitting us. I’m afraid of a drunk driver hitting my car.
I’m afraid of a diet coke can or worsebeing thrown at my head while I walk in a march.
I’m afraid that all it takes is for someone’s child to be hurt on a swingset, or a bike accident or a soccer game… and that family could lose everything because they haven’t any INSURANCE!!!
But I’m no longer afraid of Bush. I’m no longer afraid of … being an American and speaking my mind and taking action.
Thank you for sharing this!!!!