There is an online poll showing Lieberman as the most effective voice for Democrats at the WSJ

Or go to the top and click on the article:Pelosi Promises
 Fiscal Restraint If Democrats Win

(as if we could do WORSE than turning the largest excess into a deficit? Who would we have to invade for THAT?)

Look to the end for “vote: Who is the most effective voice for the Democrats?”

It is a Lieberman love-fest.

This is exactly the kind of story the MSM will pick up if Lieberman wins. It will show how he is “moderate” and “effective”. Of course he is effective at gutting the Democrats. He couldn’t even support Social Security, his anti-Dem reflexes were so extreme!

So please take time to vote. Liberman was BY FAR ahead now, with only 4,000 votes. Now he is up by less.

Please vote!

So I did post this at the big orange:
And some of the comments are hysterical.

(Can you plagarize yourself?)

They are voting for the Obama.

Let’s vote for Nancy Pelosi, and then remove our cookies and vote again for Obama. (Look for privacy or security under preferences, review cookies, and take out three that places there. Then you can revote.)