There is a question that has haunted me ever since 9/11 and the events that occurred after it.

That question has been “how does Bush and gang get away with all this shit?”

Then today the answer came in a blinding flash of insight into today’s typical average American.

A Eureka moment of complete understanding!
I’m on the freeway going from point A to point B on a quest for a scrapper blade for my paint scrapper.

So here I am driving along and the question pops into my mind once again. Looking out the drivers side window is the answer I’ve been searching for all these painful years.

Next to me is an SUV with Dad and Mom in the front and a couple of kids in the back. It’s one of those expensive SUV’s with all the bells and whistles. What caught my attention about this SUV is that it had started to swerve into my lane.

The reason for this is that Dad is trying to dial a number on his cell phone which he is holding up above the steering wheel. He’s wearing a headset with a microphone but apparently he’s having a problem finding the number or something on it.

Mom who is sitting next to him is talking away on her cell phone which is a standard hand held type unit. She has one hand cupped over her other ear to block out whatever sound is interfering with her conversation.

The kids in the back of the SUV look like they are watching a TV Station or something on the LCD screen mounted to the roof of the interior of the SUV. They are wearing audio ear bugs which must be plugged into the DVD player or whatever it is that is being viewed on the LCD screen. Two of them seem to be fighting over whatever it is they are watching.

The third one is a young girl who is maybe fourteen or so. She too is wearing an audio headset which must be plugged into something other than the DVD both her younger brothers are fighting over watching. I’m assuming this is the case because she has a far away look and her mouth is moving slightly as she rocks back in forth in what I assume is the beat of the music she is listening to.

I’ve taken in all these observations in a couple of heartbeats as I move over in the lane to avoid being hit by this SUV which has swerved out of it’s lane. I slow down and let them get ahead of me.

That is when the answer to the question of “how Bush and Gang get away with all the shit they have gotten away with” slaps me upside the head.

Given that the occupants of this vehicle represent the typical American today. The answer is so simple anyone would miss it because it is so obvious.

We are so connected that in reality we have become disconnected from everything that occurs outside the created reality of total self absorption and immersion.

No one in that vehicle was interested in a conversation of substance of the type that occurred when I was growing up and traveling with my family. Everyone is existing in isolation from each other totally oblivious to the real world a conversation would expose them to.

America is paying so much attention to the gimmicks of this age of multi-media  infotainment that the road we are all traveling down is completely ignored until we reach our individual destinations. Even then those who have bought into this techno-nightmare will still be mobile and connected to the leash that follows them everywhere during everyday.

Reality is defined by who and what you are connected to at the moment. The road America is traveling down no longer gets any attention at all. There are no conversation about the scenery or anything that occurs outside the vehicle.

That is the reason why there is only a limited amount of outrage by a limited amount of people.

It’s how Bush and Gang have gotten away with this shit for so long.

It’s going to take a major serious accident that shuts down the freeway to force America to pay attention to the reality of the road America is traveling down and end the free ride Bush and gang have had.