Of course I do. It’s funny though, I remember at the beginning of spring when I was complaining of how hot it was already down here and everybody was saying,”We’ve got snow.”
If only it was possible to transfer heat across the internet.
Hi all from cloudy, rainy Tasmania.
I’m off to buy a trunk-load (or boot-load, as they say here – for some reason when you go from driving on the right to driving on the left your car has a boot and a bonnet instead of a trunk and a hood) of firewood, as we’ve run out and I’m not allowed to use the chainsaw without supervision (for safety’s sake, not because I lack skill).
Brookmyre’s a very interesting writer. Very dark humour, very good w/ the language, and very tricky w/ plot twists…mystery kinds of stuff. Not everyone’s cup of tea, he reminds me a bit of Tom Robbins, whose work I really enjoy.
PS, eh…Good Luck! Hope you got the manual, I unfortunately only have a pdf of it and it’s hard to use in that format.
can’t print it because I don’t have a printer…should just go buy the hard copy, then maybe I’d tackle it in earnest…
as to…“lack of other entertainment activities”…that is a misinterpretation…:{) I have plenty of entertainment, the lack of a tv just provides more time to pursue them…and yes, I read quite a lot, especially in winter. neener, neener.
LOL … you make me laugh d. You should at the very least borrow a copy from the library. I just uploaded my first batch straight from the d70s and it was great! Now that they’re in there I’m not sure what to do, but that’s the next step I suppose … 🙂
I know you’ve got lots of ways to entertain yourself … I was just pulling your leg. 😉
Got a favourite author? Or is that like music as well. 🙂
Aren’t they though! Funny thing is that in 8th grade science, when the teacher reviewed all of the flower parts, me and my best friend Debbie Estes (sorry Debbie, but I just know you aren’t reading this) just about split a gut laughing. Teenagers!
Yup, still here, are you? Just took a walk, it is wierd here, just round the corner from the quasi-posh hotel there are peeps fishing in a trashy urine smelling area. I don’t quite get Long Beach. But at least I get to cool off for a couple of days. Did I get it right that your AC won’t be fixed until August? If so, that would suck, totally.
Conf doesn’t start until tomorrow, but since the traffic in LA is so paralyzing, I thought I would get here early and then be bright eyed and bushy-tailed for the proceedings.
I have no idea what to expect. I have to take part in workshops for a planning grant. Plus it will be interesting so have a roommate, who is a much younger woman, I’m sure she’s dreading it like having to room in with an elderly aunt or something. But I know know how to mind my own business.
How can you survive without an air conditioner? I would have to go out and kill somebody to get one!
Besides you’re too kewl … 🙂 I hope you enjoy yourself and get lots out of it.
LOL … today spent a few hours hanging in a bookstore. We’ve got fans … and ice cream. Not much else to do. Plus we’re saving on energy costs, right? :/
Hanging out in a bookstore is the perfect solution. In my case there isn’t a bookstore within 15 miles, so thank God the AC works! Ice cream is not on my diet. Sigh!
Yup, too kewl for my own good and then some. You guessed it you perceptive little thing, you!
Well, I’m off to bed, I guess, to try to pretend that I’m sleeping until I either fall asleep or get bored with the pretense and get up and do something!
I was checking out new items on a program one day & they had urinals with a fly glazed into the pocelain. I guess it was to keep the output of the violent tendentcied urinal user, aimed at the fly rather than just a Ho Hum pee with no critical aim involved.
The one you posted is either a “bidet/torture device” or an invitation to pee on the flowers.
This is a strange colored Hibiscus I think. http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/6496/p1010031sunburstvh8.jpg
my reading tastes are pretty eclectic, so yeah, it’s a lot like the music. I read mostly for pleasure and try to hit the “New Books” section of the library at least once a month or more. The main lib. is less than a mile from here so it’s pretty easy. That and the used bookstores.
Beats buying new books…otherwise I’d be really broke.
Never thought of checking the library for a copy of the PS man…but having a permanent copy would be most beneficial as opposed to having to return it.
Books, what an invention. I usually have 5 or 6 books, articles or scientific
journals going at the same time.
