Being the magnanimous individual that I am, I have decided to finally get with it and support those righteous patriots who possess the insight to truly understand that President George W. Bush deserves complete and unwavering trust, full support and allegiance in his effort to provide God’s liberty to the oppressed Iraqis.

This is even though there are less and less Iraqis to experience this gift each day due to the crankiness of some dead-enders who just won’t get with the program.

Therefore, I have purchased and am offering the deeds to timeshare ‘condos’ in either Ramadi, Mosul, Kirkuk,Tikrit, Samarra, Najaf or Baghdad to Joe Lieberman, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, John Hinderaker, David Horowitz, Glenn Reynolds, Charles Krauthammer, Fred Barnes, Morton Kondracke and Bill O’Reilly. These are the brightest bulbs who understand that success in Iraq is just around the corner. My generosity will allow all that ‘good news’ that never makes it into traitorous newspapers of the left to be reported from on-site.
Curiously, I have received limited responses to my generous offer.

Bill O’Reilly did respond but declined–very strict limits on loofah importation into Iraq was the given reason.

Ann Coulter sent a cryptic reply that, to the best of my interpretation, reads that she’s not interested until Prada, Fendi and Gucci have opened outlets in Iraq. She ended her note with ‘camouflage just isn’t me, $!#%.’

David Horowitz said ‘thanks but no thanks’ because ‘there aren’t enough Iraqi professors for him to accuse of engaging in a vast leftwing educational conspiracy.’ I guess too many have already been been killed.

Malkin said she would think about it but wouldn’t decide until each and every Iraqi was first rounded up and sent to an internment camp.

Ah yes, freedom apparently means different things to different people. .