I am glad to hear this:
Former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, filed suit in federal court today against Vice President Dick Cheney, his former Chief of Staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, top Presidential advisor Karl Rove and other unnamed senior White House officials, for their role in the public disclosure of Valerie Wilson’s classified CIA status.
A copy of the Complaint as filed in court is attached, as is a page with excerpts from the Complaint.
The suit accuses the defendants of violating the Wilsons’ constitutional and other legal rights as a result of “a conspiracy among current and former high-level officials in the White House” to “discredit, punish and seek revenge against” Mr. Wilson for publicly disputing statements made by President Bush in his 2003 State of the Union address justifying the war in Iraq.
The suit was filed nearly three years after Washington columnist Robert Novak disclosed Valerie Wilson’s classified CIA employment in a column he wrote on July 14, 2003, based on leaks from senior administration officials. It subsequently was confirmed, during Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald’s criminal investigation, that several top ranking officials in the White House leaked Wilson’s name and status with the CIA to Novak and other reporters.
The Complaint was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia by the international law firm of Proskauer Rose LLP, whose team is headed by Washington, D.C. litigation partner and privacy law practitioner Christopher Wolf. Noted Constitutional law scholar Erwin Chemerinsky, a professor of law at Duke University, is of counsel in the case.
As a result of Cheney, Libby and Rove’s conduct, the suit claims that the Wilsons have suffered violations of their rights guaranteed under the United States Constitution and by laws of the District of Columbia.
The Complaint specifies that each of the Wilsons has been deprived of their First and Fifth Amendment rights; each has suffered a gross invasion of their privacy; each has been impaired in pursuing professional opportunities; and that they fear for their safety and the safety of their children as a result of the wrongful public disclosures. In addition, the Complaint alleges that Valerie Wilson was impaired in her ability to carry out her duties at the CIA, and to pursue her career at the agency in further service to her country, as she had planned. While no specific dollar amount is requested, the suit seeks compensatory damages, punitive damages and attorneys’ fees and costs.
Coinciding with the filing of the Complaint, the Joseph and Valerie Wilson Legal Support Trust has been established. Funds from the trust will help the Wilsons pay the substantial legal costs forced upon them by the unlawful leaking of Mrs. Wilson’s covert CIA status.
Well. It’s not a frog march. But maybe you can change the site motto to, “We won’t rest until all the bastards are served.”
Snorting good laugh.
What, no YouTube of that?
here you go.
very very hard to get it put out of court. What jurisdiction did they file it under? Virginia?
But if it sticks then it will be fascinating to see what comes out in discovery!
Filed in DC.
Wish I was eligible for jury duty in D.C.
Maybe they can get Jackie Chiles to represent them.
The Joseph and Valerie Wilson Support Fund
Please consider giving.
I wish the Wilson’s well, and sincerely hope that this legal effort yields some positive results for them personally, and for our country.
You should have heard some of the apologists today on Stephanie Miller taking up for Novakula this morning. They are still some swilling the kool-aid about this entire thing…
D.C. juries–and Grand Juries–have a way of showing their displeasure about how administrations love to f*ck with folks, from Watergate on up. The Wilsons are going to clean up. Grab your popcorn, the trial is going to be very, very interesting.
that they are filing the suit now in the light of an apparent stand still of Fitzpatrick’s investigation. And is it possible that Fitzie has given his blessing in a very undercover and discreet way?