Hezbollah Strikes Back! Kill 8 Israelis in Haifa Attack

Hezbollah Drone Batters Israeli Warship

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) 10 minutes ago — Hezbollah rammed an Israeli warship with an unmanned aircraft rigged with explosives, setting it ablaze after Israeli warplanes smashed Lebanon’s links to the world one by one and destroyed the headquarters of the Islamic guerrilla group’s leader.

The attack on the warship off Beirut’s Mediterranean coast indicated Hezbollah has added a new weapon to the arsenal of rockets and mortars it has used against Israel.

The Israeli army said the ship suffered severe damage and was on fire hours later as it headed home. There were no details on the ship’s crew, though Al-Jazeera TV said the Israeli military was searching for four missing sailors.

Haaretz (cache) – Haaretz English version is not available at the moment

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