Jump on In and Cool Off

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Try not to drip on everything
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Hello! How are you doing?
If I put myself in the proper mindset for you, I guess I’m one day more into the future than I was.
Heh, I suppose that’s one way of putting it. 🙂
Good morning…80 degrees before 6 AM here. Unreal.
I really hate this weather. Summer really is my least favorite season; I’d be happy to never have it be warmer than 75.
I know what you mean. I’m up this early so I can get my work out of the way early and spend part of the afternoon in a creek or a pool with the CBs. How are your dogs handling the heat?
I am so glad I had the AC put in here last year.
We’ll go for a walk as soon as it’s light out and then they basically spend the rest of the day in the AC. The squirrels and chipmunks are probably enjoying a nice vacation from them.
Good morning Andi, Psi, and CG.
Are we ready for another wonderful day?
I’m sure the lizards are looking forward to it.
Turtles too. I found a huge one inside the carport yesterday. Must have wanted to get in the shade.
Not really. Apparently it’s already an oven outside, and my legs are still sore.
Yeah I read about your exercise and getting older yesterday. 🙂
Hey, at least we get a free sauna. 🙂
That’s what I like. Look on the bright side. 🙂
Is there a problem in the States …
Ice Hotel
I do know the polar bears have a serious problem!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Hi Oui. Yes I’ve noticed the lack of polar bears here in the southeast U.S.
I guess you could say I’m waiting for the next ice age. :~)
Good morning, everyone.
Great image up top, Andi.
Right now, I’d rather be here (no a/c at home):

Good morning ask.
I really hope it cools down up in the frozen north for ya’ll. For people not used to the heat, it can be unbearble.
71, 84 w/ humidex. LOL
Good morning Andi, Psi, CG, FM, Oui, ask …
Good morning Olivia.
I see the north is turning cold again. 🙂
Yep … I had to dig out my touque. 😛
There you go again having me google for Cnd words. I thought you were talking snow shovel at first. 🙂
This reminds me of when I first discovered that Southerners™ call a winter hat a toboggan. A sled?….on the head?
Well see you’re in a northern southern area. Down here we just say we’re going to put that head warmer on. 😛
A toboggan? I hadn’t heard that one before, bless your heart.
Very weird. They even use it when they have a crawl on the bottom of the TV screen about a criminal on the loose: last seen wearing black sweat pants and a red toboggan on his head. Shouldn’t be TOO hard to spot.
I guess we sent simultaneous emails. Great minds and all.
Look for another from me, Oh Great Minded One… 🙂
I thought you might know that one w/ all your Cdn research …
I have to get going, so have a good day … 🙂
Have a good day and stay cool Olivia.
I’m glad things are cooling off up there.
And hoping your weather gets here tomorrow.
But it’s supposed to climb again tomorrow … so not much of a reprieve … 🙂
looks like we get one today as well, and this morning it was actually quite pleasant (75) when I left for work. Only supposed to hit 88 here today, but back to the broiler tomorrow, so the a/c remains on.
Stay cool as you can up there, Olivia! Have you spent your inheritance on ice and ice cream yet?
I’ve got to get FM to start sending me some of his stuff …
Hiya IVG! Good to hear that you’ve got some cooler weather on the outside, but I hope you stay warm enough today in your frozen cube.
Let’s see, hmm…how boring can I make this entry?
Morning all. I assume it’s hot out already but I’m not checking. Don’t plan to stick my head out unless I have to. One of the cats urpped in several spots on the floor overnight; fortunately with my laid back summer schedule it was fully light before I stepped out of bed so I didn’t experience the joy of stepping on one of them in bare feet.
We have these tiny black fruit flies (?) bugging the shit out of me the past few weeks. Where the hell are they coming from?
After my long absence from the Nature House, and Mr. Nature’s (the software engineer) apparent inability to use the machines which launder clothes, his underwear drawer is down to only the dreaded emergency tighty whities and I was reminded last night why I never, ever want to see him in tighty whities, especially in harsh lighting.
Laundry today. And salad for dinner.
There you have it – my whole boring day in one condensed entry.
Have a good day everyone. Stay cool.
Morning SN. To a slacker of my magnitude it appears you have a full day ahead. Plus how can laundry be boring? Don’t you watch the commercials on TV where doing laundry is next to heaven.
Compared to scrubbing bathrooms it is complete heaven.
Are you and Mom keeping cool?
Yeah so far we are. Thanks for asking.
She talked me out of going out and doing the lawn yesterday. Still a lot of weed eating to do. After repeatly telling her it had to be done, she finally talked me out of it. I was obviously crushed and proceeded to take a nap. 🙂
Why, that Family Mom is nothing more than an Enabler!
