Hot, Hot Happy Hour
This is an almost hosted cafe.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Is it hot where you are?
It’s not at all hot at my computer. π
I’m in Portland, OR… its supposed to get to 100 F/S/Su ACK!
Yeah, it’s nice and cool in my corner, too. But my friends are all reporting being scorched in various parts of the country. We’re supposed to be trending hotter end of the week, too.
When you look at the paper’s weather page… the entire USA is red or orange… ACK.
But damn those scienctesticles… whadda they know about polar ice caps? I don’t look good in any cap!
I think you’d look good in anything, as long as it’s pink. π
I’m again at the “what do I make for dinner” avenue. ACK. Domestic Goddess I am sooooooooooo NOT!
I’ve always wanted to be like one of those cooks on TV that goes into someones house and says we’re going to make an 8 course meal from this packet of ketchup.
I used to watch this incredible food G-d on the food channel. Tyler… oh my. He’s so hot! I didn’t learn a thing watching his shows… I just ogled.
Yeah I felt the same way about Rachel, but unfortunately Martha Stewart is more in my age group. π
You mean the delectable Tyler Florence…hubba hubba. Ever see that one he did in Hawaii where he ran around in just a swimsuit in the surf? Better than porn… hehe.
Ok, so I’m a dirty old man…
of stuff … so that it was all ready to go? That was a great idea! π
Yeah but the taco salad was liked so much the people here ate in one sitting!
Okay… I’ll go make the manicotti… or chili…
I’m just being LAZY, Olivia π
The taco salad sounds yummy … π
It’s just chorizo, or hamburger and onions, with taco ssng. On a bed of lettuce, cilantro, shallots, with tomatoes, olives, avadoes and a dressing made
one part mayo
one part ketchup with some taco ssng in it
and you crush up doritos for it, too, like croutons.
You can dump whatever you want in it
I haven’t eaten yet … Sounds double yummy. π
You need to eat and not just chocolate ice cream.
It’s cooking … I’m trying to put off the ice cream until after dinner … It’s sooooo hard though.
is that YOU elsewhere?? π
Yep … π
I love you!!!
Ha! and I was in that diary because of my other hockey friend π
I’m snatching that animation, too!! π
Morning all.
It’s about 40 degrees here, with a high 50 in the cards. I’ve got the fire going and socks on.
Morning, keres — you’re gonna make everyone jealous!
And this is what you get.
That is pure genius.
It’s pure Organic! π
I “justify” playing with Adobe because I use it for work. You can never get too adept with a program, right?
Do you think she needs a background? I’m temped to try adding a smokey haze, or somthing like that.
maybe something that would resemble a jimi hendrix cover art π
Ooooooo. I’ll be back in a bit. π
What do you think?
I LOVE IT!!!!! π
Marmotdude is seriously bummed.
Marmotdude’s gonna be jealous.
I think adding a base and a drop shadow helps, but I’m still not sure about what the background color should be, or how much “weight” it should have.
Ooh! Can I use this on the next cafe?
Sure, I made it special for the cafe.
You’re the best!
Hello Izzy, DJ, keres and any lurkers.
We just had a thunder storm and it has cooled down to a comfortable 82. Feels like winter.
Hey, FM. I’m not sure I even wanna know what it was before the great cool down — yikes!
Well it definitely wasn’t what keres has.
How’ve you been doing?
How are ya?
Ha …
I’m omniscient … π
And I was right!
OK you were right. π
How’re ya holding up with the heat up there?
Even w/ the no ac I’m super glad to be home … that should give you an idea of how my day went.
How about you … Did you finally get something to eat?
With no ac and happy to be home, you must have had a bad day. Sit back pull out some ice cubes and relax. π
Yeah I ate something a little while ago and it’s having the effect on me I knew it would. But I did get a lot done today.
Sounds like a good plan to me … π
Does that mean you had your nap too?
No nap today. It will probably be a very early night for me tonight.
I was reading the earlier cafe and IVG said he would have some flowers to post tonight.
The olivia flower … how cool is that!
Did you see the bud … it’s real pretty.
Yes I saw it early this am. He said it would probably be open when he got home. Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy! :~)
to post it tonight if it does open up. I’m anxious to see to the inner bits … π
I don’t know, he sounded pretty computer tired from work.
Ahhh anticipation. π
We’ll have to wait I guess … π
Well, more precisely, the Hibiscus moscheutos, v. Kopper King has popped… but I decided to call it Olivia for obvious reasons… As promised, toots, here ya go!

