This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Pass the sports section over here when you’re done.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
I think I’ll do a whole lot of nothing today.
Good morning Andi. Doing a whole lot of nothing sounds vaguely familiar.
My brain seems to be set as the extra-slow speed this morning.
LOL brain in extra-slow speed. Welcome to my world. π
You must still be getting over the excitement of SN being there. You’ve got today to do nothing and then you’ll have a wonderful Monday showing up.
MOrning, FM. I’m on a full size computer now so my typing should be somewhat better.
What are your plans for the day?
Sorry jumped in on your reply to Andi.
I don’t know what’s going on today. I had a no sleep night. Toss/turn, get up bowl ice cream, repeat all night. I think I put on 10 pounds just last night. π
What plans you got today?
I’m planning to go to the Indians game this afternoon, but there’s a chance I won’t. Then it’s just hanging out with the family.
Geez you go home to the big city and you’re thinking of going to a boring baseball game.
Go out, paint the town, go and….Oh wait a minute, I forgot you’re in Cleveland.
Baseball sounds good. π
There’s alot to be painted – it’s Roma night at the lounge where my son works. I won’t go into details but it involves drinking and debauchery.
But I know you are used to the exciting metropolis of Hooterville, so this place would seem small potatoes.
Well the town did buy one roman candle for the 4th, but it was a dud.
Drinking and debauchery. Kind of early to think of that, but I’m game. π
You never do nothing. Who are you trying to kid?
Morning SN. How are you feeling this am?
I slept like a rock after Andi ran me around like a boy scout on speed.
My sister has this little yippy dog that apparently hates me and has to bark 147 times every time I move a muscle.
As I was telling Andi above, welcome to my world.
George and relatives = yap city.
This is one of those tiny dogs that looks exactly like a doberman but has the metabolism of a hummingbird. He just shakes and yaps, shakes and yaps.
Except for how the dog looks, that’s George. Well excpet when he’s dressed in his tux.
to protect you.
I can just imagine the look Hopeful would give Minnie. π Hopeful would be like ‘what the hell are you yapping about? I’ll be over there in just…a….few…minutes to do something about it.’
It all depends on your definition of nothing. Taking the dogs for a walk and lying around reading is mine.
How’s the weather for the game?
The weather looks perfect but I started to feel bad about my son going with me after working until 5AM. Now I don’t know if I want to go without him. I’ll wait and see if he gets up and gives me a call.
I think you should get him up. He can sleep any time but the chance to go to Indians games with his mom are pretty few.
Especially since this is the final game before the all star break.
I want to try to take a few pictures of the paintings he and his wife are working on for a show. They’re amazing – and huge!
I love looking at paintings and artwork (could you tell?) so I hope you get a lot of good shots.
Hopeful has decided that he’s going to delegate the protection responsibility to Sniff.
Hopeful can give the order and Sniff can execute.
These paintings are huge, like 5×8 FEET! and they’re working on them in a spare bedroom that’s about 9×9 so when they’re done with them they stack them against a wall. If I can get him to move things around enough to get some pics I will.
If there’s some sun, they could take them outside. A lot of painting look even better in natural light.
I’ll try to get natural light. I don’t even know how to describe these paintings so I’m reduced to “oh wow!”
I saw my mom last night and boy has she become frail. My other sisters don’t really notice because they see her all the time. She can barely breathe let alone walk more than 3 steps without resting.
Well, take a picture, woman! We need to seem ’em. π
Sorry about your mom. Maybe she has some blocked arteries. Has her heart function been checked?
Nah, but she smokes incessantly. I just hope she goes quickly when it’s time.
Since I’m awake at an hour that no reasonable human being should be, I thought I’d stop in, say hello and flog a diary I wrote last night.
And then I’m going back to bed, because I’m just as lazy as the rest of the lot of you.
Morning Omir.
Is there such a thing as competitive laziness, and if there were, who would want to compete?
That’s a good question. I once read an article about teaching people how to improve their meditative skills by monitoring the alpha waves the brain produces (they intensify as the brain drops deeper into meditation). One of the ways they did this was by creating a two-player game that involved pushing a little Pong-style dot. Whoever was producing the most alpha waves would push the dot in their direction.
It really seemed like that game was somehow missing the point.
Same with competitive laziness. I think anyone who bothers to enter the competition should be disqualified.
I think anyone who bothers to enter the competition should be disqualified
You’re a great thinker Omir. π
In much younger years, we were a group of friends that discussed creating a National Laziness Association. We were too lazy to actually conduct a constituting meeting…
Hi ask. Yes but in the process of just forming a group to discuss laziness, you weren’t lazy. The metaphysical implications of this is mind boggling. π
Still got clean windows?
Since laziness can’t exist without its opposite, if you never do anything, you aren’t lazy.
The same could be said about napping – you can’t call them naps if you’re never awake, but Family Man manages okay.
After all above comments; wonder if I can find the energy to upload the pics from yesterday’s Riverhead Festival..
You know how we feel about pictures. π
What SN said.