Seriously, leave the fucking lawn alone until it goes below 90.
Lot of those enablers around these parts…
Thanks FM. You just reminded me that I need to do that today, and before it gets hot would best so, back in a bit.
Got to go get an oil change in a few minutes.
I’ve got to run downtown, be back in awhile.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Good Morning, everyone. I recently discovered that we here at BT are under constant offsite scrutiny lately. It especially rankles some that we here supposedly don’t know how bad our country is (they get pissed when we don’t constantly rail and weep in guilt and despair) then we actually come in here to the cafe and have the nerve to talk about (gasp) what we’re having for lunch.
So I was thinking about some nice squash flowers, chopped with fresh onion and perhaps a dot of green pepper fried up nice in olive oil with a scrambled free-range egg. Served on a toasted hard roll, of course. How about you?
To quote my favorite lapel pin from the 70’s, “Fuck Art, Let’s Dance”!!!
Really, Nag, I need to block certain sites from my computer because I can’t resist to check in from time to time. Like a bad accident on the freeway; you don’t want to watch, but you can’t look away.
I love the Cafe because we can forget all about that shit for awhile. You can’t live your whole life trying to change the world.
Now, how the hell have you been? I’ve missed you!
Horse pictures would cheer me up.
Hi, SN. I’m around, I just go through quiet times. (If you knew me, you’d know how unusual it is for me to be quiet for long) Yeah, the cafe is a respite where we can drop the heavy weight and lighten up for a while. Thank heavens for lightening up.
I absolutely do not have recent horse pictures. Right now they’re in their stalls with fresh hay, grain and water, and they each have a fan blowing their manes around. Maybe I’ll try to get some new shots today. I miss you too. I heard that you and Andi had a great time feasting on roast marmot under glass. I hope you got the recipe from Andi. Roast marmot would go well with squash flowers, I think.
It was divine! She also made a salad with baby spinach, strawberries, feta cheese and avocados that was delicious and perfect for hot weather.
I can just picture the horses resting in the shade with their manes blowing in the breeze. I hope for their sake the weather breaks soon.
I would hate to disappoint anyone’s nutritional expectations, so:
That sounds like a great lunch. I recently tried nasturtiums in my salad, and was pleasantly surprised. Hopefully, the beets will be equally tasty today.
How are you holding up in the heat, Nag?
Nasturtiums are delicious… just a bit peppery. Mmm fresh beets. This time of year, fresh ANYTHING is just great. The heat? I have a wonderful pond with a few springs that is heaven on earth. Log cabins, as you well know, are easier to cool than conventional homes, so I’m beating the heat quite well, thanks.
I did have a nasty fall this weekend, though. I know that I gave myself a bone bruise on the lower pelvis. Yes. ouch. Lots of angry bruising. If I had to rate this injury for sheer shudder power, this one would get a 10. No regular shorts for me these days, just soft baggy things. 😉
The fall sounds painful. Was it horse-related?
I wish we had a pond here. Luckily we do have a generous and friendly neighbor with a pool, which is where I am taking the CBs this afternoon, I think.
Pools work! We built 2 ponds for less $$ than one landscaped in-ground pool. And I never have to skim the bugs or clean a filter. Once in a while the small fish get a bit, ummm, curious. But a nice pool is always acceptable.
Ah, the fall. It wasn’t horse related, but stupidity related. While trying to winch a boat onto a trailer in a torrential downpour, I lost my footing and fell on the vertical steel beam that the winch is mounted on, splatted down onto the horizontal trailer beam and did a Benny Hill sideways into knee deep water. Then I cried like a baby for 10 minutes. My Mother used to call me Calamity Jane when I was a kid. Gee, I wonder why?
My grandfather used to call my grandmother Calamity Jane…same reason. 🙂
I’m not doing lunch yet, but breakfast is scrambled eggs and sausage with toast and a lovely pot of tea – Earl Greyer.
Honestly, the things people worry about. If it weren’t for the cafe, I probably wouldn’t have blogged much at all for the last ten months. Not that I’m thrilled with the way the world is going, just that real life has provided me with more than enough angst to almost paralyze. The stress levels are down now though, and because I’ve been able to keep up to date by lurking on the bigger parts of the board and keep in touch on the cafe, I’m getting back to a place where the political becomes possible once again.
Good to see you around.
Hi, KMc. Nice to see you as well. You’re so right about the cafe. Connecting with other people is what gives me the stamina to hold hope alive. You know, sometimes reality gets so harsh that I go into a fetal position mentally. So, among other things, I come here. I relax a little, maybe laugh a little. You gotta breathe even during crises, you know?
These wonderful, silly conversations are to be cherished.
