Good morning to you. The heat might not have risen yet but the humidity is already 90%. Ugh.
On a more pleasant subject, did you know that a midwest meet-up is being set for October 7 in Chicago? There arent’ any firm plans yet but the date is solid.
No, I didn’t know. I’ve not been here at the pond much at all for the past 3 weeks or so. Chicago in Oct. seems like a good idea. But I am a bit worried about the hostility around here (not in the Cafe) I seemed to sense last night. . .
I can’t deny that there is some hostility going on. I think there is an inverse ratio between people’s ability to discuss issues calmly and with consideration and their level of frustration with their inability to affect so many huge problems.
As for animals who have you at their beck and call — I take the fifth on that.
Of course, since I live in the woods, going to the big city sounds nice. Although I have to admit, I thought about suggesting meeting at the Smokies but not everybody likes the outdoors and a lot of people can get to Chicago really cheaply.
The definites so far are maryb, me, JimF (my husband), Iowa Victory Gardener, IndyLib, and Second Nature. We’ve got quite a few maybes, including olivia, dada, NorthDakotaDem, and a group from Minnesota (see the discussion in the Midwest thread).
We’ll come, assuming there’s not something on the calendar that I’ve forgotten. We being me and spouse. I’ll check out the midwest thread. Personally, I would have loved the Smokies, but it isn’t a quick fly-in, true.
And now, I’ve got to go turn on the drip hoses and water the flowers, or they’ll die in this horrible heat. We’re only at 88% humidity, but looking at high 90’s temps and sunny today. Yuck.
Just to let her friends know, WW is in transition, about to move, but sunmmer storms took out the bridges and roads in Delaware County at the end of June, so she’s got limited access to her new property. In fact, I’m not sure exactly where she is right now, but got a brief message from her this weekend, stating all is well. She doesn’t have incoming phone service, but has a calling card. I assume she’s still in the trailer, searching for a new car, and very ready to set up home in Tompkins.
I’ll drop another note into the Pond when I get more information. — Mark (Isis)
Isis thanks so much for this post. I’ve been thinking about WW and hoping she was doing OK. Please let her know we miss her and hope she gets settled in soon.
West coast in the houuusssse! I’m off work today to use up some excess vacation time. No heat today-another below 80 day I think. Am going on a blind date in the next town over for lunch but don’t feel particularly hopeful for some reason. Then some chores and a bass lesson.
I’m coming to feel that I’m getting stuck in circular thinking of a negative sort-maybe time to go back to the therapist.
Already 76, expecting high of 88 — waaaay too hot to get any housework done, so we’re going to get moving and go see a movie (An Inconvenient Truth). I was going to be volunteering at church this week, but they don’t need me till next week (Monday and Tuesday) so I’m off the hook (though I’m on standby just in case the new office administrator takes one look at the disaster and runs out screaming… lol).
Isis — thanks for the update on WW…I hope she’s able to get settled soon.
AndiF — wish I could make Chicago in October; if the spouse’s work situation (or lack of same) is resolved by then I might collect on the IOU he owes me for all the stress he’s put me through this year…
Okay, time to get stirring if we’re going to make the 2:30 showing…
Mornin’…about to catch a little more sleep now.
You might want to consider the technique of staying asleep — I think it’s a bit more efficient than getting up and going back to sleep.
If you could show me how to get the livestock to stay asleep until a “reasonable” hour, I for one would love to be sleeping right now!
I’m considering going back to bed too, but Spot is howling.
True, but I only have the spare time to sleep on Mondays since the WSJ is pretty light reading then.
Morning PsiF. We haven’t me before. Sometime when you’re not on your way back to sleep, I must remember to ask you about your name.
Morning, Andif. Good to see you before the heat rises.
Good morning to you. The heat might not have risen yet but the humidity is already 90%. Ugh.
On a more pleasant subject, did you know that a midwest meet-up is being set for October 7 in Chicago? There arent’ any firm plans yet but the date is solid.
