Recently CBS did a story on the “religious left” (Religion Taking A Left Turn?) which resulted in a fair number of new visitors to my Religious Left site. I took that opportunity to update my blog to make it easier to find some things. So, if you missed any of the recent transcripts I’ve done–of interviews with the Presiding Bishop Elect of the Episcopal church, and of sermons by Bishop Michael Curry and Bishop Gene Robinson–you can go check them out here. Direct links available below the jump.
Here are the segments of the Katharine Jefferts Schori NPR interview that I transcribed:

Katharine Jefferts Schori discusses faith in action

KJS+ addresses the biblical prohibitions on same-sex relationships

KJS+ hopes to recover “an Anglican way of living with diversity”

More excerpts from Katharine Jefferts Schori’s NPR interview

KJS+ on the role of women in the church

KJS+ on the elevation of Bishop Gene Robinson

KJS+ on inclusiveness and diversity

Katharine Jefferts Shori responds to a caller on NPR

Here are links to the transcription I’ve done of +KJS on Oregon Public Broadcasting:

Katharine Jefferts Schori on OPB’s Oregon Territory

Katharine Jefferts Schori on the roots of the church

More from the Oregon Public Broadcasting interview

On moratorium and marriage

And finally, here are the parts of the Claiming the Blessing Voices of Witness video that I’ve transcribed so far:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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