David Broder and Dan Balz have a giant article up at the Washington Post on the nation’s attitude towards terrorism and the war in Iraq. The article is at once mealy-mouthed, straightforward, and interesting. The most interesting feature is their discussion of a recent focus group experiment.
…a survey experiment commissioned by The Washington Post and conducted by Stanford University communications Prof. Shanto Iyengar showed that, even five years later, visual reminders of the attacks of Sept. 11 can — modestly — affect attitudes about Bush, the causes of terrorism and how to combat it.
“The best way of summarizing this pattern of results is that it appears as though President Bush has a 9/11 halo,” Iyengar said. “When people see 9/11, they immediately respond more positively to the president. In this context, given that his evaluations are fairly low, what we’re saying is, it makes them less negative.”
That makes it likely that reminders of those attacks and threats of global terrorism again will be seen in campaign ads for this fall’s elections and in 2008.
Conversely, images of Iraq (both positive and negative) have no effect on people’s attitudes.
…images of the war in Iraq failed to change attitudes. Whether images of success (the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s statue) or setbacks (U.S. or Iraqi casualties), the videos did not affect views about the war, about Bush, about the upcoming election. After more than three years of daily reporting from Iraq, public opinion now is difficult to sway.
I suppose that there is both good and bad news in this. On the positive side, it appears there is nothing Bush can do to improve people’s opinion of his decision to invade Iraq. People hate the decision. On the negative side, it does not appear that we can gain any more advantage by harping on it. At best, we can maintain the advantage we have.
As for 9/11, Americans still have a visceral reaction when subjected to images from that day.
The Twin Towers imagery also affected how Americans assess the causes of terrorism. The experiment found that 53 percent of Democrats who saw the video said Islamic extremism was extremely important in causing terrorism, compared with 40 percent of Democrats in a control group, who saw no video. Those in the control group were more likely to cite poverty and political oppression as causing terrorism than were those who saw the Twin Towers video.
Congresspeople running for office this year will have difficulty using 9/11 footage in their campaign commercials without inviting a backlash. But we can expect some of that, plus plenty of rhetoric about the importance of keeping America safe. Meanwhile, gas prices appear to be the most potent weapon available to the Democrats.
Different groups were shown images either of bad news (rising gasoline prices) or good news (jobs growth). Among those who saw the reports of gas prices, 42 percent said their family is worse off than a year ago, compared with 29 percent of those who saw the good news video. The spread was even greater among independents. Those who saw the gas prices video also were more pessimistic about the national economy.
“I wasn’t expecting the kind of effect we found on the economy, particularly because those are really large effects, on the order of magnitude of 10 percentage points,” Iyengar said. “Given what we know about the impact of perceptions of the economy on voting, those are consequential effects.”
Gas prices are not the only weapon available to the Democrats. They lead in every category, save terrorism.
In a late June Post-ABC News poll, when voters were asked which party they trust to handle certain issues, Republicans led on only one topic: the campaign against terrorism. Their 46 percent to 39 percent lead over the Democrats was modest, compared with the 2 to 1 advantage they enjoyed earlier, but it stands out at a time when Republicans are trailing on the economy, immigration, corruption and Iraq.
As events in the Middle East spiral out of control it is hard to gauge how the American public will react. Gas prices are likely to continue their upward trend, further strengthening the Dems’ strongest advantage. It will also threaten to erode even further the public’s view on how Bush is handling foreign affairs.
But, if the left splinters over support or opposition to Israel’s actions, and if there are more terrorist attacks on U.S. interests, events could favor the GOP.
More than anything, chaos and violence in the Middle East threatens to drown out discussion of kitchen table issues, like education, health care, and retirement security, while blunting criticism of Bush’s illegal surveillance, torture, and extraordinary renditions.
Put on your seat belts, it’s going to be a rocky ride.
As the Middle East spins out of control it is time to remind the American Public that W wanted to let the UAE operate several key U.S. ports.
” WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush on Tuesday defended a deal that would let a United Arab Emirates-based company run some key U.S. seaports, telling reporters that he would veto any bill to hold up the agreement.”
As for the 9/11 halo, well this is what I recall of W on 9/11! Weak, incompetent, when shit hits the fan he stands in front of the fan.
I think that Democrats need to finally realize that they don’t live in a happy world of reason and intelligence. No matter how right they are and no matter how much their policies benefit average folks, anywhere from 25-40% of the American population (depending on the makeup of your particular state) is officially batshit fucking crazy. I’m talking about the "Dubya talks directly to God" and "dinosaurs and humans lived together 6000 years ago" crowd.
