This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Special tables for all the grumpy, cranky folks.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
I hate going back to work after I’ve been off for only a couple of days. I want a grumpy, cranky spot all to myself.
Morning Andi.
Isn’t it a beautiful wonderful morning. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the squirrels are scurrying on the grass.
Wait a minute, I just looked out the window and actually it’s still dark here and even the birds and squirrels aren’t up yet. I think I’ll just have a bagel and sit quietly.
It’s still dark here too but the birds are merrily chirping away — the noisy little creeps.
You need to politely go out, look up at the birds and scream, “Shut the &*%^ up!”
That’s always a nice way to get the day started.
I guess I still have some nice in me ’cause I can’t do that — it would wake jim up.
You woke up with the wrong kids show character for a Monday. I always liked the Captain because he wasn’t grouchy. I might be dating my age a little though.
But for the truly geezerly among us, “What Time Is It Kids?”
Aren’t you the cutie (I think; that’s a bit of a strain for my bifocals).
Well yes, I am, but that’s not me ;o)
I just picked this off Google and posted it before I saw the circle around the kid. I think I might have been too subversive even back then to have willingly gone on that show ;o)
And isn’t Bozo just a little too freaky? Like a bad clown nightmare.
I actually didn’t pay much attention to any of these shows. At that age if it didn’t have a horse in it, I didn’t watch it. The only exception was Kukla, Fran, and Ollie which I loved.
I used to watch that show too. I really watched all of them except for Howdy Doody…it was a little before my time. I even watched Mister Rogers Neighborhood :o) In fact, years later, when I was separated and raising the kids by myself, I used to meet once a week with a counselor, mentor, big brother kind of guy who knew Fred Rogers from college or something. Anyway, this guy said that he told Rogers about me and how I was raising the kids and he relayed to me that Rogers message to me was to keep doing what I was doing, and to keep sharing as much of me as I could with my kids. More or less a pat on the back for doing things the right way. Some people might laugh at that, but I thought it was cool, and it made me feel good.
Supersoling, fwiw I think that’s pretty cool, too. π
That’s really cool!
I love Fred Rogers. What a wise and gentle soul.
I always thought Romper Room was boring. And they never called my name. I guess Omir just wasn’t on their list. Harumph.
This thread inspired me to go look for an image of one of the kids’ show hosts I liked when I was little, and sadly, I just learned that Chuck Zink died earlier this year.
Chuck Zink played a character called Skipper Chuck on local morning TV in South Florida from the 50s through the 70s, so both my mother and I watched him when we were children. I never knew much about his politics when I was a kid, but the news story I linked above notes that he integrated his audience during segregation, and then some asshat blew up his mailbox over it, as per usual. The theme song for his show during the period I watched it was Peace, Love & Happiness, which was all I really needed to know back then, and which Chuck sang with three of his fingers up in a display that kind-of became a local Skipper Chuck salute that fans would flash at him when they saw him out and about in town.
RIP Chuck Zink, and thanks for everything. Peace, Love & Happiness, brother.
Interesting stuff. Makes me want to go back and check the make-up of the “peanut gallery” on the Howdy Doody show.
The mid-early 70s was a very weird time to be a white kid in a place where segregation had occurred. Integration was still actively going on, and bussing was all around us, and all this intense violent hateful stuff had just happened but none of the grownups told us kids much about it. For our own “protection”, I assume they rationalized. When we asked probing questions, they would say things like, “Oh that was before you were born,” knowing that to a kid who’s 6, “before you were born” translates roughly to “4 years after the Bronze Age”, so it was kind-of hard to put it all together into a social narrative that made any sense.
I’m just barely old enough to not remember Buffalo Bob, but I was a regular worshipper at the Church of Captain Kangaroo. When Mr. Moose would trick him into doing whatever it was he did to get the ping pong balls to fall on his head, or Bunny Rabbit managed to swipe the carrots from him, I thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
I wish I could find a copy of the Tale of the Tootlebird. That is one of my favorite stories from when I was a kid.
This is J P Patches and his sidekick Gertrude. One day the brass at one of the local TV stations came to weatherman Chris Wrede and told him he was doing a children’s show, and no, they didn’t have any idea what the show was going to be. So he invented this character, Julius Pierpoint Patches, who was the mayor of the city dump, and he and his sidekick Gertrude (or Ketchikan the Animal Man or various others, all played by the same guy) would get into all kinds of mischief.
Wrede is still doing J P Patches shows around Seattle even though he’s long since retired from KIRO. He was the direct inspiration for my brother-in-law to become a clown and children’s entertainer.
If you were a Patches Pal you had to follow the Patches Pal Rules: “Mind mommy and daddy. Wash up, comb your hair, brush your teeth, drink your milk and eat your food. Say your prayers, share your toys, then put them away and hang up your clothes.”
The other stations had accordionist Stan Boreson, who is also still around and still performing, or Captain Puget or Brakeman Bill, but they just weren’t quite the same. Kids actually begged their parents to go to the dump to see J P Patches and were bummed when it turned out to be, well, a dump.
I learned most of this from locals, because I grew up on the other side of the state where we just got a boring guy with a wallaby in a sad little wire cage who showed cartoons. (The weather guy, not the wallaby.)
