The repubs are hammering it in that we are in WW III except for one misguided soul who thinks it is WW IV! WW II or WW IV It is very discouraging to me that only the war mongers are getting the megaphone. War is so not wanted, in spite of the human need for drama. Some of the optimists think we will pull it off anyway. My friend who deals with astrology says that Mercury is retrograde and people have communication problems right and left (punny punny!)
Whenever I get depressed it pays me to remember a simple exercise: Take 30 minutes a day and write down what I am grateful for.
So what would your list include past family and friends? What in this moment is precious and you would hate to see it gone?
kittens on my back porch. They represent life and play to me.
It’s like one continuous world war with gaps of a few years where the fighting dies down. Precious? Freedom.
But freedom to do what???