Morning folks!!! Glad to know I am not the only early riser. LOL I am trying to figure out how Bette lost her collar sometime last night and where the heck it could be. I guesss I will have to buy her a new one today.
I posted a dairy last night about the latest crap about the national marriage amendment. Here is the link to the podcast version.
I think it’s pretty much a given then I’ll be spending 8-10 hours in one — there’s some sort of unwritten law about the color of the walls in conference rooms.
How I’m doing is that I’m being whiny about not being home even though I hardly ever have to travel any more. I hope ask doesn’t show up and make me even more ashamed just thinking about the trips he has to take.
Good morning Andi. Funny that I should just pop in now…
Those short trips can be just as dreary, but at least there is no jet-lag.
Hope you’re home again before the weekend.
Good morning all.
What a thunder and lightning show we had in NY last night, wow!
Man Eegee still needs a couple of volunteers for this project, hop on over and sign up.
Got the YA final draft finished and it goes to my agent this afternoon. Then it’ll be his problem for a while. Yay! I’m as free as I ever got on the work front and that feels mighty fine. I’m even thinking about dusting off a trunk novel some time in the next couple of months and doing the fix that would allow me to get it back in the mail (basically I need to reread the first three chapters, delete them and start over – the rest of the book’s fine). Maybe I’ll do that between chapters of the new trilogy. Oh man, but I feel good.
Sorry if my burbling sounds boasty, BTW, it’s just so nice to be feeling on top of things again. Especially since it was only a year and a half ago that I’d decided my career was essentially dead. January ’05 was pretty bleak. That and the fact that on the family side of things the last year has been hell on Earth.
Anywho, I hope y’all are having a good day, and that especially includes Indy, who is hopefully at least up to lurking, and Refinish – I’ve got my fingers crossed for your Dr’s appointment.
Tea today: Oh let’s just go for an oldy but a goody, Empire Keemun, (that’s the one the tea wars were fought over BTW) one of my very favorite teas in the whole world and one I actually have on hand.
As you can see from the previous FB thread, I was here before you! You’re getting slow there, Andi! 😛
so I had to wake up on my own instead of having the dogs do it. That cost me about 15 minutes.
Don’t make any excuses!
Well, I’m still reading WSJ now. Man, this routine sucks.
I’m spending today and tomorrow enjoying the view of lovely I-275 outside of cincy. I deserve to make excuses.
Morning folks!!! Glad to know I am not the only early riser. LOL I am trying to figure out how Bette lost her collar sometime last night and where the heck it could be. I guesss I will have to buy her a new one today.
I posted a dairy last night about the latest crap about the national marriage amendment. Here is the link to the podcast version.
Tell the Right Wing & Religious Right podcast
Today is my dermatologist appointment. I am nervous as a kid going in about acne. LOL
Good luck at the appointment. I hope they are able to tell you something right then.
Thank you!!!! I am hoping so also but am also prepared to wait for answers… well asprepared as I can be. LOL
Well it’s not exactly solace but I’ve read and rec’ed your diary and been over to sign the petition.
Thank you!!!!!
Morning everyone.
I’m running late this morning. Of course what I’m running late for, I don’t know.
spent with me before I have to go spend the day stuck in some beige room.
I hope you don’t have to spend all your time in the beige room today.
How’re ya doing this am Andi?
I think it’s pretty much a given then I’ll be spending 8-10 hours in one — there’s some sort of unwritten law about the color of the walls in conference rooms.
How I’m doing is that I’m being whiny about not being home even though I hardly ever have to travel any more. I hope ask doesn’t show up and make me even more ashamed just thinking about the trips he has to take.
You know now that I think back, I think you’re right about the unwritten law.
My mind must be going because I don’t even remember you saying anything about a trip. Total geezerdom is sneaking up on me faster than I thought. 🙂
Hope the meetings go good today.
How are you this morning, FM?
Morning Booman. I’m doing fine, just sleepy for this time of the morning. Should have been awake a couple of hours ago.
How are you doing this morning?
I’m okay. Just watched Bush from Germany. Apparently he is going to feast on a pig this evening.
Sounds like the feasting is an oxymoron.
I’m flipping through the news now trying to catch up.
You can really start worrying about your mind because I sent out an email to you, Izzy, and CG yesterday.
Thank God I’m not going senile yet. But Andi, I didn’t get an email. I just checked.
Wait a minute, I might have gotten it and deleted it.
I don’t know, I’m still half asleep. 🙂
Good morning Andi. Funny that I should just pop in now…
Those short trips can be just as dreary, but at least there is no jet-lag.
Hope you’re home again before the weekend.
Excellent demonstration of the diplomatic skills that you no doubt put to good use every day in your job.
I will be home. My company is very good about that. I’ve only had to stay over weekends on international trips.
Mmm . . . breakfast 🙂
But more importantly . . . is anyone else watching the news? What the heck is going on in the Middle East?
Morning LithiumCola. What’s for brakfast?
I’m just turning on the news so I don’t know.
Good morning all.
What a thunder and lightning show we had in NY last night, wow!
Man Eegee still needs a couple of volunteers for this project, hop on over and sign up.
Morning ask. We could use some of that rain down here.
How’re you today?
Work and weather is getting to me. But we’ll be on vacation a week from now.
Hope you’re well, FM.
Glad to hear you’ll be taking a vacation. Everybody needs to recharge after awhile.
Thanks for asking, I’m doing fine.
Good morning Andi, Psi, FM, Boo, Lithium, ask, and whoever else just got here!
It’s looking like another wet day here in PA…so much for cutting the grass.
Morning CG. Rain or drought are always good conditions for me as far as the lawn is concerned.
How’re ya doing this am?
Pretty good. CBtY’s poison ivy is finally calming down enough for him to sleep again, so we all had a restful night here.
Did I read that you are wishing for rain down there?
Glad to hear the poison ivy is getting better. Nasty stuff.
We could use rain, but I’m just as happy with what we’ve got. Less grass to mow. 🙂
Now I have it too. Got my two tubes of cream from the doctor yesterday. Hope your son is feeling better.
Yuck. We wound up with Westcort and Elidel. What did you get?
Pramosone and halobetasol propionate. Yummy. Oh, you’re not supposed to eat them?!
It’s only wet on your mountain. Philly’s dry.
Figures. Sometimes I wish we didn’t have our own brand of weather here…
I’ve got to get ready for the day and run a few errands.
I’ll keep checking back to put up a new cafe.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Got the YA final draft finished and it goes to my agent this afternoon. Then it’ll be his problem for a while. Yay! I’m as free as I ever got on the work front and that feels mighty fine. I’m even thinking about dusting off a trunk novel some time in the next couple of months and doing the fix that would allow me to get it back in the mail (basically I need to reread the first three chapters, delete them and start over – the rest of the book’s fine). Maybe I’ll do that between chapters of the new trilogy. Oh man, but I feel good.
Sorry if my burbling sounds boasty, BTW, it’s just so nice to be feeling on top of things again. Especially since it was only a year and a half ago that I’d decided my career was essentially dead. January ’05 was pretty bleak. That and the fact that on the family side of things the last year has been hell on Earth.
Anywho, I hope y’all are having a good day, and that especially includes Indy, who is hopefully at least up to lurking, and Refinish – I’ve got my fingers crossed for your Dr’s appointment.
Tea today: Oh let’s just go for an oldy but a goody, Empire Keemun, (that’s the one the tea wars were fought over BTW) one of my very favorite teas in the whole world and one I actually have on hand.
Congrats!!!!! and looking forward to getting a signed first edition.
Froggy Bottom Hammock Day here