If you like rants, make sure to read Mark Morford’s George W. Bush Is Dead To Me; Nation cringes as the worst president ever continues long, painful slog to the end in the San Francisco Chronicle. Rants are new feature in mainstream newspapers. It’s about time they allowed some real passion and outrage.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
is apparently to the wrong site…
sorry about that, it is fixed now. Thank you.
I liked the first link better. Now my comment makes no sense. No worries though, I haven’t made sense in years.
Try this one….
Living in this SF area we love Mark Morford…all the time! It may be that we are truly lucky to be in this most liberal of regions….or the publishers / editors are as warped as the rest of us! Makes no difference…good read.
It seems you found a cat who is really scared. God bless his little heart. I just hope the guy finds his way out from under the covers before he has to be at work on Monday.
This makes no sense now that BooMan went and fixed his link. I’m crushed.
Now my curiousity has been piqued. Dang it.
It was good stuff. I’d go so far as to call it earth shattering.
Ah, story of my life.
Well the replacement link was a good rant.
There are wonderful April Fool’s potentials in this. Must remember!
Apropos of nothing in your comment, I love Mark Morford.
Over the past week or so, I’ve been transcribing sections of an interview the first woman Presiding Bishop Elect of the Episcopal Church. I’ve gathered the links into one post here, for anyone who is interested. I really like Katharine Jefferts Schori and her continued emphasis on the need to get back to focussing on making sure that the hungry are fed and the sick are healed. And she’s trained as a scientist, which gives her an interesting perspective.
Thank you Renee. Sometimes I feel such intense despair that I go looking for an anti-bush rant that will express all my anger and disgust. You have given me an alternate place to look for a healing balm.
Morford is a fine ranter. The Chronicle started printing him last year after he got a following for his online columns on their Web site. It made me realize that I prefer to read rants on my computer — the medium fits the message so well. I always wonder how long they’ll continue to print his stuff since he pisses off so many readers.
/this may not be relevant, but has anyone started a “Deadwood” thread this time around? Last year’s was fun, and I have a few questions. Just one for now: What happened to Alma’s baby? Answer if you know, please.
Doc had to perform an abortion because of Alma’s continued bleeding.
Thank you. I thought the baby was almost full-term. Will Alma become embitteed by her cruel experiences in Deadwood and start seriously misbehaving?
You better watch tonight! It looks like Alma is having some trouble dealing…