Update [2006-7-14 14:3:46 by Man Eegee]: Thanks to everyone who volunteered, we have all the slots filled. A follow-up diary will be posted closer to August 1st when the topics will be posted each day through the 10th of the month. Paz
Update [2006-8-1 21:6:43 by Man Eegee]: We need a diarist for the Nepal’s hidden tragedy topic, volunteer in the comments if you would like to participate.
If you were around the site last summer, you might recall Susanhu’s efforts to get more information and media coverage out for ’10 Stories the World Should Hear More About’ as compiled by the United Nations. I was doing some research online for a work-related topic and came across 2006’s list and thought I would throw the idea into the mix for us to work together, focus our passions outward instead of at each other for abit, and start digging on each of the various issues raised.
Here’s a quick blurb from the UN on why they put out this list:
“The media and the UN share an interest in getting information about what is happening in our world to the public,” says Shashi Tharoor, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information. “But journalists are often inundated with stories, all competing for their — and the public’s — attention. Our aim is to make it easier for them to see that important issues do not fade from the headlines.”
the topics and a chance to sign-up below the fold…
- Liberia: Development challenges top agenda as the nation recovers from years of civil strife
- Lost in migration: Asylum seekers face challenges amid efforts to stem flows of illegal migrants
- DR of Congo: As the country moves boldly towards historic vote, humanitarian concerns continue to demand attention
- Nepal’s hidden tragedy: Children caught in the conflict
- Somalia: Security vacuum compounding effects of drought
- Protracted refugee situations: Millions caught in limbo, with no solutions in sight
- South Asian earthquake: Relief effort saves lives, stems losses, but reconstruction tasks loom large
- Behind bars, beyond justice: An untold story of children in conflict with the law
- From water wars to bridges of cooperation: Exploring the peace-building potential of a shared resource
- Côte d’Ivoire: A strike away from igniting violence amidst a faltering peace process
The way this worked last year, volunteers were solicited to take each of the topics to create a diary based on the research they compiled. The linked articles from the UN are meant as a starting point to use, the commentary is based on how the author has interpreted his/her research.
If this sounds like something workable to the rest of you, I would propose setting the first ten days of August aside to highlight one of these important topics each day. Lets use this diary as a brainstorming space and see where it goes.
For signups: (I’ll update as volunteers come forward)
- Liberia – Diarist: olivia
- Lost in migration – Diarist: Nanette
- DR of Congo – Diarist: vieravisionary
- Nepal’s hidden tragedy – Diarist: [DIARIST NEEDED]
- Somalia – Diarist: ask
- Protracted refugee situations – Diarist: Kahli
- South Asian earthquake – Diarist: Poeschek
- Behind bars, beyond justice – Diarist: Man Eegee
- From water wars to bridges of cooperation – Diarist: Captain Future
- Côte d’Ivoire – Diarist: ejmw
Final note: If you’ve never written a diary before and would like to learn how, jump into this project, there are plenty of people here willing to help you out (this includes me)
whaddyathink? I’ve got my eye on one of the articles but wanted to give a chance for feedback before committing/taking on any of the topics.
but volunteers are better 😉
*DR of Congo
*South Asian Earthquake
*Côte d’Ivoire
We’re almost there, each topic’s baseline article provided by the UN has plenty of inspiration to give the issue justice, so even if you have zero experience of the topic, there’s a couple of weeks for us to exercise our minds a bit to learn something new.
So who’s next? :o)
I’ll take Côte d’Ivoire.
I always look forword to your diaries, thanks for signing up for one of the stories. paz
Thanks ManEe. I wish I had time to write more, but summers are extremely busy for me. I figure a month should be ample time though 🙂
I’ll add you to the list. Thanks, olivia!
I just realized it’s first on the list …
every confidence that you’ll set the bar high for the rest of us.
Now who will be the next BooTribbers to take:
*DR of Congo
*South Asian Earthquake
Hi Manny! One of my favorite projects from last year… I thought that was a great idea of Susan’s. These are all important and I have thoughts on a few of them, but…
I have had a story rattling around in my head about refugees and asylum seekers for a while now, and this would give me just the push to actually get it written, so you can put me down for Lost in Migration.
thanks, I’ll add you to the list.
Manny I’ll be happy to help anyone out with research or whatever I can do. Just let me know.
thanks Family Man. You heard that prospective volunteers, you have a worker-bee* at your disposal.
*worker-bee may be prone to slacking 😉
No maybe to it, but I’ll think of all my cubihell brothers and sisters working away and I’ll cut back on at least one nap a day.
Hey don’t laugh, that’s a big sacrifice.
