Originally posted at Liberal Street Fighter

Thanks to Brad Blog, I was able to see this fantastic editorial by Catherine Crier from June 21st. Sadly, no transcript, but Brad Blog does produce this highlight:

Is this not an attack on Democracy? If 357,000 Americans were killed by al Qaeda, we would call that an attack on democracy and freedom. The press would headline such an event and it would shape our policies for decades to come. In a democracy, when 357,000 votes are effectively killed at the voting booth, what do you call it?

The national character of this scandal is unprecedented and threatens to turn us into little more than a banana republic, where candidates appear on the ballot in name only because the election has already been determined.

If we are willing to send our troops around the world to secure freedom at the ballot box for others, shouldn’t we fight for that right here at home?

Partisanship has no place in this battle. For the sake of democracy…for the sake of America…it is time all citizens demand the sanctity of our election process.

With the November elections almost upon us, we haven’t a moment to lose.

I know I shouldn’t take much hope from it, but it’s encouraging to see SOMEONE on one of the cable shows actually speak to the issue so bluntly. We need more people to see the danger we’re in and TALK about it before the Banana Republicans finish off what little is left of our fragile Republic.
click on the photo above to read excepts from the debate over certifying the Ohio vote back in January 2005.