photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Hey Andi! How are you doing?
You missed yesterday’s grouch cafe which somehow turned into favorite kids show cafe. I guess it was my fault for using Oscar the Grouch as a graphic for the cafe.
Heh. I actually went back to sleep, mainly because I had trouble sleeping last night. I also had trouble sleeping last night as well, but c’est la vie. I’m just having trouble shutting my mind off early.
Ever tried sleeping to music or with a fan on? The fan works well for me — I “listen” to the white noise to quiet down all those hamsters running in wheels in my head.
I always have the fan on, but I’ve had trouble the last two nights. Not sure why. :/
Probably not enough beer in your diet.
I would ask how you’re feeling this am, but I think I know.
I’m better now. Already accepted my fate for the next 12 hours.
You can just think of this as practice for all-nighters when you’re back in school.
Good attitude. When you can’t change the situation, accept it and do the best you can.
Of course at work you can be dreaming about beer and happy hour. 🙂
Are those sweet peas? Or peas something? Very pretty.
How are you doing today DJ?
Feeling better, just hoping it lasts so I can go to teh job fair.
I’d best jump in the shower. Cia(((O)))
I’ll be backaroni. XOXOX
Good morning everyone!!! Hope everyone slept well and has a fabulous day.
Didn’t sleep well, nor am I expecting a fantastic day of sorts. But thanks for the sentiment! 🙂
Hope you are feeling better (in every way) this morning.
Hi Refinish. I read last night cafes and I hope you are feeling better and everything works out good.
Thank you. I am doing as well as can be expected I guess.
I’ve always believed in, don’t worry until you have a reason to.
You know my thoughts are with you.
Thank you. I wish I could not worry but… LOL
Thank you Olivia!!!
Take care, Buddy!!!
Thank you!!!
Good morning everyone.
I just saw at your place that you hadn’t been feeling that well. I’m theorizing that it was the bozo the clown picture that did it — too freaky for early morning.
Yeah it reminded me of living in Maine and something that was running around in the sewer. ‘It’ I think. 🙂
How’re you today Andi?
I’m fine. I think starting out with olivia’s gorgeous flower might be a better choice than oscar the grouch.
Makes a difference I guess. After grouch Monday, I thought I would be seeing terrible Tuesday this am. and maybe wicked Wednesday tomorrow.
Leave it to Olivia’s flowers to bring back the good feelings. 🙂
You’re inspired — I love the idea of wicked wednesday — I’ll have to give some thought to what kind of graphic it needs.
The dogs are trying to convince me that it doesn’t matter that it’s still fairly dark out and it’s raining, we should still go for a walk. I can feel myself weakening. See ya later.
Enjoy Andi. See ya later.
And anyone else around …
Good to see you.
Good morning Olivia. How are you feeling today and did you get any sleep in your hot house?
It rained last night so that was nice. I slept downstairs for a bit, but it wasn’t too bad w/ the fan on when I went up at 3 or whenever it was. The ac people are coming tomorrow and I hope they get it going b/c it’s going back up to the 30s and humidity by Friday into the w/e. (Even if that’s not hot to you … :P)
How are you feeling today?
I don’t understand what’s taking your ac people so long. I mean up there they just need to get another block of ice to put on your ac and that should be in your front yard. 🙂
Still feeling blah, but not as bad as yesterday. I just over did it out in the yard and heat yesterday. Nothing to worry about, I just don’t bouch back as fast as I used to.
It looks like it’s going to head back up around the 37’s down here by Thursday. I figure after it’s past 29C I can take my sweater off. 🙂
You were doing yard work in your sweater … 😉 LOL on the ice … if only <sigh> 🙂
Well, take the day to rest up … inside today. And drink lots of water.
I guess I better mosey along … UGH. Have a good restful day FM.
You have a good day also Olivia. I’m heading out too.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
I feel much better this morning. Got the application filled out for the job fair…
Last night was icky. I felt like the racoon in Andi’s dumpster. It came on so fast. Then by night I couldn’t hold anything down and then .. now I feel better. I’m wondering if it’s my ear/vertigo as I started to get super dizzy but Wayne said I also had a fever and was white as a ghost.
I’m very sad that some dear dear souls are disagreeing and that’s very unsettling… but I love you guys very much. And I’m just going continue hanging out here and try to march forward. XOXO
{{{{DJ}}}} Hope you feel better soon!
Glad you are feeling better this am. Good luck at the job fair.
Thanks Re69! 🙂
Oh and guys, never ever drink coffee on an empty empty stomache… ACK.
LOL I do that every day. I drink coffee from 4:30 am till 8 when I ahve breakfast.
DJ-I’m writing from a crew meeting and am liable to check out of the cafe at any minute but please feel free to write me at my email (it’s in my sig line), maybe we can meet up somewhere in Li’l Beirut when you’re feeling better. Gotta go…
Thanks soup,
Tonight I will be at in other words bookstore on Killingsworth for a CP meeting. This Friday, I SHOULD be at the No War Drum Corps/PPRC rally – starts in Pioneer Sq at 5.
Good mornoonevenight everyone, I’m here and will be checking in throughout the day. Work schedule is crazy but I’ll try to do my best. More of this, please:
Hope your day goes smoothly!
good morning to you too. Trying to balance a large workload, the cafe, my blog and James’ too. Guess I need to dust off the juggling suit, eh? 🙂
Multitasking Manny … 🙂
if there’s a market for an action figure with that description. Although it would quickly be replaced with the next version: Rocking-Himself-in-Delirium Manny 😉
Manny the Mulitasker will save the world!
And we could do naughty things with the action figure in his image 🙂 WHOOT 🙂
but I did okay I think. Danni called me on my cell during the interview to tell me the kids thought I had left my application when it was actually just my practice copy. The interviewer thought that was really cute and teared up at the sweetness.
I was awarded a second interview on the spot and will be called back 2 – 3 weeks. It’s for New seasons market job. A VERY progressive organization. It’s where I LOVE to shop.
I think Boran2 would LOVE this store 🙂
the kids watched each other for the first time alone… I think that is why I was so nervous so told each interviewer that… they all could totally relate.
I said, that we were here to heal, learn and walk our talk.
I dunno… I felt so good about the Powell’s interview… and I didn’t get that, gawd I thought I had that one nailed… so this one I’m kkinda gunshy. We’ll see.
good sign that they’ve already called you back for a 2nd interview. Keep us posted (and glad the house wasn’t blown up by the kidlets in your absence) 🙂
I got interviewed for the second level right away. I only had to wait about 5 mins.
They did make note of the summer hours versus school time hours I could do… and there’s a new store opening up down the street from here.
Your little guys are the cutest and sweetest … 🙂
I am glad the interview went well!!!! I will keep my fingers creossed for you.
Thanks. Man, you make me want to buy so many new t-shirts!!! 🙂 Your stuff is so great!
Testing, 1,2,uh… 1.2. THREE