Having some ac probs, so a little hot and muggy … makes for uncomfortable sleeping. I was sorry to hear about the poison ivy outbreak … that stuff is just so miserable. How’s he doing today?
Previouse topic,
I`m also completely not fond of pitbulls generally, but I hold the morons who use them as penis extensions to a much higher level of disdain.
I`m posting a pic of “CLARABELLE” who is the first young lady to grace our presence tonight at our newly opened shelter.
She is one of three, introduced tonight to each other & to the life of pre-relocation.
Some one is building a large house one canyon over from my place & this necessitates extensive grading. This inturn destroys the habitat of these nice little creatures. 90% of their diet is ants, as for some reason they need the formic acid.
My friend & I have been doing our night sorties for over a month, using a “dustbuster” to vacum ants for the 14 we`ve saved from the bulldozers so far. Today I just ordered 2,000 ants again which I`ve done twice already.
So here I present to you all.
CLARABELLE http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/6150/clarabelledscn87114je.jpg
Horned toads live on an almost exclusive diet of ants.They bury themselves in the sand in seconds by wriggling and almost vibrating their body. They are buried all night & when it starts to warm up in the morning they`ll pop their heads up & get warmer & warmer till it`s time for [guess what?] ants. If you`ve never seen one they are quite strange. First you see a blur & you can discern a lizard. It stops & you can`t see it anymore. They move in short little bursts like 12″ or so, sometimes a little more, but when they stop dead they blend in to the background extremely well. Their habitat loss is only one of the reasons they suffer degradation in numbers. Most people will spray an ant hill in their yard but that`s a horned toads lifeblood. Also, the invasion of ants from the south, even as far as South America, which are introduced by accident coming in with produce are killing local ants & are also not the ones the horned toads would eat. They hibernate for many months during wintertime. They are egglayers & will lay maybe 10 eggs. They will eat from 20 to 100 ants a day .
Here`s one who still has the reddish calcium sand we transported her in.
They come in a variety of colors & some have the color of the substrate they live in. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/2272/ironoredscn86999id.jpg
Well, I got someone to help me get my critical work files off the old drive (apparently my hard drive is in the process of dying), although it took 6 tries and tolting my box to make it run…so I at least have my half-finished draft and my laptop to work with.
and thx for the props. Read a bit earlier today about the poison ivy thing… ZANFEL is what you need to get at the drugstore. Very pricey, but works like a charm, according to folks close to me … but I run from the stuff (poison ivy). If your son has it bad, I’d recommend trying the stuff… it works for C’s mom and she’s horridly susceptible to poison ivy…
Oh, and belated congrats on your finishing the course work! Oh, if life didn’t have to interfere with celebrating such milestones…..
My head was getting all bruised from banging it on the wall waiting for something to happen here. My hookup is especially slow tonight. I gotta call my local guru and find out what’s going on. It was bad enough before without getting any worse.
Yeah, you’ll get an email on that one, but might not be tonight though. I’m trying to decide if I should work on some deck parts in the basement or just hit the hay before too long. Actually starting to feel a little tired.
Last night was weird. I was still wide awake at 4AM, so I got up, took a nice shower, and went back to bed. Slept fine then.
work proceeds, but I’m beginning to triage remaining projects. Like maybe no back steps as I have to drive 25 miles to get material for them. Might be too much wasted time. And then the heat and hum might kill off what little energy I have left.
I’m feeling a little funky myself tonight, so may drop to the bottom soon for a good night all.
Good that you nipped that M in the bud. I’ve only had one of those once, and hope never again. Of course driving 1000 miles cross country in one 25 hr stretch could have had something to do with it…
This shows the bells of Ireland off real well, along with a waning delphinium… I have a gorgeous purple one blooming now I need to shoot… but it’s been interesting around here lately, so haven’t gotten to it yet, though I did do major weeding around them this past weekend.
Yeah, I saw that … silly boy he is … how many pics of that have I posted lately? LOL… we think it’s a great plant and were glad when it just showed up here years back… you have to keep after it, but it’s a reliable bloomer and so native…
but I want to get it resolved real soon so I can tape KO and go work outside after work! But the next day looks rainy here (if properly predicted) so we have time. Unless you have great tips on how to get it done right!
I hope and then I’ll be incommunicado till Sunday night or later. First guests here, then headed off to a wedding this weekend. So a slight break from BT.
Just have to say hi to everyone (o and IVG and whoever else is around), since I’m almost never here this late!
You’re right CG … I think the last time was while you were studying for that exam. Cool shoe pix btw. 🙂
How have you been? How’s the garden? I need to pop over to your blog and check out your latest pictures.
Having some ac probs, so a little hot and muggy … makes for uncomfortable sleeping. I was sorry to hear about the poison ivy outbreak … that stuff is just so miserable. How’s he doing today?
It’s sticky here too – supposedly the beginning of a sticky week. I hope your AC is fixed soon.
They’re coming Wednesday … fingers crossed.
Previouse topic,
I`m also completely not fond of pitbulls generally, but I hold the morons who use them as penis extensions to a much higher level of disdain.
I`m posting a pic of “CLARABELLE” who is the first young lady to grace our presence tonight at our newly opened shelter.
She is one of three, introduced tonight to each other & to the life of pre-relocation.
Some one is building a large house one canyon over from my place & this necessitates extensive grading. This inturn destroys the habitat of these nice little creatures. 90% of their diet is ants, as for some reason they need the formic acid.
My friend & I have been doing our night sorties for over a month, using a “dustbuster” to vacum ants for the 14 we`ve saved from the bulldozers so far. Today I just ordered 2,000 ants again which I`ve done twice already.
So here I present to you all.
What is Clarabelle — and how big is ‘little creature’? 🙂
That’s a lot of ants knuckle!