A good book for entertainment purposes is “A SONG FOR THE ASKING” by
Steve Gannon.Bantam Books
“No stanger has the capacity to truly hurt you; that terrible power is held only in the hands of those you love.”
A can`t put down read.
I “edited” the book for my friend Steve, up in Idaho, on a ski trip. He laughed at me when I told him I`d give it a read through & note any mistakes. He said it had been edited by pros who did it for a living. I found 12 mistakes. It`s about a family in turmoil over .. Hey, just read it anybody
Dada, I don`t know if you got my response to your friend`s thing on the Harleys. I just found a folder of one of my bikes I`ve had forever & still have. It`s a 1937 knucklehead. http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/1728/p1010011ik0.jpg
Got the other bike pic and sent it on to him, hope that’s ok…didn’t send him the link just a jpg. He’s sold most, if not all, of his Harleys …he may still have his ’71 dresser.
That looks like the same bike…?…w/out the “stalker” attachment. Nice!
to even think about going to bed — spouse wants me to take the OTC sleep aid we have for emergencies, but I’m scared I’ll start to depend on it. So I’m spending the evening doing more cleaning stuff. Moved around a bunch of stuff in the pantry and actually had room to put away the large slow-cooker! (I’ll probably be getting it out later this week, but at least for now it’s good to have it put away.)
We have the door and window open, but the problem is our next door neighbor is a smoker, and since smoking isn’t allowed in the apartments (per the lease), he smokes out on the patio, and it occasionally drifts this direction so we have to close everything back up. 🙁
It’s 10:45 Pacific Dark Time…maybe I’ll try putting away laundry, that might do the trick…
Clean cafe and plenty of room.
but I must go and make dinner. Take care people. XOXO
See ya DJ. It was fun.
be easy on those towels, my friend 🙂
I always hang my towels up. Never on the floor. 🙂
As I said with the drinking, I talk a good game. 🙂
Don’t you want us all believing the best of you? 😉
I prefer to think the worst of Family Man.
And I never let you down in that respect. 😛
OK two words. Ship mast. :~)
See ya!
Take care Olivia… only about 10 more weeks…HOCKEY “not that rapture shit” LOL
Tonight is a double size of Taco Salad so it will last for Monday.
Tuesday Double Manicotti
Thursday Double Chili…
I’m not wanting to cook most nights can ya tell??
okay outtie.
So Olivia how’s the sauna you call home?
How’s yours … cool?
It’s comfortable. I could tell you it’s almost cold in here, but that would be mean, so I won’t. 🙂
Well, then I guess I won’t tell you how it’s so hot here I’m holding ice cubes to various parts of my body … 😉
LOL I was laughing so much I almost choked.
Of course I do. It’s funny though, I remember at the beginning of spring when I was complaining of how hot it was already down here and everybody was saying,”We’ve got snow.”
Double Hah I say. Welcome to my world. 🙂
Mr. Olivia must be very pleased to see that.
Which parts!!!? 🙂
If only it was possible to transfer heat across the internet.
Hi all from cloudy, rainy Tasmania.
I’m off to buy a trunk-load (or boot-load, as they say here – for some reason when you go from driving on the right to driving on the left your car has a boot and a bonnet instead of a trunk and a hood) of firewood, as we’ve run out and I’m not allowed to use the chainsaw without supervision (for safety’s sake, not because I lack skill).
Hi keres … 🙂
Hi keres. I keep forgetting it’s winter there.
It’s nice to talk to someone that’s not dying of heat.
Well I hate to, but I’ve been up since about 2:00 am and no nap today, so I’m heading off to bed.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
Yo O!
Hi MM…great to see your Sunday visit, and you even brought another beautiful flower.
How are you tonight … You and Bu surviving the weather?
Bu went to the mountains today w/ the X, so I suspect she enjoyed herself, back tomorrow.
Sounds like another burner in O-town today…but I gotta tell you, it was difficult not to make comment about the ice cubes…:{)
So you’re all alone tonight are ya …
LOL — well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do to stay cool right? 😉
Had the a/c cranking all day in the studio, and now that the sun’s set it’s pretty pleasant up here.
