Toss the lofty rhetoric in the rubbish–check that–recycling bin. Or at the very least, employ the correct language to connect with the appropriate audience. To get those so-called disaffected Democrats back to the fold, dispose of 32-paragraph ‘soundbites,’ discard sound and sight of ANY and ALL statistics and flowcharts, deep six the PowerPoint presentations…

Go for the visceral, reach for the head, but more importantly, the heart. Offer transparent either/or propositions that paint a vivid philosophical difference. Very simplistically, here is how ANY and ALL Democrats should campaign.

    * should our government benefit the politicians in it and their friends or work for you?
* should our government regulatory agencies be filled with corporate lobbyists or civil servants serving you?

* should our government pass laws that help corporations or favor you?

* should our government help jobs go overseas or keep and develop good-paying jobs in this country for you and your family?

* should our government determine how you should worship, how you should raise your family, how you should live, how you should die or are these your choices to make?

* should our government charge into combat or first have a plan to win both the war AND the peace BEFORE American troops are sent to foreign countries?

* should our government reveal the names of CIA agents because of a political disagreement?

* should our government allow pesticides to be tested on human beings?

* should our government emergency services be run by those who give political donations or by professionals working for you?

* should our government scientists change their findings because politicians disagree with the facts?

* should doctors do medical diagnoses of you based on a videotape?

* should injured military veterans and those Americans suffering catastrophic illnesses receive bankruptcy protection?

* should Medicare be allowed to negotiate lower drug prices with pharmaceutical companies for you?

* should more of your tax dollars be spent abroad or on roads, dams, schools and police?