I’m going to give it some thought about the topics. I’ll get back to you.
if someone else chooses the topic that you were considering, you can work with that person to compile info. Lots of ways to get this off the ground!
I think it’s a great idea Manny!
That’s great, Manny.
I think we managed to do 7 or 8 of the stories last year in May.
I did Somalia then, might as well continue this year and see what Mr. Aweys is up to now (re last paragraph of last year’s diary)…
I like about these subjects are that we are able to learn about different parts of the world and the situations they are dealing with everyday. I’ve been looking for the actual list of diaries from last year, if you or anybody else has it, please email it to me or post it here.
Thanks, ask, will update the list.
Couldn’t find a list 🙁
I searched on those that had volunteered and found the following (in no particular order):
No longer a stranger – a tale of our mothers, sisters and daughters by Nanette
Human Rights Rising: Hope Abounds by Nag
Violence against women, The breadth and width of its ugliness by ghostdancers way
They come at night: The holy war on childhood by Sirocco
Environment/Cup Half Full or Half Empty(poll) by diane101
Somalia; Hope for the future? by ask
for looking those up and sharing. Gives anyone considering a topic an idea of how diverse the posts have been in the past.
if nobody else wants it.
to the list, Tracy, I know you’ll do a great job with it.
perhaps we can find ways to incorporate action items with each topic. An example would be a LTE campaign for our local rags to highlight the issue we researched. What other thoughts do you have on bringing these topics out of the ether?
I’ll take the water story. You handing out deadlines?
consider it taken. If we go with the first week of August suggestion, which I’ve heard no objection so far, lets just go based off the listing of the UN. So, the water diary would be slated for Wednesday, August 9th.
As soon as we finish fleshing out volunteers and more of the idea, I’ll put up another diary closer to the beginning of the month reminding everyone of who is doing what and let it be a forum for any last-minute tweaking/assistance anyone might need. How does that sound?
okay by me.
I want to do the “behind bars, behind justice” bit. That brings us halfway, we need five more volunteers. Any lurkers around?
I’ll tackle protracted refugee situations and will happily co-author if anyone else wants it.
important topic that will be handled excellently by you, Kahli. I’ll update the post, thanks!
Over 5,000 defendants’ cases kept secret in US
US soldier’s rape sentence cut due to Iraq stress
Iraq doctor brings evidence of US napalm at Fallujah
British companies making a fortune in Iraq
U.S. has second worst newborn death rate in modern world
Teens sue U.S. Marine Corps over alleged recruiter rapes
Israeli Police Assaults Venezuela’s Ambassador at Al Aqsa Mosque
Chemical Weapons Report: Toxicity by Race and Gender
Pentagon admits fabricating “Zarqawi Legend
US Asks Turkey to Host Iran Attack
Groups to Bush: Drop Iran-Israel Linkage
44.1% of Americans live on $34,999 or less a year
Iraqis’ Food Rations Cut
Jump in UK arms sales to Israel
to NPR on my way home from work today and they were talking about the budget projections here in the U.S. The commentator mentioned that the tax relief pushed vehemently by the GOP has only been noticeable to those who pull in $200,000+ per year. That 44% referenced in one of your links making less than $35,000 shows the effects of the corporatist rule that we are working to wrestle away from both political parties.
Might I suggest an eleventh topic someone might want ot take up?
human rights abuses in the United States
was away from the computer today. Still need two more volunteers for the South Asian Earthquake and DR of Congo piecies. Any takers?
meant to post that as a base comment and not a reply to Arcturus.
I’m actually working on something for that human rights report. Our local border action network released a 23-page attachment outlining our area’s last 10 years.
Interested in one of the UN articles? 😉
As you can see, we never filled some of the slots, hopefully we can complete all of them this year. Any takers for the last two? (yes, I’m a broken record, anyone wanna make it stop?) 😉
I would think one issue that is underreported:
“Katrina: And the issue of Race in America”
but you’ll have to take that up with the UN who compiled this particular list 😉 I think we’ve done a decent job here of keeping the gulf region close to our radar screens, thanks to blksista, duranta and others. Much work to be done, of course. Would you like to write one of the diaries up on Congo or the earthquake a4l? I’m getting to the point of directly asking people I know would take the time to give them justice.
never hurts to ask 🙂
that’s true.
I would be interested in the South Asian earthquake story if it is still available.
I’ll add you to the list, thanks for covering that important topic. There are still lots of relief efforts needed. Paz
Ok, put me down for the DR of Congo.
thanks vieravisionary, you are the 10th person on the slate. Keep your eyes out for a follow-up diary closer to August 1st. Peace
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