Looking at the temp map at WUnderground it’s pretty damned hot across the country and up there too.
Brings to mind a book I’ve been trying to get from the library

clik for info
apropos title, eh
Although it looks like the cont. is on fire …
Very apropriate title there d … A good series?
I finally loaded up PS … been playing a very little.
Brookmyre’s a very interesting writer. Very dark humour, very good w/ the language, and very tricky w/ plot twists…mystery kinds of stuff. Not everyone’s cup of tea, he reminds me a bit of Tom Robbins, whose work I really enjoy.
PS, eh…Good Luck! Hope you got the manual, I unfortunately only have a pdf of it and it’s hard to use in that format.
One came w/ it — surprised yours didn’t — and one I picked up.
Do you do a lot of reading … I imagine so d/t your lack of other entertainment activities.
can’t print it because I don’t have a printer…should just go buy the hard copy, then maybe I’d tackle it in earnest…
as to…“lack of other entertainment activities”…that is a misinterpretation…:{) I have plenty of entertainment, the lack of a tv just provides more time to pursue them…and yes, I read quite a lot, especially in winter. neener, neener.
LOL … you make me laugh d. You should at the very least borrow a copy from the library. I just uploaded my first batch straight from the d70s and it was great! Now that they’re in there I’m not sure what to do, but that’s the next step I suppose … 🙂
I know you’ve got lots of ways to entertain yourself … I was just pulling your leg. 😉
Got a favourite author? Or is that like music as well. 🙂
…for your responses, to which I have responded, though cafe closed and new cafe opened in the interim. Please check back if you have a moment.
Here’s a lovely a long beach shore dweller who I just got to know a little bit.
one of the many things I’ve learned in the pond…
Flowers are super sexy 🙂
Aren’t they though! Funny thing is that in 8th grade science, when the teacher reviewed all of the flower parts, me and my best friend Debbie Estes (sorry Debbie, but I just know you aren’t reading this) just about split a gut laughing. Teenagers!
{{{{{mm}}}}}} for some big squishy (and sweaty — sorry) hugs?!
I had to go offline for a bit there … Just saw your comments. 🙂
Yup, still here, are you? Just took a walk, it is wierd here, just round the corner from the quasi-posh hotel there are peeps fishing in a trashy urine smelling area. I don’t quite get Long Beach. But at least I get to cool off for a couple of days. Did I get it right that your AC won’t be fixed until August? If so, that would suck, totally.
Finally caught ya live … 🙂
Ew on the fishing in urine water … lol.
Yep — you caught right. It’ll be interesting. Tomorrow will be the worst, but should be getting cooler throughout the week.
So how are you enjoying the conf?
Conf doesn’t start until tomorrow, but since the traffic in LA is so paralyzing, I thought I would get here early and then be bright eyed and bushy-tailed for the proceedings.
I have no idea what to expect. I have to take part in workshops for a planning grant. Plus it will be interesting so have a roommate, who is a much younger woman, I’m sure she’s dreading it like having to room in with an elderly aunt or something. But I know know how to mind my own business.
How can you survive without an air conditioner? I would have to go out and kill somebody to get one!
Besides you’re too kewl … 🙂 I hope you enjoy yourself and get lots out of it.
LOL … today spent a few hours hanging in a bookstore. We’ve got fans … and ice cream. Not much else to do. Plus we’re saving on energy costs, right? :/
Hanging out in a bookstore is the perfect solution. In my case there isn’t a bookstore within 15 miles, so thank God the AC works! Ice cream is not on my diet. Sigh!
Yup, too kewl for my own good and then some. You guessed it you perceptive little thing, you!
Well, I’m off to bed, I guess, to try to pretend that I’m sleeping until I either fall asleep or get bored with the pretense and get up and do something!
Night-skie night!
Have a super-duper week and hope to see you checking back in again soon!!!
Flowerotica a la Andi
Petal Porn a la dada
What is it about flowers????
I dunno!
You know it too … 🙂
Another busy day?
