The Hate Mongers & Bigots on Capital Hill are at it again. The Repugnant Senators brought up the National Marriage Amendment in June trying to increase their poll numbers for the elections this fall. Now the slimy bastards in the House of Representatives are doing the same thing. They are planning on voting on this issue in July. It is time to tell them ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
It is time for them to stop using the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community as their whipping post. Their Bigotry, Hatred, Intolerance & Lies has gone on long enough. The constant bashing of Gays and Lesbians by the Conservatives has increased Hate Crimes throughout the World. These people are supposed to be leaders. The last political party who preached total hatred and intolerance at this level created the death camps in Germany. It seems the Repugnant Party wants to be the American Nazi Party. Tell your elected leaders you live in America and expect them to quit preaching bigotry. Better yet, vote the assholes out in November!!!!
Task Force Action Alert
Believe it or not — after all the bad press the right wing received for pushing the Federal Marriage Amendment in the Senate — they are gearing up for another fight, and we hope another black eye — this time in the House of Representatives. That’s right. Likely during the week of July 17th, there will be yet another vote in Congress to enshrine discrimination against same-sex families into the Constitution.The right-wing hopes these votes in Congress will pay off for them with more hard right votes for their candidates in November. That’s why we need to make sure they don’t pick up any momentum with this vote in the House. We need to show the right-wing — and the country — that dragging up ugly, hateful, divisive votes right before elections will not pay off.
We’ve had enough. Let’s stop this amendment once and for all.
We’ve set up a special page on our website that gives you tools you need to make a difference. You can access it here. On our FMA Action Center, you can e-mail your representative, get talking points for a phone call or a lobby visit, and forward critical information to your friends.
As a voter in a targeted district, the Task Force wants to empower you in any way that we can to leverage your unique status as a constituent to get your representative to vote “no” on the marriage amendment in the House.
Thank you once again for being the front line in standing up for fairness and against right-wing bigotry.
Last month, your work made for a win on this issue in the Senate. With your help one more time, we can shame the right wing again in the House.
Thank you,
Matt Foreman
Executive Director
I am asking all free thinking People to join me in telling the Repugnants to back off and leave the GLBT Community alone!!!!
but I think we had better “gird our loins” for a lot more — republicans will be happily using the GLBTQ community to show fundies how much they love them every chance they get.
I agree 100%. They are a nasty lot and we have to stop them.
It’ll be a major base rallying point because they have so few left and when someone continues to suffer from homophobia in our culture it seems to be a terminal case of it and hopefully those homophobic Republicans will at least crawl to the polls to pull those levers and touch those screens. Burn those crosses!
That scares me more than you will ever realize.
right here in America. Does it make you feel any better to know that I would fight for you if push came to shove?
Yes it does!!!! Thank you.
put I’m too far away darn it. People for the American Way just called me to ask me if I would work in their booth for the Diversity Parade in downtown Colorado Springs….I still have a Colorado Springs area code. I had to tell them I was too far away right now damn it! I will fight for you!
Amen–their specialty is the politics of hate. And being a member of said community, I think I would have been cosumed by anger by now if I didn’t step back and detach myself once in awhile, and look at the mechanics of what they are doing, and what is possible for us to do.
They obviously aren’t going to stop using the GLBT community as the “red” meat they throw to their rabid followers, and basically it’s because they’re lazy. Dangerously, horribly lazy. It doesn’t matter how long they use this, because their followers are as lazy and non-thinking as they are. Sad and pathetic.
While I completely agree with the sentiments of the diarist, I personally don’t waste time speaking plain English to people who have GOOPER rhetoric clogging their ears. I’d rather devote my energy to supporting candidates who are worth our time, like those that can think logically, for starters…:-)
Not only do they hate gay people… they hate anyone who doesn’t look, pray or “fuck” just like them. Actually, I don’t think they lead very stable sex lives but ahem…
I’m not afraid of “terraists” I’m afraid of those jesus fish folks. They’re very angry.
(((Re69)))) I haven’t stepped down from yet, my friend. I do find that they tend to use the phrase, “we support human rights” when the discussion of gay rights comes up. Well, they don’t support human rights because they don’t see (fill in the blank) as humans.
From what I have noted over the years it’s actual a bit of ‘one rule for you and another for us’
Because they are ‘special’
These are the people that will tell you to your face that being gay is a sin while they go off and have same sex relations orgies, etc.
Look at Dick Cheny. He has a gay daughter but you don’t see him breaking down doors for her sexuality. In fact, you don’t even see her breaking down doors, because I suspect that she knows that the rules don’t really apply to her.
But..on second thought, I think that’s just how the ‘Ruling Familes’ think. Your 100 precent correct.. it’s just that the elite is using cynically using homophobia in a desperate attempt to hold onto power.
True but we have to educate and stop this from happening. It is going to be a long fight but it is one we have to win eventually. The double standard or the people who are willing to sale out for money as Cheney’s daughter did by helping get her Bigot Father and Georhe re-elected scares me almost as much as the bigots themselves.
You get no arguments from me.
I know them only TOO well.
The art of manufacturing issues where none really exist. Something the religious nuts have done very well for centuries now. . .unfortunately it seems they will always have their non-thinking hate-filled followers. They have always pandered to the most base and vile common denominators. They are truly a strange lot of un-evolved and emotionally immature dysfunctional troglodytes.
OTH. . .I don’t think they really want to pass any legislation about gays and lesbians. . .who would they turn into their new Monstors to be anhilated?
Yes they do. otherwise we would not ahte the state constitution amendments. This is not just a ploy but something they want as a gift to their knuckle dragging followers.
JMO, but I think they are perfectly willing to have the sates continue along these lines, but the prospect of getting a constitutional ammendment are not all that good. However as long as Democrats and independants can’t seem to get off their butts to vote on these issues, one never knows. The majority of citizens do not agree with this load of bull crap, but the majority of citizens do not get out and vote.
I do think we should loudly and strongly oppose them in any way possible and relentlessly be in opposition to such things. Even though I am a lesbian, I think marriage is not a good idea for anyone. . .but if gays want to be as misserable as 50%+ of the married population, then that’s okay too (that’s a joke, not serious. . .so grin a little).
Necons cannot win without major boogey men, Mega Churches and religions can’t control without major boogey men. . .unless they can find new boogey men to serve their joint purposes, it hardly seems to their advantage to “resolve” the gay issue. Of course, they could always switch to burning us at the stake after they make sure we can’t have the benefits of legal marriage. That wouldn’t surprise me either.
Fear is the only tool either the religious idiots or the neocon power grabers have in their pockets. . .and the more monsters they can create the better their chances. Perhaps Israel and the crazys in the middle east will help them out more than they already have. Looks to be headed that way.
I am not against your efforts in any way. I am just differing in my view of the possible reasons for their agenda. I don’t think BushCo particularly cares one way or the other about glbt people, but it is such a great emotional hot button and they have thousands of churches and preachers carrying water for them, so it is very “cost effective.” Thousands of ranting preachers every week pounding the pulpits and picking and choosing bible verses to support their homophobic nonsense. . .quite an army of free volunteers and generous $$ contributors. Just my opinions and certainly not unusual for me to be on a different tangent than most folks.
Your reasons are valid too.
I agree that Bushco doesn’t care one way or another but the results of world leaders proclaiming their hate for gays is causing more hate crimes and deaths. It is time to stand up and be counted and stop the insanity.
You are absolutely right.