Apparently not content to let the U.S. do a self-immolation act in the Middle East by itself, Israel decided to set itself on fire by invading Lebanon. Burn baby burn? Like George Bush, Israel’s Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, never served in a combat unit and launched military operations without thinking the matter through. In fact, Olmert reportedly never even served in the military. I raise this because there is one simple question Israel cannot answer about the current operations–what is their strategic military objective. Olmert has somehow persuaded the Israeli military to ignore strategy, think tactically, and in the process become really stupid. The events in the next several weeks will expose as myth the canard that you can secure a nation by killing terrorists. No you can’t.
Killing “terrorists” has a place in policy but it is not a strategic military obective. It is a tactical objective and may serve political purposes, but achieves little in terms of securing Israel. Israel is attacking targets in Lebanon like a drunken sailor in a bar fight. Flailing about, causing significant damage, hitting innocent bystanders, and generally making a mess of things. This is not the Israeli military that pulled off the brilliant and daring raid at Entebbe.
What about Hamas and Hezbollah?
They are not terrorists. They carry out terrorist attacks, but they are not terrorists. They are something far more dangerous. They are a fully functioning political, social, religious, and military organizations that use terrorism tactics, but they are far more formidible than terrorist groups like Al Qaeda or the Basque Terrorist Organization. They do have the resources and the personnel to project force, sustain operations, and cannot be easily defeated. Unlike the Egyptian and Syrian armies in 1973, Hamas and Hezbollah will not easily fold and cannot be defeated in a seven day war. If that is the assumption among some Israeli military planners it is a crazy fantasy.
While most folks in the United States buy into the Hollywood storyline of poor little Israel fighting for it’s survival against big, bad Muslims, the reality unfolding on our TV screens shows something else. Exodus, starring Paul Newman, is ancient history. Hamas and Hezbollah attacked military targets–kidnapping soldiers on military patrols may be an act of war and a provocation, but it is not terrorism. (And yes, Hezbollah and Hamas have carried out terrorist attacks in the past against Israeli civilians. I’m not ignoring those acts, I condemn them, but we need to understand what the dynamics are right now.) Israel is not attacking the individuals who hit their soldiers. Israel is engaged in mass punishment.
How did Israel respond? They bombed civilian targets and civilian infrastructure and have killed many civilians. Let’s see if I have this right. The Arab “terrorists” attack military units, destroy at least one tank, and are therefore terrorists. Israel retaliates by launching aerial, naval, and artillery bombardments of civilian areas and they are engaging in self-defense. If we are unable to recognize the hypocrisy of this construct then we ourselves are so enveloped by propaganda and emotion that, like the Israelis, Hezbollah, and Hamas, we can’t think rationally. We can only think in terms of tribalism and revenge.
Iran, meanwhile, is sitting in the catbird’s seat. They have a well-trained and highly competent surrogate force in Hezbollah. Hezbollah’s successful attack on Friday on an Israeli naval vessel is a reminder that Hezbollah is not a bunch of crazy kids carrying RPGs and wearing flip flops. I would be willing to wager that at least one Iranian military advisor was helping Hezbollah launch the missile that hit the Israeli ship. But Iran is doing more than simply engage in tit-for-tat. They are thinking strategically.
The events unfolding in Iraq and Lebanon are going Tehran’s way. The United States is being portrayed in the world media as someone who tolerates and excuses attacks on civilian populations. The perception becomes the reality and the ability of the United States to rally support among the Russians, the Chinese, and even the French becomes more impaired. We need the international community to deal effectively with nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran. Now, we will be bogged down trying to defend Israel from an angry international community.
In the past, the United States had enough credibility on both sides and kept enough of a distance during these blood fueds so that we could intervene and prevent the fighting from escalating into a gigantic war. It appears that there is no one in the Bush Administration who can step up and intervene to calm the situation. Hell, with John Bolton and Elliot Abrams leading the charge, we are Israel’s enablers.
Former Senator Fred Thompson played a U.S. Navy Admiral in the Hunt for Red October. While speaking about escalating tensions as the United States and the Soviet Union chased a renegade submarine, he said:
This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.
Those words are relevant today. Let’s hope and pray they don’t come to pass.
Well said. As with the US in Iraq, there are no long term objectives, no strategy. Just retaliation which clearly solves nothing and continues everything.
I read this morning that Israeli forces had crossed over into Lebannon
where Hezbollah forces killed some of them & captured two,which escalated the conflict, from Hamas to a much larger conflict. I don`t know
what to believe anymore, but partisanship aside, it would seem to me that
if you don`t have international support to hit Iran, what better way to achieve that goal but through Israeli aggression, masked as self defense.
Please continue steaming whatever opinions or factual info. you have to offer.
Smoke drifts across Beirut, Lebanon Saturday, July 15, 2006 following a nighttime Israeli airstrike on the Hezbollah stronghold in the densely-populated southern suburbs. AP Photo/Ben Curtis
The territorial dispute between Israel and Hezbollah is an area called Shabaa Farms (water resources). This was not settled after the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon – architect Ariel Sharon – builder of settlements on Palestinian land in Gaza and the West Bank after 1967.
Israel Kills 34 Civilians in Air Strikes
BEIRUT (Reuters) 20 minutes ago — Israel killed at least 34 civilians, including 15 children, in air strikes meant to punish Lebanon for letting Hizbollah guerrillas menace the Jewish state’s northern border.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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If a religious fundamentalist militia based in the US along the Canadian border were to carry out raids into Canada killing Canadian soldiers and some Canadian civilains and the US would not do anything to stop this, would that be an act of war by the US on Canada?? Could the Canadians then fight as if their very survival was at stake?