Never too busy for my grand-daughters. We went on a walkabout in the field & around . They picked a bunch of flowers. I had to yell at them & told them I`d whack em with a stick if they even tried to put baskets on their heads. They went ahead & did it anyway, but I do have the proof, & now they can`t deny it.
Looks like a wonderful way to spend the day … 🙂
Guess you didn’t fall into the cactus last night.
What kind of flower is that one?
Take a look at this … LOL
you found that…I don’t frequent those kinds of places…LOL
I’ve never seen a flower toilet in a women’s restroom … 🙂
I was checking out new items on a program one day & they had urinals with a fly glazed into the pocelain. I guess it was to keep the output of the violent tendentcied urinal user, aimed at the fly rather than just a Ho Hum pee with no critical aim involved.
The one you posted is either a “bidet/torture device” or an invitation to pee on the flowers.
This is a strange colored Hibiscus I think.
Can’t guys just pee … why do they need all these devices and marks to aim for … LOL.
That is a cool colour knuckle! I don’t think I’ve seen a yellow one before.
I would think an Easter Lily, but I check with the resident expert, Miss O.
This one might be a Tiger Lilly.
my reading tastes are pretty eclectic, so yeah, it’s a lot like the music. I read mostly for pleasure and try to hit the “New Books” section of the library at least once a month or more. The main lib. is less than a mile from here so it’s pretty easy. That and the used bookstores.
Beats buying new books…otherwise I’d be really broke.
Never thought of checking the library for a copy of the PS man…but having a permanent copy would be most beneficial as opposed to having to return it.
Maybe help you w/ those things that are the most confusing right now. Check to see if they any unofficial guides or the like.
I hear ya on the buying new books … I have too many books … love ’em tho.
Good night Olivia, dada et al.
This might help cool you off Olivia. Ya know, cool colors & all.
Books, what an invention. I usually have 5 or 6 books, articles or scientific
journals going at the same time.
A good book for entertainment purposes is “A SONG FOR THE ASKING” by
Steve Gannon.Bantam Books
“No stanger has the capacity to truly hurt you; that terrible power is held only in the hands of those you love.”
A can`t put down read.
I “edited” the book for my friend Steve, up in Idaho, on a ski trip. He laughed at me when I told him I`d give it a read through & note any mistakes. He said it had been edited by pros who did it for a living. I found 12 mistakes. It`s about a family in turmoil over .. Hey, just read it anybody
Dada, I don`t know if you got my response to your friend`s thing on the Harleys. I just found a folder of one of my bikes I`ve had forever & still have. It`s a 1937 knucklehead.
I’ll put it on the list.
Got the other bike pic and sent it on to him, hope that’s ok…didn’t send him the link just a jpg. He’s sold most, if not all, of his Harleys …he may still have his ’71 dresser.
That looks like the same bike…?…w/out the “stalker” attachment. Nice!
“Stalker” attachment. ?
If memory serves, that was the ‘description’…this ring a bell?…looks like a diff bike too.
Checking out…catch you next time.
I need more than 4 hrs. sleep tonight.
Here’s the sunset this eve:

and a couple of photo essays from the BBC to keep you guys amused…or disgusted, as the case may be, esp. w/ this one:
Food for Thought
I say old chap…
A jolly good night O, Head, EnEssAy…et al.
Sweet dreams of scorpions and sea slug munching … LOL.
I’m going as well … Good night knuckle.
Sleep well all … Have a good Monday!
to even think about going to bed — spouse wants me to take the OTC sleep aid we have for emergencies, but I’m scared I’ll start to depend on it. So I’m spending the evening doing more cleaning stuff. Moved around a bunch of stuff in the pantry and actually had room to put away the large slow-cooker! (I’ll probably be getting it out later this week, but at least for now it’s good to have it put away.)
We have the door and window open, but the problem is our next door neighbor is a smoker, and since smoking isn’t allowed in the apartments (per the lease), he smokes out on the patio, and it occasionally drifts this direction so we have to close everything back up. 🙁
It’s 10:45 Pacific Dark Time…maybe I’ll try putting away laundry, that might do the trick…