Horned toads live on an almost exclusive diet of ants.They bury themselves in the sand in seconds by wriggling and almost vibrating their body. They are buried all night & when it starts to warm up in the morning they`ll pop their heads up & get warmer & warmer till it`s time for [guess what?] ants. If you`ve never seen one they are quite strange. First you see a blur & you can discern a lizard. It stops & you can`t see it anymore. They move in short little bursts like 12″ or so, sometimes a little more, but when they stop dead they blend in to the background extremely well. Their habitat loss is only one of the reasons they suffer degradation in numbers. Most people will spray an ant hill in their yard but that`s a horned toads lifeblood. Also, the invasion of ants from the south, even as far as South America, which are introduced by accident coming in with produce are killing local ants & are also not the ones the horned toads would eat. They hibernate for many months during wintertime. They are egglayers & will lay maybe 10 eggs. They will eat from 20 to 100 ants a day .
Here`s one who still has the reddish calcium sand we transported her in.
They come in a variety of colors & some have the color of the substrate they live in.
The horned toad {not a toad} is about six inches long [adult]
Here`s [I apologize to these harmless creatures] rummy cheny & bush looking for wmd`s. bush is the one in the middle with his head in the sand.
Love the sweet pea cluster and mallow.
and your worked life fixed with it?
Well, I got someone to help me get my critical work files off the old drive (apparently my hard drive is in the process of dying), although it took 6 tries and tolting my box to make it run…so I at least have my half-finished draft and my laptop to work with.
And I’m replacing the hard drive.
and thx for the props. Read a bit earlier today about the poison ivy thing… ZANFEL is what you need to get at the drugstore. Very pricey, but works like a charm, according to folks close to me … but I run from the stuff (poison ivy). If your son has it bad, I’d recommend trying the stuff… it works for C’s mom and she’s horridly susceptible to poison ivy…
Oh, and belated congrats on your finishing the course work! Oh, if life didn’t have to interfere with celebrating such milestones…..
Thanks for the PI tip…I’m up hanging out with the PI guy because he can’t sleep (itchy) and needs company. He isn’t handling this well.
And thanks for the school congrats!
Besides shoe shopping…….and I can’t believe you don’t love those boots!
Keeping Itchyboy company…but I’m going to bed now. Good night!
say g’night to itchyboy.
My head was getting all bruised from banging it on the wall waiting for something to happen here. My hookup is especially slow tonight. I gotta call my local guru and find out what’s going on. It was bad enough before without getting any worse.
So how’s Ottowa weather treating you tonight??
Are ya drinkin hot chocolate or mint julips?
Yes I just commented over in the last thread … but I’ll post it here for you:
definitely what you get for smarting off!
LOL … Things have cooled down here — had rain tonight. But like you, it’s going up to the 30s/90s by the end of the week and this coming w/e.
And I responded at the b as well — basically saying, if you’re interested in that photo send me an email.
last thread!!
Yeah, you’ll get an email on that one, but might not be tonight though. I’m trying to decide if I should work on some deck parts in the basement or just hit the hay before too long. Actually starting to feel a little tired.
Last night was weird. I was still wide awake at 4AM, so I got up, took a nice shower, and went back to bed. Slept fine then.
So how much ya got left in ya tonight?
I had a pre-migraine h/a this evening, but I caught it early enough and it seems to have gone away. I fell asleep on the couch for a bit too …
Have your guests arrived? Oh, and how does it look on time lines for the project? 2.5-3 days? 😉
work proceeds, but I’m beginning to triage remaining projects. Like maybe no back steps as I have to drive 25 miles to get material for them. Might be too much wasted time. And then the heat and hum might kill off what little energy I have left.
I’m feeling a little funky myself tonight, so may drop to the bottom soon for a good night all.
Good that you nipped that M in the bud. I’ve only had one of those once, and hope never again. Of course driving 1000 miles cross country in one 25 hr stretch could have had something to do with it…
I’m sure the heat and humidity will be the primary factor in how much or how little you get done!
This shows the bells of Ireland off real well, along with a waning delphinium… I have a gorgeous purple one blooming now I need to shoot… but it’s been interesting around here lately, so haven’t gotten to it yet, though I did do major weeding around them this past weekend.
Did you see my comment about NDD’s mallow — he didn’t believe me!
Yeah, I saw that … silly boy he is … how many pics of that have I posted lately? LOL… we think it’s a great plant and were glad when it just showed up here years back… you have to keep after it, but it’s a reliable bloomer and so native…
OH and it’s PINK, duh.
Did you ever get your VCR hooked up to your new system?
but I want to get it resolved real soon so I can tape KO and go work outside after work! But the next day looks rainy here (if properly predicted) so we have time. Unless you have great tips on how to get it done right!
Isn’t is just a matter of plugging the right coloured end into the matching bit on the unit? LOL … see?
manual… but we’ll figure it out sooner or later. And this dude’s hitting the keyboard now with head, so better get to bed…
More doggie adjustment tales abound, I’m sure … I’m trying to be optimistic… but I have my doubts.
anyway! night friends, Olivia, NDD, CG et al and ennessay!
to the morrow…..
Hoping it all works out w/ the doggies …
And you could always try googling for the VCR hook up … 😉
Take care and it was really good to see you!
since she knows how to do things. like change oil on cars, and fish and stuff and there’s no telling what else she knows…
a link and not have to go find one myself, 😉
I hope and then I’ll be incommunicado till Sunday night or later. First guests here, then headed off to a wedding this weekend. So a slight break from BT.
Good luck on the AC 🙂
and I will dream of shoes because I have shoe shopped tonight.
whoever’s left of the lefty nightowls.
Sleep well. I’m off too… zzzzzz