Sang many a song with my youngest daughter and this guy.
Wonder where Psi is this morning?
Gotta get the day started, see ya’ll later.
Good morning froggies. I’m exhausted. Weekend warrior needs another day.
Good morning Mr. B
I second that wholeheartedly. One more day please ;o)
Spiderleaf and CookTing are still asleep and I’m typng as quietly as possible. We’re all fairly wiped out. I don’t envy the 9 hour drive they have ahead of them today.
If you rustle one up, I hope you’ll share. In the meantime, I guess I ought to “go” to work.
Hey everyone! It’s cool and breezy and there may be a thunderstorm today. I hope to get down to the lakeshore and take some pictures.
I can no longer make fun of the first and gladly forgotten Mr. Nature for getting poison ivy every time he steps outside the door. I have a couple of itchy patches on my ankles, and for some reason, the back of my neck. It’s very mild though and hydrocortisone takes care of the itch.
It’s weird being home again – everything is so familiar and yet it doesn’t feel like home anymore. Weird and sort of depressing.
did you get that here?
I think of it as a souvenir since I was too cheap to buy one in Nashville. It’s really only a couple of small patches.
I miss your dogs! I finally got the little dog here to stop barking at me every time I move. It required a few dozen doggy treats while her owners weren’t looking. π
I’m sorry. Guilt-meter is in the danger-zone.
The dogs miss you. When I came back from airport, Sniff waited a few minutes for you to get out and then checked all around the car as if I’d hidden you somewhere. And Hopeful has been looking forlorn (yes, it is possible for him to look more woeful than normal).
Ick…posion ivy sucks. CBtY currently has it all over his face and neck, and it’s driving him (and by extension, the rest of us) crazy. He can hardly sleep.
A little fog to cool off the morning…had a good time with friends from SF Kossacks and wine this weekend. Job interviews continue for the new company and I’m the only candidate! Spoke on the phone with a number of friends.
Looks like meet-ups around and good friends on both coasts!
Happy Monday!
Groucho Monday? (and this is where I’d post a Groucho pic if I was more awake – i.e. willing to go back and relearn the necessary html) But I’m not a morning person, not even late morning and when I went digging through the source code I got derailed.
Anyway, good morning to everyone. The morning kids show I used to watch was The New Zoo Crew which no one seems ever to have heard of. My grandmother was a TV tower technician and she’d often take me to work with her in the summer and run tapes for me on one of the back up machines. I have no idea whether it was local or national or what.
Today’s tea: Genmaicha, a blend with puffed and brown rice. Sounds very interesting, stronger and darker with some nut tones I’d think.
This little beauty was issued by the self-titled Republic of Abkhazia, technically a part of the Republic of Georgia but which has largely done its own thing since the early 1990s. A nicely framed copy of it, courtesy of my sister-in-law and her husband, hangs in the hall of our house.
Sniff is taken. π
Wow, Sniff is ready for his close-up.
How did the pictures you took in the woods come out?
You’re right, they don’t really show how pretty the woods are. Some of mine were fuzzy because I didn’t use the right setting, but a couple are nice.
I think that cameras are stubborn and just won’t take pictures of what I see.
BTW, Hopeful is mortified by that picture — you failed to capture his chic and debonair aura.
I know that sweet puppy. You captured his wary nature. It’s probably because you look a little like his vet. Well you both have blonde hair.
Come back anytime.
Once again, I am flogging a diary. C’mon over and take a look.
I finished a grueling afternoon of shopping and lunch and will be going out to dinner with my oldest son and his wife, my daughter and my niece, Tessa. Here’s a pic of the dog who hates/loves me. She’s very happy sitting on the wheelchair with my nephew.
Seeing the look that dog is giving you I’d say it regards you as a threat to the peace and stability of the known world.
Have fun at dinner.
just noticed that Kelly’s (KMc) book WebMage is now available for order from Powell’s. Got mine on order — so I’ll be supporting a fellow Tribber and BooTrib at the same time. π
Looks like a great read…
Other than that, had a blazing headache (either allergy or heat related) so getting a bit of late start.
Hope everyone has a great day…
Thanks for the post/plug! And the info. It’s good to know I can start sending people to Powell’s now.
Well here I am, skidding into the cafe late as usual which means it will probably close as I’m writing this! Hope people weren’t too grouchy and that all headaches and owies are being resolved.
Began training my new student worker bee today and she’s great, already experienced and also a nice person. Between us we should be able to repair much of the damage caused by the other full-time groundskeeper who seems to have both a learning disability and a bad attitude.
Am still feeling strange after an odd weekend examining my options for socializing. I actually may mend fences with a former housemate who bailed on me abruptly (emotionally not financially) a few years ago . Also stayed up too late writing bold flirty notes to two men I think are somewhat interested-in Portland it’s sometimes hard to tell. Let’s see, if he says he likes your energy (as in aura not stamina) does it mean he’ll go out with you? What if (a different) he runs his hand down your arm when leaving? You can’t even tell by physical affection: I helped a woman today find a class and she hugged me and she wasn’t a hippy either. It happens all the time….
I think it’s time for a happy hour cafe.