Just kidding π
But is moving a bit slowly, curly is on dial-up.
The dreaded dial-up. ARRgggggg.
But then again, I remember computers of 10-12 years ago, so even with dial up I guess you’re going at lighting speed.
Who made it to the party, ask?
Well, I guess you saw CabinGirl’s message in yesterday’s morning cafe. The news also reached us at the festival. Hope CBtY feels better – poison ivy is no joke.
Pics of everyone who made it to follow soon (one more to upload).
I did see that, poor guy. I was just wondering who did show up, but I’ll wait for the photos.
They’re just posted.
They’re wonderful.
Good looking crew!
Morning Kansas. You’re up late and up early too. When do you sleep?
Must be the fullish moon.
The dog couldn’t sleep either and
kept squeaking for me to wake up.
So I did, every ten minutes
or so.
Wouldn’t you have had to do something to know what lazy is?
be sociable now that other people in the house are awake. Hope everyone has a good day.
Have a good one SN and hope you get to go to the game and enjoy it.
I won’t do a diary on the meet-up. curly and I took the asklets to the beach in the late afternoon and headed back to the city in the evening. Maybe supersoling, or someone else will write up the full story.
curly and Arthur Gilroy
swimmer’s fresh henna tatoo
A relaxed crowd
CookThing, spiderleaf, ask, supersoling
CT and spidey arrived just before we headed to the beach. They must have been painting Scranton a new color the previous night, since they only got going around 11 am …
The pictures are wonderful ask and thank you.
I do hope someone does a diary on this.
Hey you! Would you email me the pics and I’ll do a diary this morning… how was the beach?
The beach was great. Kids could not believe that even their father went for a swim.
Look for e-mail in a few.
Good morning Ask,
Did you have dinner too at the restaurant we mentioned?
Good morning, super.
No, we actually ended up driving back towards and into Riverhead, checking out several places – but it was quite busy. In the end, we drove closer to the city – close to where curly grew up – and found a place.
Had a great time at the beach, though.
Gotta get the day started. It’s amazing all the planning that goes into doing nothing.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
A couple of friends and I are going to do the most hedonistic thing today. We’re going to the movies at 12:30 in the afternoon. Tub ‘o Popcorn! Diet Coke! Superman!
Doesn’t sound decadent to me! But anything goes out here on the left coast… especially when a movie theater is such a good place to stay cool! Hope you enjoy Superman. My son loved it!
I slept late. I got up at 7 am and have been working on a new podcast since then. LOL
Serenity Can Someday Be Yours
Hope everyone is having a glorious Sunday!!! I love the pictures from the meetup. I just found out the duplex I live in is up for sale again. This will be twice in less than 3 years and I dread having to get it spotless so they can show it. I have explained that with the Diva Dogs and the fact that I work 36 miles away appointments to see my side will have to be made well in advance. I am almost wishing I had gone ahead and moved last month. Who knows maybe I will win the lottery. LOL
Mornin’ Frog Ponders! Woke up, read a little bit about the news. How goes everyone else?
Light Rain Fog/Mist
59°F (15°C)
Humidity : 100 %
Wind Speed : N 8 MPH
Dewpoint : 59°F (15°C)
Movin’ slooooow on obviously lazy day here, might even crank up the fireplace when I get back from the market…old Mother Hubbard’s Pantry ain’t got nothin’ on me…:{)
It’s tooooooooooo hot here!
Wish I could. This started Fri night and, frankly, is getting old.
Really needed the moisture and it’s been a good soaking but a couple days w/out sun…:{/
Stay in the shade in your garden and pop inside to the a/c once in a while…minimal clothing is also recommended, as is a cold beverage. :{)
I couldn’t sleep last night — it was horrible! There’s no shade in the garden either … all I’ve got is the cold bevs and the mininal clothing … and cold showers!
You hardly ever sleep anyway…:{)
You’ve got 3 out of 5 going…600 ain’t bad. Maybe you should revert to your childhood and turn on the lawn sprinkler and just sit in it…I’ll let ya know if I have any other good ideas. :{)
To sit in the sprinkler would require sitting in the sun (no shade remember) and therefore freckles … so that’s not going to happen.
It’s one thing to not sleep b/c you’re not sleepy and another to stay up b/c you’re a sweaty, miserable mess.
So are you going to the market?
I’m on a roll…we thought it would be a good idea
Market later this pm when it’s not crowded…hate crowds and lines, and maybe the wet will let up a bit.
There’s always sticking your head in the freezer.
but figured it was full of ice cream…wouldn’t want that to melt.
What better way to go than with you head buried in a bowl of ice cream.
Damn, I am getting to old.
B/c I was thinking the same thing FM.
Well it can’t be getting old then, so it must be a love of ice cream. π
It is supposed to rain today, so maybe some relief …
I check the Ottawa temp. It’s 81F there. You should have a sweater on. π
You’re crazy … just b/c you have 100F and are used to warm doesn’t mean everyone else is. π Yesterday was worse w/ the humidity and it just made the house heat up. Hopefully the rain will make it better for sleeping tonight.