I posted the following earlier today in the excellent diary by “Madman in the Marketplace” titled Collective Punishers. It’s exactly relevant here as well.
Create turmoil, disrupt the beginning of democratic elections in Palestinian territory (Arafat as president and Hamas in government) and Lebanon with Hezbollah representation in parliament. The disputed bombing of PM Rafik Hariri was used to blame Syria and force them to pull out of Lebanon.
Israeli strategy: keep the West Bank territory! Israel just does not want a peace settlement with the Palestinians.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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Exactly. Gaza has been besieged by Israel for years, and especially so since the January 2006 elections, when the Palestinians voted in a Hamas-led government. The mistake the Palestinians made was actually voting for a government they wanted, rather than the government Israel wanted them to have. Now the Israelis will make the recalcitrant Palestinians pay the price.
yet another take on the situation
I know Johnson doesn’t answer comments here, but I’d sure like him (or someone) to parse this for me because I’m obviuously missing something:
I don’t understand the distinction being made here.
I understand that Hezbollah has more functions than terrorism (political etc.) and that not all members of Hezbollah commit acts of terrorism. I just don’t get what you’re then supposed to call an entity that uses terrorism tactics. (I know in the US you call it “the Bush administration” or “the CIA”, but that’s beside the point).
If CIA operatives or Navy Seals or whatever commit terrorist acts we do not, typically, say that “Republicans”, or “Americans”, are terrorists (though arguably we should). Hizballah is somewhere between “Republicans” and “Americans” . . . more than a political party, a bit less than a complete and fully functional government/society. Hizballah is, like the US government, a political/social institution that sometimes uses terrorism to accomplish its ends, but that is only a small part of what it is as an institution. All the elected representatives from South Lebanon (in the Lebanese government) are from Hizballah, for example, and it can hardly be called “terrorism” to stand for office and win elections. They are not just a gang of bad guys “out for thrills”.
It would be quite hard, if not impossible, to come up with a definition of “terrorist organization” or “terrorists” that includes Hizballah but does not include also the US and Israeli governments. Whatever descriptive term ends up being used it should be universal in application . . . one would (probably) not say “Israeli terrorists attacked Beirut again today, and Hizballah forces retaliated by attacking and seriously damaging one of the Israeli terrorist’s patrol boats”, but one could, and it would be just correct as the other way around.
One thing that is not correct, however, is the common transliteration of “god” as “ollah”. There may be room for argument whether the “party” part is “hiz” or “hez”, but one would think that a translation of “the party of god” should at least get the “god” part right. I’d like to hear from someone familiar with the organization whether “Hizb’Allah” can be contracted as “Hizballah” (as I have done here) without offense . . .
Of course I flinch when I hear “EyeRack” and EyeRan” . . . how can people that ignorant be permitted to run a government (or allowed to carry a gun) . . .
The point is that this is not like al-Qaeda – a group that is not affiliated with any particular country that largely sticks to committing violence. Hamas and Hezbollah are groups that are largely incorporated into their bases of operations (Palestine, Lebanon) and extend beyond simply committing terrorist acts.
I think I just had a moment of disconnection when I read: “They are not terrorists. They carry out terrorist attacks, but they are not terrorists.”
As if “they” were the entire Hezbollah organization.
I’m alright now. Carry on. 🙂
Catnip, here’s the difference:
Al-Qaeda doesn’t have a bureaucracy. It doesn’t run hospitals or schools or repair roads. It doesn’t have a police force or courts.
Hamas and Hezbollah do and have all those things.
The Moron
George: “I talked about my desire to promote institutional change in parts of the world like Iraq where there’s a free press and free religion, and I told him that a lot of people in our country would hope that Russia would do the same thing.
Vladimir: We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, I will tell you quite honestly. (laughter)
Press Conference in Moscow
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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I think it’s called extraordinary rendition in these times.
And here I thought right-wingers didn’t like political correctness. I guess they only use it when it helps to cover up their crimes. I’m surprised they don’t call torture “extraordinary ouchies”.
it is a shame so few others can see this especially those in positions of power.
In fact, Olmert reportedly never even served in the military.
I would have thought that would be a no-brainer since all Israelis must enlist when they’re of age. He wasn’t exactly Sharon-like, but he did serve.
Is it possible that Israeli staff officers train in the US and imbibe American war-fighting thinking? Didn’t anyone tell them that shock-and-awe didn’t quite cut it over the long term in Iraq?
This situation is getting more dangerous by the minute. The primary problem is a lack of sane and competant leadership in Washington. It seems whenever I wonder how much worse things can get, the neocons show us. The middle east reaching critical mass, Russia upset, The rest of the world alienated and our economy ready to collaps as oil prices soar . . .
I’m afraid we can’t do 2 more years of this madness.
For Bush–excuse me, but i can’t work up the gall to call that thing president–to blame Israel’s murderous, genocidal actions against civilians on military actions by Hamas and Hezbollah is disingenious, to say the least.
Never a peep was heard out of Bush when the maniacal IDF was lobbing 5,000 artillery shells per month into the Gaza strip, hitting and murdering civilians.
And the civilians that the IDF kidnapped in Gaza before the Israel soldier was captured? Good luck finding any mention of that on the Zionist controlled US media.
As usual, Israel is taking punative actions against civilian targets–airports; water purification, electric plants and the like–without fear of reprisal from the so-called civilized world.
What has Israel and the Zionists who run both Israel and the US, got on the world leaders to make them issue lame statements calling for “restraint” by Israel, but Hezbollah has to disarm?
Who has given Israel a blank check to commit war crimes against the civilians of Gaza and Lebanon?
The world is being sucked into “Dubya Dubya III” and the war criminals infesting the White House just play on their fiddles.
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