New Flash Animation:
Can be found at After Downing Street-Impeach Bush Cheney NOW on the front page upper right hand corner.

Or viewed here:

Produced by: By Charles Mauch

Starting Tomorrow
July 19 Is National Impeachment Teach-In Day

Watch the short video at the site than find or organize a teachin.

Than Listen To This Debate on the NPR Diane Rehm Show Today 7-18

U.S. Policy Options: Iraq
With sectarian violence on the rise in Iraq, some Sunni leaders are pushing for U.S to keep troops in Iraq. We’ll hear different perspectives on U.S. policy options.
Lt. Gen. William Odom, U.S. Army-Ret., former director of the National Security Agency and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute
Max Boot, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations
Anthony Cordesman, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
Real Audio

Windows Media

General Odom explains it All, ‘As It Is-The Reality’!
The ‘Spin Meister’ bring up 9/11, Again, as to Iraq’s involvement, than tries to Denie he was making that Comparison, Pure Bullshit, and caught at it by both Rehm and Odom!
The second hour of the show was also interesting, but had nothing to do with Iraq. You can listen to both by clicking the subject line going directly to the site.

This ties into the above, for those who haven’t viewed it yet:

Bruce on Conan- BRING ‘EM HOME
Pete Seeger’s song, from Springsteens new album dedicated to.

Now if you think back to the beginning of this, and the charges laid out in the First Video, we can now Add the Extremely Slow Response to the Evacuation of American Citizens from the Onslaught of Bombings of the Israelli Government on Lebanon and Now Making Those American Citizens Sign That They Will Pay Back The Cost Of Their Evacuation!
Now That’s Protecting Americans ANYWHERE, Isn’t It!!!!

Let’s see if I have this right.
The Arab “terrorists” attack military units, destroy at least one tank, and are therefore terrorists. Israel retaliates by launching aerial, naval, and artillery bombardments of civilian areas and they are engaging in self-defense.