I am Barry Welsh and I am the Indiana 6th District Democratic Party Congressional Candidate.  I am opposite Mike Pence in the November 7th Election.

We have had a great campaign weekend.  We were active in two of the biggest counties in the district yesterday and with other great Democratic Candidates from across the ticket in all cases.  Today we had a successful fundraiser at the Wilbur Wright Birthplace Museum.  A site symbolic of innovation, and that was the theme today, and the message in my address.  We had people from all across the district, and even outside of the district, come in support.  The band was great too!

But that is not what this writing is about.  See Below for that.

I cannot count the number of times this weekend that I was asked, why are you running for congress?  Now this is a great thing!!  This means people are considering giving me their vote, and they are considering it strongly enough to stop me and ask me that question.  

There are many other questions asked of course, but the most often asked question is why are you running for congress?

I thought maybe some of you might have that same curiosity.

I could say it is because I was asked to give voice to those who would not have one otherwise, which is true, but that is not what I answer.

I could say that it is because I was asked because I am a gun owning Preacher and the perfect counter to two of Mr. Pence’s main strengths.  This is also true, but that is not what I answer.

I could say it is because I want to focus on making this district a leader in manufacturing and exporting alternative energy technology.  Also very true, as are countless other things.

But I answer the absolute truth.  My mom died last year just as we were making the decision to run or to sit it out.   My family talked about what the last years of Mom’s life would have been like without Social Security and without Medicare. They don’t talk about it much now, but the Neo-Conservative, Radical Republicans, still want to kill Social Security.   My Dad was a World War II veteran and stood up for my future.  I am standing up for my daughter’s future, and the future of their children and their grandchildren.  

Can you think of a better reason to stand in front of the Republican Noise Machine with the last great act of defiance and have the audacity to challenge Mr. Pence?

Barry Welsh Indiana 6th District Democratic Congressional Candidate.