I have been partially paralyzed for ten years – tried every medical and esoteric treatment for a cure that I could find. At this point in my affliction I conclude that stem cell research is my only hope of recovery.
Everybody knows that george plans to veto whatever stem cell bill Congress sends him.
The show will go on from the rose garden this afternoon.
I’m asking for your help in contacting your members of Congress and urging them to over-ride this veto. This could be the victory we have long waited for. The majority of Americans want the hope that stem cell research gives us in treating so many illnesses – Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke, MS, etc.
It’s time for us to send the radicals packing. The deaths of our soldiers and the destruction of our soul (New Orleans) not to mention global shame, hasn’t provoked enough response so far. But I’m hoping that this blatant theft of our future health will be the tipping point. The media will not ignore this, they are people too.
Please join me in telling your representatives in Washington that we are tired of rule by the radical right. Tell them that one of our fundamental rights as Americans is hope in the future.
Congress.org has the final vote and they can connect you to your representative. Thank you.
Both of my Georgia senators voted against the bill, natch. Here is my email to them – feel free to copy and paste to use what you can.
Dear Senator:
Your vote in opposition to funding stem cell research has not represented me at all. I have been partially paralyzed for ten years and now know that my only hope for recovery lies in stem cell transplant.
Do you believe that you and your family will never suffer a stroke, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury or any nerve damage in the future?
Your vote denies my most fundamental right as an American – hope for my future.
If the President goes against the will of the majority on this, as he plans to – I insist that as my representative in Congress you over-ride his veto.
Senator Tom Harkin (bless his heart) just stood up in the senate to express his anger at the ignorance and hypocrisy of the president’s veto He repeated the word ignorant several times. Then who else but McCain jumped up to defend his boy george “Reasonable people can disagree on this.”
I’m starting to take this battle personally.
Oregon’s dude Smith (R) was against it and now says he’s for it because it might help his wife….
Oh.. so it might help someone he knows but before that he was willing to screw everyone else over.
I’ve written and also added that in a time when so many disabled veterans of Buhs’s bullshit wars could use the help that this research promises… I see it as spitting on the troops, spitting on our children and spitting on all those whose lives could be enriched, enabled and active due to science and medicine.
Get out of our waym Bush Regime!
It takes a lot to get me this furious. I rely on you to express the rage that I feel whenever I think about that tapeworm who is robbing us all.