Update [2006-7-14 14:3:46 by Man Eegee]: Thanks to everyone who volunteered, we have all the slots filled. A follow-up diary will be posted closer to August 1st when the topics will be posted each day through the 10th of the month. Paz

Update [2006-8-1 21:6:43 by Man Eegee]: We need a diarist for the Nepal’s hidden tragedy topic, volunteer in the comments if you would like to participate.

If you were around the site last summer, you might recall Susanhu’s efforts to get more information and media coverage out for ’10 Stories the World Should Hear More About’ as compiled by the United Nations.  I was doing some research online for a work-related topic and came across 2006’s list and thought I would throw the idea into the mix for us to work together, focus our passions outward instead of at each other for abit, and start digging on each of the various issues raised.

Here’s a quick blurb from the UN on why they put out this list:

Concerned that some issues continue not to receive sustained media attention or slip off the radar screen, the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) has unveiled a new list of “Ten Stories the World Should Hear More About.”

“The media and the UN share an interest in getting information about what is happening in our world to the public,” says Shashi Tharoor, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information. “But journalists are often inundated with stories, all competing for their — and the public’s — attention. Our aim is to make it easier for them to see that important issues do not fade from the headlines.”


the topics and a chance to sign-up below the fold…

The way this worked last year, volunteers were solicited to take each of the topics to create a diary based on the research they compiled.  The linked articles from the UN are meant as a starting point to use, the commentary is based on how the author has interpreted his/her research.

If this sounds like something workable to the rest of you, I would propose setting the first ten days of August aside to highlight one of these important topics each day.  Lets use this diary as a brainstorming space and see where it goes.

For signups: (I’ll update as volunteers come forward)

  • Liberia – Diarist: olivia
  • Lost in migration – Diarist: Nanette
  • DR of Congo – Diarist: vieravisionary
  • Nepal’s hidden tragedy – Diarist: [DIARIST NEEDED]
  • Somalia – Diarist: ask
  • Protracted refugee situations – Diarist: Kahli
  • South Asian earthquake – Diarist: Poeschek
  • Behind bars, beyond justice – Diarist: Man Eegee
  • From water wars to bridges of cooperation – Diarist: Captain Future
  • Côte d’Ivoire – Diarist: ejmw

Final note:  If you’ve never written a diary before and would like to learn how, jump into this project, there are plenty of people here willing to help you out (this includes me)