Anyone up for the inner bits of this one? hehe
That’s really beautiful IVG, and I think the name is a perfect fit for it.
I figured O would want to see these, so I took a few shots to satisfy her flowerobsession, hehe.

Hope these were worth the wait, O… the hibiscus are just popping out all over, but Lord Baltimore (bright red) is still holding out on me…
It looks like it’s made of glass … π It’s wonderful. Definitely worth the wait! Look at how the dark bleeds into the white w/ the veining … Great close up shot there toots!
WOW!!! now that’s what I call RIBBED!
And DJ’s WOW too. π
I second Olivia’s WOW.
That is splendid IVG! I love the dark centre and the inner bits are just divine! Love it!!!
Thank you …
You’re most welcome, Olivia! I thought it only proper this one would bear your name. There will be more … so are you sold on growing hibiscus now? Believe me, they’re easy!
Now I would like to dedicate one to Indy … I’m hoping she likes purple!!

I hope you see this Indy, and hoping again that you start feeling better real soon!
it almost looks like it has a pipe cleaner. But what a beautiful flower. Olivia is the puurrrrfect name for it. π
Can I borrow this link to share it with my hockey pals??
I borrowed it for the time being π
Good night. An early out for me as Olivia is insisting I make the double batch of Manicotti π
Take care and be good to each other. xoxox!
remember “peace” isn’t a four-lettered word. ;0)
Night Janet.
And then I have to scoot out of here to catch KO. Not sure if I can make the FBL later since I have to be at work at 8 am tomorrow, but I’ll try to stop by with some more pics… Till then, this is the inner part of another variety of hibiscus called “Deep River.” Like I said, they’re popping like crazy around here the past few days!

Have to get going, so have fun folks! Sorry to do a drive by, but I can’t miss KO and still have to fix dinner … nothing fancy, tuna salad again, hehe.
Beautiful IVG. You have a good night.
That reminds me of the “towel” hanger exercises π
I’m worried. If Bush sees these photos his zealot lemmings will want BAN all flowers.
But then I’m not down there … so may be safe.
See ya toots … π
Since I haven’t had a chance to shout her out yet… HI IZZY!!!
This is the whole flower of the inner bits posted above…

Ok, now I do have to run!! Keep cool everyone, and FM, I’m working on a cool ice cream link for you if I can find it…
Thank you, IVG — that’s one of my favorite colors! How’d you know? All the photos have been gorgeous. Have a good night.
Thanks IVG. I’ll look for it.
Sorry I disappeared for a bit. My allergies are going nuts and I finally took a benadryl, followed by an unexpected nap. I’ve been trying to wake up for about 15 minutes or so, and I still feel sort of woozy! Those things pack a punch.
Izzy, you can get generic Claritin (loratadine) very inexpensively now. Works waaay better than benedryl and doesn’t make you drowsy.
I always get the opposite effect from medicines. Benedryl doesn’t make me drowsy.
Wes used to use Claritin ready tabs. Really works out well. But after awhile you build up immunity to it.
The one thing we did notice with him is that he’d get cottonmouth bad with it. So much so he’d take a bottle of water with him to school and refill it every period.
Thanks so much for the suggestion, SN. I’ve tried Claritin, and a whole bevy of others whose names escape me at the moment. Basically, the only two drugs that work are Benedryl and Actifed, which is almost worse for wooziness.
All the rest don’t work at all. I wonder sometimes if it has anything to do with the fact that, when I was a kid, I was on allergy medicines constantly. They’d try one, it would work for awhile, then it would stop working and they’d switch again. I think I built up a resistence to alot of the different families of allergy drugs that way.
Thanks goodness my allergies are a mere shadow of their former selves! I only get them occasionally in spring and summer now.
Poor Izzy. Hey I’ve heard that ingesting local, organic bee pollen helps some with their seasonal allergies… Java man says it helps him.
Got thunderstorms coming in again, so I’m probably closing down for the night.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
Thought I should say hello … π
Good night FM … be well and sweet dreams.
I’m late to the party (again)…
We have no power, no phone, no internets, no water (the well pump runs on electricity)…and this is why:
They’re saying not to expect to have power till Friday…
Ouch! Sorry to hear that, CG. Are you on the internet somewhere else? If you have a few minutes, I just opened a new cafe.