The “dog’s gone insane” edition.

I’ll start with the pleasantries.  Here’s Luna on her walk.  Because we’re doing Dog Agility, while walking on our property I take the opportunies presented by things like logs and stumps to practice “jump” and “stand.”

Here’s Luna standing on a tree stump.
And now for the less pleasantries.  Luna thinks she is pregnant, and because she’s not, she is all sorts of confused.  This has caused much to-ing and fro-ing looking for the pups, digging a nest, and keeping us up half the night.  She’s currently on a very low dose of tranquilizers.

False pregnancies in dogs usually last 2-3 weeks.

Oh, and yesterday she got my two best pairs of jeans off the line – distroying one and slightly damaging the other.  SIGH