I’m wary of the polls that say that people prefer the Democrats position on issues because at the end of the day, I think all it will take is a politician to start thumping a Bible and pushing the fundie buttons to trump whatever advantages Democrats have on the real issues, especially if there are issues in the Middle East which will play to all those who are rapture-ready. Since they are all but sewn up, they only usually need to attract another 10% of the public to make an election close enough to steal.
Wow, I’m really depressed today…
I think all it will take is a politician to start thumping a Bible and pushing the fundie buttons to trump whatever advantages Democrats have on the real issues,
I am afraid you may be correct here, but this next election coming in 11/06 will go a long way as a barometer to measure this.
If the repub-conservative-fundies maintain their power after 11/06, the fascist American conversion will be likely complete and irreversible. Such conversion will have been built on the three-legged principles of:
–Corporate controlled media propaganda dissemination
–rampant and unreasonable appeals to nationalism
–Fundamentalist Christian calls to turn off ones brain in favor of what “They” say!
So this is indeed a much more significant election coming up than almost any other American election since 1860, IMHO!
that people hate the decision bush made to go to war
just because they are pissed now they arent saying the decision was wrong…i believe he is getting a pass on that one….what i see is they are pissed we arent winning…whatever that means….but the blame is being shared by a whole lot of people….people hate the losing..they dont hate the decidion.
about that, Anna…as people see that things have gone from bad to worse, that we weren’t greeted with flowers and candy, and especially now that the Wilson’s lawsuit is bringing the false reasons for going to Iraq back into focus, it might remind people of not just that, but all the other boneheaded moves this misAdministration has made with the full consent of the Congress.
As for me, I wonder how much impact all the upcoming “Katrina — One Year Later” retrospectives will have on the voters’ mentality…when everyone heads back down there and the cameras show the continued devastation of the Ninth Ward, combined with talking to folks who have no idea when/if they’ll be able to return home to New Orleans and other Gulf Coast spots, that might hit home with people…
People don’t want to admit they were fooled by Bush into believing the invasion of Iraq was necessary, so even now, many reflexively support the absurd notion that it was the right decision while simultaneously blaming others for their incompetence.
There has been no real epiphany of consciousness in the public mind as to the legitimcy of the invasion of Iraq. Rather, people are sick of hearing about the mess,pissed that it’sdriving prices up and wrecking the economy here at home, and just don’t wantto be bothered by having to hear about the continuing mess anymore. This sort of selfishness I suspect is the primary factorfor the change in the polls regarding public opinion on the war.
People are not caring that Senators voted for the war (and then voted against it) so much as they are upset that the war is going to horrifically badly. They know, somewhere deep down, that if things go on as they have a draft will be served up directly and their child, their kin will be put in harms way. And they are not even aware of how bad things really are because the reporting is so terrible, but they are dimly sensing the black hole sucking everything in.
that if things go on as they have a draft will be served up directly and their child, their kin will be put in harms way
If just the fear of the draft could have this latent effect, just imagine what the actual implementation of a fair draft might do to those chickenhawk voters who are feeling no real pain from Bush’s war.
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am becoming that a fair draft may be this country’s only way to get enough people to open up their minds to some logic again!
I think in fact that this new ME flareup is going to lead to repudiation of Bush and Republicans, as it makes it all to clear that they have lost control of events there, and that Iraq has not had the salutary benefits promised. The Republicans will campaign on Iraq at their peril.
a statement at any time without parroting “9/11, 9/11” over and over. You would think there would be a deadening factor after a bit, or at least SOME backwash.
The ONLY thing I’ve seen that really tanks Bush in the polls is gas prices. People care far more about their cars than they do about their country. Showing the prices going up and up and up should net the dems some good traction.
When the fat, ignorant American public has to look walking to work right in the eye their attitude will worsen.
A whole lot.
Reality has outpaced spin in the Middle-East. The most insightful post I’ve read said that nobody knows what will happen next.
That is the definition of a failed foreign policy…
a failed state.
Which is what America can very easily become if ‘walking to work’ comes to pass.
The only answer is to impeach Bush and throw the ReThugs out of Congress.
It may be late in the game but it is the only option.
Unless yer wanna stick yer head in the sand like BubbleBoy has.
impeachment poll on msnbc
86 percent were saying YES!!!!