…It’s commonly but falsely believed the Federal Reserve System is a function of government and subject to its control. False. It’s often referred to as a quasi-governmental, decentralized central bank, but that’s just cover to disguise what, in fact, it really is: a privately held and operated cartel made to look like the government is in charge. The fact that it’s headquartered in Washington in the formidable and impressive-looking Eccles building (named after a former Fed chairman) is just part of the clever subterfuge. Here’s how it works…

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Note: This is the second of a five-part series.

It almost happened 43 years ago when one president decided to act on behalf of the people who elected him. That man was John Kennedy, who before his death planned to end the Federal Reserve System to eliminate the national debt a central bank creates by printing money and loaning it to the government.  That debt has now risen to over $8,400,000,000,000 ($8.4 trillion) which every taxpayer must pay for and has done so in the amount of nearly $174,000,000,000 ($174 billion) in just the first three months of 2006.  This debt service is now an annualized amount exceeding two-thirds of a trillion dollars.  It’s made the bankers rich (which was the whole idea) and the public poorer because we’re taxed to pay the tab.  It’s no exaggeration to call this the greatest financial scam in world history and one that gets greater every day.

The debt was less onerous 40 years ago, but Kennedy understood its danger to the country and the burden it placed on the public.  Thus, on June 4, 1963, he issued presidential order EO 11110 giving the president authority to issue currency.  He then ordered the US Treasury to print over $4 billion worth of “United States Notes” to replace Federal Reserve Notes.  He intended to replace them all when enough of the new currency was in circulation so he could end the Federal Reserve System and the control it gave the international bankers over the US government and the public.  Just months after the Kennedy plan went into effect, he was assassinated in Dallas in what was surely a coup d’etat disguised to look otherwise and may well have been carried out at least in part to save the Fed System and concentration of power it created that was so profitable for the powerful bankers in the country.  Those benefitting from it had good reason to be involved in the plot to save the special privilege they weren’t willing to give up without a fight.  It’s a plausible explanation that may explain who may have been behind the assassination and for what reason.  Whatever the truth is, the banking cartel was only in distress a short time.  Once Lyndon Johnson took office, he rescinded Kennedy’s presidential order and restored the cartel’s former power.  It’s kept it ever since and is now, of course, more powerful than ever.  Even presidents are unable to stop it and those who would try have a lesson from history to give them pause.

The predecessors of the possible Kennedy coup plotters were the men who met on Jekyll Island in 1910. They represented some of the richest and most powerful men in the world – the Morgans, Rockefellers, Rothschilds of Europe (who dominated all European banking by the mid-1800s and became and still may be the wealthiest and most powerful family of all) and others of great influence and power.  Included was a US senator, a high ranking Treasury official, the president of the largest bank in the country at the time, a leading Wall Street figure and the man who would later become the first chairman of the Federal Reserve System.  It was quite an assemblage, and they came to accomplish one thing.  They wanted to change the ideology and course of American business that up to then was based on marketplace competition and replace it with monopoly.  They also knew what Baron M.A. Rothschild understood when he once said: “Give me control over a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws.”  They knew the wisdom of what’s stated in Proverbs 22:7 as well: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.”

This was the dawning of the age of powerful cartels when the seven financial titans meeting secretly in the island’s clubhouse decided no longer to compete with each other and wanted the power to arrange it. They were already colluding informally but knew it would all work better under a legally sanctioned cartel.  They wanted a banking cartel and got one that flourishes today below the public radar with the tool they wanted most – the ability to control the nation’s money supply that gave them almost unlimited power.  The cartel now works cooperatively with their governments and all other powerful transnational corporations in a dominant global alliance that allows them to control the world’s markets, resources, cheap labor and our lives.

The Federal Reserve System Is Not A Government Agency – It’s A Privately Owned Cartel of Powerful Banks Protected By Law

It’s commonly but falsely believed the Federal Reserve System is a function of government and subject to its control.  False.  It’s often referred to as a quasi-governmental, decentralized central bank, but that’s just cover to disguise what, in fact, it really is: a privately held and operated cartel made to look like the government is in charge.  The fact that it’s headquartered in Washington in the formidable and impressive-looking Eccles building (named after a former Fed chairman) is just part of the clever subterfuge.  Here’s how it works:

The Fed is composed of a Board of Governors in Washington and 12 regional banks in major cities throughout the country (including in my own city of Chicago where anyone once but no longer could walk up to a teller’s window and buy US Treasury securities).  The system also includes many and various member banks including all national banks that are required to be part of the system.  Other banks were also allowed to join and many did.  The Federal Reserve began operating in November, 1914, almost one year after the Congressional act creating the system the previous year as explained above.  It was mandated by law to have the greatest power of any institution in the country – the power to create and control the nation’s money supply. 

Most people know little or nothing about money and banking, likely never think about it, and have no idea how what the Fed and bankers do affect their lives.  Before writing this article, I had little more than the modest knowledge I learned in a required course on the subject and basic accounting as part of my MBA curriculum 46 years ago.  Those courses left out the most important parts of the story and never hinted at anything sinister about how the banking system works in fact.  But no one should ever imagine banks were established or intended to be run for our benefit.  They surely are not, and anyone suggesting they are should read on.  They’re about as beneficial to the public welfare as was the MX Peacekeeper ICBM (the clever language is impressive) intended to carry nuclear warheads back in the mid-80s that had the power to destroy all life on the planet and one day may do it in its old or updated form.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (the law of the land) stipulates that the Federal Reserve Banks of each region are owned by the member banks in it.  These Fed banks are privately owned corporations that make a great effort to hide the fact that they, in fact, own what the public largely thinks is part of the public treasury and government.  It’s easy to think that as Fed chairmen and seven of the twelve Governors are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate.  As such, the FRB is a sort of quasi-government entity, but the fact is the System is a privately owned for profit enterprise just like any other business.  It has stockholders like other public corporations that are paid 6% risk free interest every year on their equity holdings.  The public doesn’t know this, and it likely wouldn’t be good PR if it found out.  People might be even more upset if they learned some of the owners of our Federal Reserve are powerful foreign investors in the UK, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Italy.  They’re partners with giant US banks like JP Morgan Chase and Citibank as well as  powerful Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs in a new world order banking cartel that influences and affects business activity everywhere and our lives.

The issue of private ownership of the Federal Reserve Banks has been challenged several times in the federal courts to no avail.  Each time the courts upheld the current system under which each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. One such case was Lewis v. United States that was decided by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that ruled the Reserve Banks are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations.

Written by Stephen Lendman, (email – lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net) who lives in Chicago. Stephen maintains a blog at http://sjlendman.blogspot.com, and writes a regular column at www.populistamerica.com