Cross-posted from European Tribune.
I’m just going to get this out of the way now.
I. Don’t. Care.
It’s true. Maybe it is outrage fatigue. But I don’t think so. I read a nice diary on kos with all the historical maps. I didn’t care. Maybe war just drains me. But I don’t think so. I still have the energy to go to protests and vigils and write my reps. It might be that it’s so far away from my reality. But I don’t think so. I mean, I’m just a little obsessed with what goes on in Russia. Might be that I’m an anti-Semite. But I don’t think so. My boyfriend is Jewish.
I don’t care who is right and who is wrong because there is nothing in the world to justify what has happened this week.
There is a neighborhood in Chicago called Rogers Park. Walk down streets like Devon Avenue and you won’t hear any English spoken. You will hear Russian, Urdu, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic… You’ll see mosques and temples and churches. It is the most vibrant neighborhood in the city, and Jews live next door to Palestinians who live across the street from Pakistanis whose children play with Hindus. These are not well-off, highly educated, totally assimilated people. They are mostly just off the proverbial boat. But they seem to realize they are all in it together. People from all over come to study this neighborhood because it defies all the laws of the universe. People. Getting along.
We’ve all been wronged.
We’ve all had loved ones ripped from our lives.
We’d all like to live wherever we want to.
We all want to live without worrying about being bombed.
We all have a loved one who has endured genocide, racism or oppression.
We all believe we are right.
Those of us who believe that our being right gives us permission to sacrifice another person’s child are evil.
End of story. Don’t care where you live, where you worship, what happened to your people a 100 years ago. Don’t care. I don’t have any interest in your grievances.
We all have choices in life. We can educate, or promote ignorance. Reach out, or build walls. Live together or annihilate. Accept humility or prove our might. Be decent or be ugly.
~Anyone who tells you they have no choice but to drop a bomb is lying to you.
~Anyone who tells you god wants them to have your home is lying to you.
~Anyone who tells you they are incapable of living with someone of a certain race or religion is lying to you.
~Anyone who tells you that the only path to peace is war is lying to you.
I’m rather sick of watching people die because of these lies. Darfur, Chechnya, Iraq, Palestine, etc, etc… I don’t know what to do about it. But the first thing I am going to do is stop being afraid to call out the liars. Label me an anti-Semite, anti-Muslim, anti-Russian, anti-American. I Don’t Care. Then I’m going to raise my standards. If the Jews, Muslims, Christians and Hindus down the freaking street can live in peace, the rest of the world has no fucking excuse. None.
That’s why I don’t care who did what first or who was where why. Because these have become discussions that serve only one purpose, to undermine peace and strip us of our shared humanity. The world is on fire because it is easier to live in the past than build a future. Because it is easier to find our differences than our commonalities. Because it is easier to appear civilized by forcing other people to live like animals than by cultivating our own minds and souls. Because it is easier to kill someone than negotiate.
Tell me what you are doing to build a better future, to celebrate our shared humanity, to cultivate your higher sensitivities, to challenge your current way of seeing the world, and I will happily listen. But why is there war? I Don’t Care. There is no reason valid enough for me to waste my time listening to it.
Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow and feel differently. But that’s not the point.
The point is that there are children who won’t wake up tomorrow, or ever again.
Brava, Girlfriend! I don’t care either.
I just had an idear.
The one thing BT lacks write now is a strong woman’s voice as a front-pager.
Poemless? Booman? What do you think?
Well thanks for the recommendation, but I’m actually pretty busy over at European Tribune at the moment. Unless Booman wants gobs of Russia diaries on his Front Page…
I agree about the need for more strong female voices in the blogosphere though.
Well, it was worth a shot. : )
and nobody seems to be showing up to argue for Peace. I am so sorry. I am sorry that as we sit here and not care about all of these things that the powers that be don’t care for Peace any longer.
When people begin to understand that Peace is a verb, not a static condition bassed on a tally of rights and wrongs, then they have no further need for retribution or to seek power over others as an antidote to fear.
Peace unites and strengthens us through our actions for the common good; revenge and retribution divides us, weakens us, and requires more coffinmakers.
It’s a no-brainer, really, but the pols and religious nuts never get it.
Brilliant, this part resonated with me the most:
Thanks, poemless.
Had a similar background/experiences.
That makes two of us!
Poemless, your words spark such profound feelings in me – but profound words do not come.