No, I didn’t know. I’ve not been here at the pond much at all for the past 3 weeks or so. Chicago in Oct. seems like a good idea. But I am a bit worried about the hostility around here (not in the Cafe) I seemed to sense last night. . .
I hope you can make it.
I can’t deny that there is some hostility going on. I think there is an inverse ratio between people’s ability to discuss issues calmly and with consideration and their level of frustration with their inability to affect so many huge problems.
As for animals who have you at their beck and call — I take the fifth on that.
I’ve put it on my calendar. It’s a short hop from Detroit to Chicago, and we like to go.
And as to my other comment, face to face is better when people argue. Not that meetings are for arguing, as much as finding more in common.
Now, if there were just some way to get together without doing it in a big metro area. . . In October, I mostly want to spend time in the woods.
Of course, since I live in the woods, going to the big city sounds nice. Although I have to admit, I thought about suggesting meeting at the Smokies but not everybody likes the outdoors and a lot of people can get to Chicago really cheaply.
The definites so far are maryb, me, JimF (my husband), Iowa Victory Gardener, IndyLib, and Second Nature. We’ve got quite a few maybes, including olivia, dada, NorthDakotaDem, and a group from Minnesota (see the discussion in the Midwest thread).
We’ll come, assuming there’s not something on the calendar that I’ve forgotten. We being me and spouse. I’ll check out the midwest thread. Personally, I would have loved the Smokies, but it isn’t a quick fly-in, true.
And now, I’ve got to go turn on the drip hoses and water the flowers, or they’ll die in this horrible heat. We’re only at 88% humidity, but looking at high 90’s temps and sunny today. Yuck.
Our next move has got to be further north!
Good morning Andi, Psi, Kidspeak and any lurkers out there.
Gearing up for another week … 🙂
Nice b post today FM.
Just to let her friends know, WW is in transition, about to move, but sunmmer storms took out the bridges and roads in Delaware County at the end of June, so she’s got limited access to her new property. In fact, I’m not sure exactly where she is right now, but got a brief message from her this weekend, stating all is well. She doesn’t have incoming phone service, but has a calling card. I assume she’s still in the trailer, searching for a new car, and very ready to set up home in Tompkins.
I’ll drop another note into the Pond when I get more information. — Mark (Isis)
Isis thanks so much for this post. I’ve been thinking about WW and hoping she was doing OK. Please let her know we miss her and hope she gets settled in soon.
I certainly will let her know you’re all cheering for her.
Pass along my hello and good wishes too, please!
for stopping by and passing on the information. If you talk to WW, please let her know that all of us miss her greatly and hope she is doing well.
I’ve got to get started for the day. Lot of stuff to do before the next wave of family comes in.
Everybody have a good day in the pond.
How are we doing today?
I just woke up so my brain hasn’t yet told me how I’m doing.
Nice to see you in the pond. Did you have a good w/e?
West coast in the houuusssse! I’m off work today to use up some excess vacation time. No heat today-another below 80 day I think. Am going on a blind date in the next town over for lunch but don’t feel particularly hopeful for some reason. Then some chores and a bass lesson.
I’m coming to feel that I’m getting stuck in circular thinking of a negative sort-maybe time to go back to the therapist.
Already 76, expecting high of 88 — waaaay too hot to get any housework done, so we’re going to get moving and go see a movie (An Inconvenient Truth). I was going to be volunteering at church this week, but they don’t need me till next week (Monday and Tuesday) so I’m off the hook (though I’m on standby just in case the new office administrator takes one look at the disaster and runs out screaming… lol).
Isis — thanks for the update on WW…I hope she’s able to get settled soon.
AndiF — wish I could make Chicago in October; if the spouse’s work situation (or lack of same) is resolved by then I might collect on the IOU he owes me for all the stress he’s put me through this year…
Okay, time to get stirring if we’re going to make the 2:30 showing…