Hillary does:

COLUMBUS – U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton took a shot at Secretary of State Ken Blackwell of Cincinnati, the Republican candidate for governor, Monday during her third visit to Ohio this year.

Speaking to more than 3,000 people at a national conference of ACORN – the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – Clinton prompted whoops and hollers by saying, “Let’s make sure that we count every vote in our elections.” […]

Referring to presidential races, Clinton said, “This country deserves to have an electoral system that has integrity. I know there’s been a problem here in Ohio, and I hope everybody from Ohio is watching this election like a hawk. Don’t let them pull anything over your eyes again.”

Without naming Blackwell, Clinton said, “One of the people running for high office is actually running the election. That should not be permitted. It’s a conflict of interest. … We’ve got to take back our democracy.”

Many of you know I’m not a Hillary for President fan, but I do believe in praising someone when they take a stand on an issue that’s vital to our democracy. So thank you Senator Clinton. My hat (if I wore one) would be off to you.

And please — keep speaking out on this issue. Our best hope of gaining traction for election reform can only happen when those who have the biggest megaphones use them to point out how seriously flawed our elections have become.