Heck at 80 we turn on the heaters down here.
I’ve got one question. Are there any AC repair people up there, or is there just one guy for the whole country? π
They came on Thursday and again on Friday night and they’ll be back on Monday (I think).
I’m beginning to see now. AC is used so sparingly up there that there are just no parts in the country. π
So that doesn’t fly!
Btw, the score is 1-1.
well…that changes things…sympathy rating just went down…:{)
32 w/ humidity.
89.6º F…OK, that’s uncomfortable…I can’t sleep if it’s hot, and hi humidity really bugs me.
ps: FM, here’s a temp conversion site for when O starts talking Cdn…:{)
I’m not sure if I’m insulted … π
The house was like an oven all day b/c we couldn’t get any air moving w/ the furnace fan plus no ac at all, so ya … sleeping was really uncomfortable. π
Thanks dada. I actually go to that same site, plus a few more when Olivia is talking Canadian.
It’s so confusing. I have to know regular American english, South Eastern American english and now Eastern Canadian english.
I guess it couldn’t get any wierder than when I lived in Germany and pronounced German words with a southern accent. π
Guten Tag ya’ll.
It’s just a few extra u’s here and there, a switch of the er to re … what’s so difficult about that?
What did you say, eh?
I’d taken “High German” in school and remembered a fair bit of it, but I was living in southern Bavaria, which is their version of a deep south dialect…more like Switzel-Deutsch…once I got into the swing of that, when I went up N nobody could understand me and I had to use more english…weird.
I never was fluent enough with German. I could get around and get anything I wanted, but I always had German friends that would do a lot of the translating.
do ya know what a duvet is. Guess she won’t be needing it today, ha!
Why of course NDD. A duvet is like our goose down quilts.
Then again, I read last nights cafe and found out the meaning.
details are yer problem…:{)
I’ve been there olivia – no ac in the midst of the blast of summer. One such time, I got my two dogs and we went for a drive in the car in the middle of the night – it had ac.
And, speaking of shade, I am in total grief mode these days. In the last month, it looks as if my 100+ year old elm tree in my back yard has finally succumed to dutch elm disease. Here’s a pic of it last fall. (I can’t bear taking a picture of it now) Thats the roof of my house at the bottom to give you some perspective.
The drive to get some ac — hung out at an electronics and bookstore for awhile.
That’s awful about your tree! It’s beaufitul and majestic and I’m so sorry NL …
whassup? I think I actually got 8 hours of sleep last night which is a rarity. Just about ready to go to morning services at the temple then out to lunch with old friends.
It’s becoming obvious to me that the social scene I’ve been most recently involved in is rapidly deteriorating because of people fighting, moving, and in one case, changing sexual preferences. It’s all pretty depressing and I’m glad I can come here and write about stuff. All things are subject to change I keep telling myself but it’s also true that nobody likes change except a wet baby.
Will stop by later-stay cool if you can.
(And I just missed you last night when I posted the new/old cafes … π
Hello anybody home?
How’s the day treating you?
Hi Olivia. It sounds like my day is treating me better than yours is treating you. Too hot huh.
I slept on the couch b/c it was too hot upstairs. And since I couldn’t sleep I got online and NDD and K were here so that was a good way to pass the time.
I heard you had trouble sleeping last night — eating ice cream all night even. π
Yep, I think I put on 10 pounds last night. I started to jump into the cafe to see who was here, but I kept trying to go to sleep. In between the ice cream of course. π
It’s just starting …
So what flavour combo have you decided on now? And has your sis had any of your ice cream (seeing as it was her machine to start w/)?
Nope I’m watching a program on the dooms day clock.
Nothing for the sis today, but I was thinking about it. I have to find a no sugar recipe. Anyway I’m kind of hesitant on making any for them. If they like it they’ll start wanting it all the time. Doesn’t fit in with a slouthful life style.
You should probably tell her that so far no luck! π
Who knows, I might make some for them and they’ll be so impressed they’ll insist on buy me an industrial sized ice cream maker.
Oh to dream. π
That sounds like a lot of work FM … Can’t believe you’d be encouraging something like that. π
Are you kidding? When the words industrial and work are used, I go into the supervisory position.
I’d hire someone with the enticement of free ice cream.
It wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t make it.
Speak the magic words and I appear.
And here I was trying so hard to avoid posting so as not to interrupt the momentum of the deck project.
But I’m compulsed, just compulsed to tell ya, it’s a PERFECT DAY here in ND. 65F, sky full of cumulus clouds, humidity 40%.
I just thought ya all ought to know!
( I have a few 2’X 2′ fans which I direct upon myself in such situations as you have related, they help immensely.)
Sounds like my kind of weather!
Are you taking a break from the deck work?
as we say in there here parts.
I can get quite a lot done whilst this machine, operating at 28.8K, loads the latest comments on the FBC.
I’ll check back w/ ya come Dec/Jan re: weather.
I’m going to go and open a Happy Hour.
Give me a few minutes.
Froggy Bottom Bloody Mary Brunch here