A game the whole country can play, this time with a brand new reason to Run for Our Lives!
NEW YORK, July 18 (Reuters) – The FBI is trying to ferret out possible Hizbollah agents in the United States amid concerns that rising U.S.-Iranian tensions could trigger attacks on American soil, FBI officials said.
Relations between Washington and Tehran, which soured after the 1979 Islamic revolution, have deteriorated further recently over Iran’s nuclear program and its support for Hizbollah, the militant Islamic group whose capture of two Israeli soldiers last week prompted Israel to launch retaliatory strikes in Lebanon.
American law enforcement officials are concerned the Lebanon-based Hizbollah, which has so far focused on fund-raising and other support activities inside the United States, could turn to violence in solidarity with Iran.
“If the situation escalates, will Hizbollah take the gloves off, so to speak, and attack here in the United States, which they’ve been reluctant to do until now?” said William Kowalski, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI in Detroit.
You know our Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Karl Rove himself had to be personally involved in seeing that this story made it to the presses, don’t you? It has all the earmarks: A new terror threat (Hizbollah) since the old one (Osama “Hasbeen” Laden) seems to have lost it’s thrill for most of us, and a new rogue state sponsor of terror (Iranarama!) who actually has ties to this group (unlike that Hussein character who really fell down on the job by not having the goods, terror wise). And even better, he got the journos to mention Iran’s nuclear program and the 1979 hostage crisis in the same sentence!
Whoooo Hoooo! Be afraid boys and girls, BE VERY AFRAID!
Of course this goes hat in hand with Bush’s claim that Iran and Syria are Hizbollah’s puppet masters, pulling strings behind the scenes.
WASHINGTON, July 18 (Reuters) – U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday accused Iran and Syria of “inspiring” Hizbollah’s attacks on Israel and said Damascus appeared to be trying to re-establish its hold over Lebanon.
Bush stuck to his view that U.S. ally Israel was acting in self defense but also urged the Jewish state to avoid actions that might cause the collapse of Lebanon’s fledgling government.
“And part of those terrorist attacks are inspired by nation-states like Syria and Iran,” he added. “In order to be able to deal with this crisis, the world must deal with Hizbollah, with Syria, and to continue to work to isolate Iran.”
Yep, I can sure see why Syria, with its depleted military would want to kick Israel in shins, can’t you? It’s always fun to make the bully on the block mad at you. The fact that they have little control anymore in Lebanon since Bush arranged to have them kicked out last year under the threat of an imminent US invasion matters little. We know they’re behind this nasty old Hizbollah, because the PNAC tells us so. Gotta have a state actor to use your military against or the game is just no fun at all.
As for Iran . . . Hey, you know North Korea can shoot off all the missiles it wants toward Japan, and process more bomb grade material for its nuclear weapons stockpile, but we all know who the title of Baddest Ass on the Planet belongs to: those shifty eyed Mullahs and that Holocaust denying Iranian President Ahmadinejad. Why, he’s even helping Karl out with his reported remarks warning Israel to leave his little buddy Syria alone. The fact Iran has no way to attack Israel with its own forces (that pesky US Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps just happen to be in their way) is no reason not to be scared of an Iranattack! Them boys could be mounting nukes on their missiles any day, by golly (after 5 to ten years or so) so we know they mean business. The fact our intelligence services can’t find sufficient evidence of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure to target is no reason to stop believing that they’re Horses 1, 2 and 3 of the Apocalypse all by their lonesome.
I tell you, this is gonna be the greatest game ever. Come November I can just see all those fearful American voters, pissing their pants and scared to death of this massive and unprecedented terrorist offensive against our great nation, marching to the polls and pulling the lever for God-fearing Republicans! Again!
Or, even better, letting Diebold do it for them!
The drum rolls are indeed getting louder & steadier.
I’m listening now to two excellent interviews on Flash Points Radio, which is available for on-line listening after 6:30 pm PST.
With smoke from burning fuel & houses filling the air, Robert Fisk coughs his way through a report from Beirut, highly cynical towards Damascus.
Then Ray McGovern, the ex-CIA analyst who returned his medal to Bush, gives a must-listen interview (seriously) that talks a lot about the neo-cons & Iran in relation to current events. Frighteningly, he suggests that they might escalate & expand military operations after Congress goes home for the summer. The fear-amping you’re descrinbing here goes along all too well with scenario. Let’s hope not.
If our troops in Iraq are threatened by Iran, ‘these neo-cons might very well decide to go ahead & use their ‘mini-nukes’ (paraphrase).
“That’s idiocy, & very dangerous policy.” (direct quote)
by Israeli bombs in Lebanon than from Hezbollah at home, but nobody is doing anything about it.
‘America’ is heading for the asylum, big time.
but Richard Clarke and Steven Simon had an interesting piece in the NYT in April (after Hersh’s first Iran article) about the dangers posed by Hezbollah.
Of course, Kristol et al. would argue that’s a reason FOR going to war against Iran while Clarke and Simon are making a case for NOT going to war.
In cache here.