Originally Posted @ Voices In The Wilderness

As the world begins its efforts to come up with a statement at the United Nations their hypocrisy continues to be quite evident. The new resolve of the world to condemn North Korea was brought about by the recent missile tests of the DPRK yet Israel has, for the past 11 or 12 days, been in the process of testing missiles on Palestinian people and infrastructure and not even the weakest of statements condemning their actions has come out from the collective world body.
With impunity the Israelis invade the land of a people and proceed to collectively punish each and every Palestinian in Gaza in order to secure the safe release of their soldier. The current count is 35 dead Palestinians 1 dead Israeli soldier and 1 captured, well fed, well taken care of Israeli soldier. Do not consider my assessment to be at all bias as the Israeli government themselves have confirmed that a Palestinian doctor has looked after the soldier and he is, after all the heavy handed force by the Israeli military, still alive.

I think it is worth mentioning that though Kim Jong Il is upsetting the world with his missile test (short range and long range missiles) it is the Israeli government and military that is in violation of international law by collectively punishing an entire population for the actions of a few militants. It is safe to suggest that Israel will face no punishment, no threat of sanctions, no words of condemnation from the majority of nations in the “internationally community”, specifically the worlds only super power, the United States of America, which has to date only been able to thank Israel for its restraint and tout their right to defend themselves.

Regional Response

It’s easy to point the finger at Western support for Israel’s ability to continuously violate international law but the truth is that regional governments bear just as much if not more of the blame. No regional government, save Iran, has spoken out in the defense of the Palestinian people; none have threatened to cut off ties, trade relations or any other punitive measures in response to these horrific actions.

In addition to condemning the actions of the Israeli government, region wide sanctions must be imposed on Israel by nations such as Jordan & Egypt who have direct dealings with the Israeli government. Moreover, It is hard to imagine that the Iranian government cannot come up with some measures to twist the arms of western nations to, at the very least, speak out against Israel’s actions.

Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Iran should all consider trying to convince the Hamas led Palestinian authority to give control of all militants to the elected government as a pre-condition to fully arming the Palestinians to defend themselves of these incursions in the future.

Would such actions be seen as supporting terrorism?

Simple response to any claims that arming the Palestinians is supporting terrorism cannot and should not be taken seriously by any government who arms Israel and gives 3 billion dollars of tax payer dollars to the Israeli cause year after year irrespective of their governments’ decisions to close their eyes to international law. If Israel is going to continue to bomb Palestinian infrastructure (including water purification systems & electrical grids) with impunity the Palestinians certainly have the right to defend themselves against this. Let me make this clear, I support and advocate non violence under every circumstance (including this one) but I am not willing to condemn any Palestinian or supporter of the Palestinian people who take violent actions in response to what Israel is doing right now. It is a fully understandable (though regrettable) response.

Contrary to the government of Canada I fully and unabashedly condemn Israel for their response to the captured soldier crises and I call on all supporters of truth and righteousness to likewise condemn these actions.

Prayers and blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all of my Palestinian brothers and sisters and all of my Israeli brothers and sisters who have found shame in the actions of the Israeli government. The day will come when such actions will receive the response from the Lord that they deserve.

God Bless