Just that I’m with you – and thanks.
I’ve been an avid long-time lurker at this site and I just signed up so I could thank poemless from the bottom of my heart for this diary.
Not just for me, but for a (republican) relative of mine that I just sent this to. Finally, finally (!) after all these years I think she finally gets it. We’ve had so many frustrating discussions and I respect her so much otherwise that it’s hard for me to drop it. But finally, I got through (with your help) to her and that gives me a lot of hope.
Welcome to posting jc, nice to hear from you.
And if you got through to a republican relative – that gives me hope!! Thanks for letting us know.
Wow poemless! Did you ever nail it, and perfectly!
I don’t care why either.
Thank you for your well written and well stated words.
Damm Poemless, you sure know my neighbourhood well 🙂
And you are right, we all get along great here, so there shouldn’t be any excuses!
Thanks for all your kind words.
Now in Orange:
If you are into recommending sanity over there. 🙂
Thank you for one of the finest diaries I have read on this or any other site. Amen, sister!
Comments from someone who just bought a home in Israel:
“In listening to the media, to my neighbors, to the gas station attendant, I am amazed by the lack of comprehension: “We leave Gaza, they shoot missiles at us from there. We leave Lebanon, they kidnap our boys. How do they expect us to leave the West Bank? Fuggedaboudit!”
These views, expressed by most Israelis these days, can only fill me with awe at how the Big Lie works: Repeat it often enough, publicly enough, by political and spiritual leaders, and the whole country/world will begin to believe that Israel is innocent of all wrongdoing and that these attacks emerged from a political vacuum:
As if there is no occupation. As if there is no siege on Gaza. As if there are no 39 years (and counting) of military and political oppression with all the killing, maiming, home destruction, and livelihood wrecking that this entails. What is it about “end the occupation” that they don’t understand?
No, I do not justify Qassam missiles or Katyusha rockets hurled at Israeli towns or the kidnapping of anyone (even armed soldiers in tanks). I do not justify any attacks by missile or suicide bomber or remotely detonated device.
Nor do I justify the endless shelling of Gaza and Lebanon – land, sea, and air – for any reason at all, let alone for purposes more related to posturing and domestic public opinion than with accomplishing any political objective. “How could we not respond when they kill and kidnap our soldiers?” asked Yuli Tamir, our Education Minister (for goodness sakes!) and a former Peace Now activist. As if shelling is sure to make the Hizbullah leaders remorseful and let our boys come home.
So, as usual in wars, we have an alliance of the jingoistic decision-makers on both sides, whipping up patriotism while they watch the fighting on-screen from bunkers deep in the earth. In Israel, this war absolutely thrills the right wing: The escalation keeps up the militaristic approach to problem solving, discredits the view that Israel must leave the occupied territories, and distances the current warfare from its roots in the ongoing occupation. What’s not to love about this war?
And as usual in Israel, a few cantankerous peace organizations – the Coalition of Women for Peace, Gush Shalom, Ta’ayush, and a few others – increase their presence on the streets. At Women in Black last Friday, we carried our regular “End the Occupation” signs and buttressed them with signs saying, “Stop the Killing – Negotiate!” (and “It’s the Occupation, Stupid!”). But when the cannons roar, so do the bystanders, and a dozen police were there to prevent anything worse than words and gestures.
A day will come when this small corner of the Mediterranean will again hold sailboats and waterskiers, and I’m looking forward to that view from the balcony. I still think it was a good investment.”
Thank you for sharing this. Blessed are the peacemakers. It takes courage and heart to stand up for peace when everyone else is caught up in jingoism, milatarism and machismo.
That’s why a like this diary so much. It is calling BS on all the “lofty” reasons why people must go one killing each other.
I don’t have any interest in your grievances.
I’d agree if by that is meant the schoolyard tit-for-tat-ism of ‘you started it.’ But our narratives & language have erased a huge humanitarian injustice that must somehow be acknowledged & addressed.
That sentiment by the west, I’m afraid, is at the root of the current violence in the region. Thank you, duranta, for demonstrating that knowledge of history & social processes is crucial to bring about the sorts of talks & negotiations that will achieve a real last political settlement — the only peace that’s to be had.
I’d add that another part of that task is filling in the blanks that the dominant narrative covers over.
So, I do care about “why?”
speaking my mind.
Truly excellent work.
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