Know what always cheers me up? I flirt with babies. Just about any old baby will do but the best are the ones who stare at you in restaurants or over their mother’s shoulder. I make faces at them behind their parents back, play peek-a-boo, stick my tongue out, wave, just about anything to make them smile. A baby smile is like the sun coming out after a long winter.
And don’t forget the hysterical store clerks monitoring the security cameras! Actually, I’ve been known to engage in that particular activity as well. 🙂
Ooooh, that sounds good. I really shouldn’t, because rice plays hob with a diabetic’s blood sugar, but one of these days I’m gonna cut loose and make up a pot of rice. Then I’m going to fry up some onions and mushrooms in the wok, add some egg, throw in a couple handfuls of rice, fry all that up, add some more egg, stir-fry it until the rice is coated and the egg is done, and have me some fried rice.
But probably not soon. I don’t do stuff like that when it gets this hot. And definitely not today, because it’s my son’s birthday. He’s been going through a rough patch lately so we’re looking to do something nice for him.
MMmm that fried rice does sound good. If you have a cast iron griddle or frypan, you could cook it up on the grill in a jiffy.
Poor Omir’s son, please make sure his birthday is extra special to cheer him up.
My granddaughter and I went to the local park with his two kids, and I think we all had a good time. Opening presents comes later tonight.
Hi Ho everyone.
Just got back from ‘Driving Miss FMom’. I actually believe those movies about old women and beauty shops. The gossip that comes out of those places. Not that I listen to Fmom once she’s done there. 🙂
Hope everyone is doing fine in the cafe. Such a nice place.
Did you get your hair done as well … 🙂
Nope but I definitely need a haircut. No barber in town now, so I have to wait until I go to the city.
How’s your day going in the forzen north. 🙂
You can’t just go to a regular hair cutter … has to be a barber?
I told you I’m old fashioned in some things. I tried going to one of the shops here in town that does both male and female, but after I tell them what I want it seems they say ok and do what they want.
So I go to a place in the city, but I haven’t been to it in over a month and I’m starting to look pretty shaggy.
Clippers … set on #3 … no smelly stuff.
You’re too nice, so they probably want to prolong their time w/ you. 🙂
Are things getting back under control now that the rel’s have departed. And more nbly, any new ice cream batches?
Gotta run downtown again.
Back in awhile.
I bury myself in work and look what happens — I miss a discussion of roast marmot (Marmotdude was completely appalled) and Nag.
HI NAG!! Sorry you hurt yourself (and I told Marmotdude that pushing like that was very rude).
Hi Andi! I saw Marmotdude coming at me like a rodent on a mission out of the corner of my eye, but reacted too late. The bugger got me.
Storms around (again), so I need to skeedaddle.
Missed you this time too. Hope the storm wasn’t too bad.
That lake is going to look mighty inviting come Friday. My weather gnomes tell me it’s suppose to get up to 90. So if you don’t hear from me, it’s probably because my brain has shut down from heat stroke.
to Forks — I heard that it was only 65 there yesterday. A nice hike along the Bogachiel River and fresh-caught-that-day salmon for dinner. Sounds like just the fix.
Pretty nice, and it’s only supposed to get up to 83 in Forks on Friday.
Only. Bleah.
Actually I would love to take a trip to the coast sometime. I haven’t been in a while, and Forks is right on the way to our favorite coastal resort (La Push). Unfortunately we don’t have the money for it right now. Bleah.
La Push from Rialto Beach.
(Good to see you {{{Indy}}}!)
I liked your phlox. I took some pictures of some at my friend’s garden when I did the mini-reunion. I hadn’t ever posted them and now that I’ve seen yours, I think they’ll just remain unseen.
Are they white too? What other stuff did you get … And when are you going to post those? I’d like to see ’em.
Did you see the wilted hydrangea?
I posted two which I think you saw already — a spanish brocade lily and an orange cosmos. I also got a hosta, hollyhock and some althea (I think that’s what she called them) but I don’t think any of them are that good.
I saw your suffering hydrangea.
is a link.
It’s not that great a picture but I liked (this will surprise you) the lines.
But I don’t mind seeing it again … thanks, it’s lovely!
I’ve never seen one that colour ‘live.’ 🙂
Current temperature: 79, expecting high of 86; a bit cooler than yesterday.
Actually got out of bed and dressed before noon — there may be hope for me yet…naaaah…
Spouse in shower; once he’s out we’re heading for a nice cool movie theater to see An Inconvenient Truth; we were going to see it yesterday but it was too damn hot to think about moving too quickly.
Kelly — have your book in my purse…looking forward to some good reading.
Omir — happy birthday to your son…hope you all have some cool fun today.
Everyone else — stay cool, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and be careful…
head on over to the Monsoon Madness Happy Hour Lounge