Hey there Kamakhya, and sorry to have missed ya earlier. Celebrations of plastic are always odd to me… but I eschew Tupperware, so call me curmudgeon… BUT, as a child, I can remember many trips to Harold Warp’s Plexiglas haven in NE… youch. Talk about warped Americana….
she may have her faults, but that’s not one, lol. Besides, she usually sleeps at the foot of the bed and lays her head on my ankles … damn she’s the most perfect dog (along with Coco) I’ve ever had. And we’re coming up on the 11th anniversary next month, I can hardly believe it! She’s a tough lil bitch, and I love her.
SHE IS … and despite her terrier annoyances and impatience sometimes, she can do no wrong. I just knew the day I saw her at the Rescue League that she was special … never mind the 2 years of demon dog hell we went through way back when, she learned from Coco and has more than filled those paws with love ever since. Nuff said…
here… and it boggles my mind that you don’t have a/c there in CA … guess we’re spoiled here, but we do pay the mega electric bills in this kind of weather!
oh and btw, to your reply in earlier café… that if you have a soul line was brilliant.
I worship at the shrine of KO the divine… I just wish he’d put the pinstripes away for good… T shirt and jeans would do just fine… and probably make the sexy factor fly into the ozone, lol…!
The reason we don’t have AC is because it is always between 55 and 70 degrees year round, more or less. We used to have like three days out of the year that it is more than 75, but in recent years that number has increased significantly. But, global warming is a fiction, really.
We’re not too far from the Baylands (a few miles or so), so we usually get a decent breeze. Plus, there’s usually the morning fog (aka Nature’s Air Conditioning) that doesn’t burn off till about noon, keeping temps down. None of that this year so far… 🙁
We have both the bedroom window and patio door open, and will probably leave both open overnight…fortunately I think it’s too hot for our smoking next door neighbor to be out lighting up, as we haven’t smelled any cigarette smoke this evening…
Okay, spouse is nagging me to shut down and get to bed, plus I’ve got to recharge the laptop…night folks…
I know… I just haven’t been up to posting anything lately, which is MY BAD… but there will be something soon, I promise. I’ve just been stuck in this down phase lately and I don’t like it any more than anyone else does.
Hibiscus time is coming on fast here… and that’s a big hint for ya Olivia… hehe… My tropical one had 6 huge blooms over the weekend… and it was lovely. Camera stayed in the house, alas.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow… life creeps on at this petty pace…
for me to get to bed, so off go I. We’re now down to 75 here, so that’s improvement of a sort. The yawns are doing me in, so I must bid farewell to my late night pals… Here’s to a cooler tomorrow (here we’re supposed to cool down one day and back to the broiler on Wed).
Sending ice up Olivia’s way… and cooling breezes to dada, NDD, and Kamakhya’s ways…
later, as dada says, and the revolution will not be televised….
Olivia, hang in there! Ice cube therapy should suit you two well… and I’ll leave it at that.
And clean too … 🙂
Oh yeah, a new diary! I was just thinking that it was hopeless to get on a old 100+ message diary. :>)
Anyone still up for the lat night crew?
I think olivia’s working up her courage to tell us a real great bedtime story…
We’re all here tonight — woo hoo — just straggling over from that 100+ cafe. NDD and d are talking serious stuff.
How are you?
serious no more…too late.
(btw, I don’t mind the sexy…er serious talk … 🙂
LOL…what the hell is that, tupperware? Don’t get me started or I will tell you the story of when my mom dragged us to the Tupperware museum. ;>)
Melting ice cubes … 🙂
ROFL….Ah….that makes so much more sense. Now I will have to go and look at that cafe!
Hey there Kamakhya, and sorry to have missed ya earlier. Celebrations of plastic are always odd to me… but I eschew Tupperware, so call me curmudgeon… BUT, as a child, I can remember many trips to Harold Warp’s Plexiglas haven in NE… youch. Talk about warped Americana….
Had to blow it up to figure out what it was…:{P
ah, bigger one … 😉
Whew…now I can feel that cooling!
Hey NDD and O! He’s telling the truth isn’t he O? :>)
I had a bitch of a day, but it is over and I see a nice and easy rest of the week.
And here’s to a wonderful rest of the week!
LOL… someone’s been paying attention around the previous thread, of course!
Love it… though the wet spot I usually find in my bed is due to my drooling in my sleep… does that make me an old fogey?
Don’t answer that question!
she may have her faults, but that’s not one, lol. Besides, she usually sleeps at the foot of the bed and lays her head on my ankles … damn she’s the most perfect dog (along with Coco) I’ve ever had. And we’re coming up on the 11th anniversary next month, I can hardly believe it! She’s a tough lil bitch, and I love her.
Pepa does indeed sound like a wonderful companion IVG.
to keep Boogs company, and in line…:{)
Well seeing and reading about all your wonderful furry loves sure makes a compelling case …
SHE IS … and despite her terrier annoyances and impatience sometimes, she can do no wrong. I just knew the day I saw her at the Rescue League that she was special … never mind the 2 years of demon dog hell we went through way back when, she learned from Coco and has more than filled those paws with love ever since. Nuff said…
Hey, ya could always pass that off as comin’ from one of them thar 4-legged creatures inhabitating your dwelling.
to 73 outside…not sure what it is inside (we don’t have AC, broken or otherwise). Wonder if it’s worth trying to get a few hours sleep…
Midnight swims always made me sleepy…esp after a hot day.
here… and it boggles my mind that you don’t have a/c there in CA … guess we’re spoiled here, but we do pay the mega electric bills in this kind of weather!
oh and btw, to your reply in earlier café… that if you have a soul line was brilliant.
I worship at the shrine of KO the divine… I just wish he’d put the pinstripes away for good… T shirt and jeans would do just fine… and probably make the sexy factor fly into the ozone, lol…!
The reason we don’t have AC is because it is always between 55 and 70 degrees year round, more or less. We used to have like three days out of the year that it is more than 75, but in recent years that number has increased significantly. But, global warming is a fiction, really.
We’re not too far from the Baylands (a few miles or so), so we usually get a decent breeze. Plus, there’s usually the morning fog (aka Nature’s Air Conditioning) that doesn’t burn off till about noon, keeping temps down. None of that this year so far… 🙁
We have both the bedroom window and patio door open, and will probably leave both open overnight…fortunately I think it’s too hot for our smoking next door neighbor to be out lighting up, as we haven’t smelled any cigarette smoke this evening…
Okay, spouse is nagging me to shut down and get to bed, plus I’ve got to recharge the laptop…night folks…
some hot cocoa and tempt the hot weather gods, or play it safe and hit the hay!
I think olivia would recommend the latter, so ’round the half hour mark, I’ll hang it up.
(I’ve got to make a trip to Grand Forks tomorrow, (1 hr driving time) and I’m the driver, so it would be good if I was awake for it.)
And safe driving tomorrow.
It was good to see you NDD … Sweet dreams!
Sounds like you have a full day ahead of ya, NDD. And it’s about time for me to trundle off to bed myself …
You ARE coming to Chicago in Oct, right? I’m planning on getting the airfare figured out myself soon…
anyway, night, my Northern plains pal … you were the one state that wasn’t highlighted in red tonight in the story I saw on the heatwave … lucky you.
It was really great to see you … and now you’ve got us all excited about your bulbs … and of course I’m stoked about the O flower. 🙂
Oh, and I should probably warn you that I left a couple of comments at your b. FM and I were getting antsy for another post … 🙂
insurance insp’s supposed to come by tomorrow and check out the roof, so I’d best head toward bed myself.
Hope you get those 70º temps. and some a/c soon.
Night all, catch ya on the flip.
I know… I just haven’t been up to posting anything lately, which is MY BAD… but there will be something soon, I promise. I’ve just been stuck in this down phase lately and I don’t like it any more than anyone else does.
Hibiscus time is coming on fast here… and that’s a big hint for ya Olivia… hehe… My tropical one had 6 huge blooms over the weekend… and it was lovely. Camera stayed in the house, alas.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow… life creeps on at this petty pace…
Night, my dear friends….
Sweet dreams. Hope you have a cool, dry sleep tonight … Stay cool and kewl… 🙂
Good night K! Sweet dreams to you and have a great day tomorrow … 🙂
for me to get to bed, so off go I. We’re now down to 75 here, so that’s improvement of a sort. The yawns are doing me in, so I must bid farewell to my late night pals… Here’s to a cooler tomorrow (here we’re supposed to cool down one day and back to the broiler on Wed).
Sending ice up Olivia’s way… and cooling breezes to dada, NDD, and Kamakhya’s ways…
later, as dada says, and the revolution will not be televised….
Olivia, hang in there! Ice cube therapy should suit you two well… and I’ll leave it at that.
Once again I stayed up way past my bedtime. You’d think I was a teenager! Pleasant dreams all.