So let’s see if I have this right. According to the world’s most powerful man, the below is a picture of murdered children:

Embryonic stem cell research at UWI, Madison
…while this is not:

Incinerated children at Rumaylah, Lebanon
When, oh when will stem cell research offer a cure for absolute, total, and utter moral perversity?
Crossposted from my blog and My Left Wing.
Ah, I didn’t see Steve D’s FP story on this subject until hitting post.
But although not first, at least I was more succint. 😉
Succinct and precise.
Just arrived in Oslo this morning. Incredible difference in the newspapers’ coverage of this horrendous and unneccesary war between here and NY.
Dagbladet (a large tabloid) has 5 full pages of coverage in the paper version.
Welcome, my friend.
Good to be home, even if only for 2.5 weeks – and sorry we won’t make it to Bergen this year.
Thank you for posting this.
Thanks also for the graphic image warning.
I am sick with despair.
Blessedly, we’ve all learned to march in despair, light candles in despair, write LTE in despair, and harangue our elected representatives in despair.
It’s madness …
Bush is a murdering war pig.
Black Sabbath
From the album Paranoid, 1970
Generals gathered in their masses
just like witches at black masses
evil minds that plot destruction
sorcerers of death’s construction
In the fields the bodies burning
as the war machine keeps turning
death and hatred to mankind
poisoning their brain-washed minds
Oh Lord Yeah!
Politicians hide themselves away
they only started the war
why should they go out to fight
they leave that role to the poor
Time will tailon their powered minds
making war just for fun
treating people just like pawns in chess
wait till their judgement day comes
Now in darkness the world stops turning
as the war machine keeps burning
no more war pigs of the power
and as God has struck the hour
Day of judgement God is calling
on their knees the war pigs crawling
begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
All right now!
I find it absolutely incomprehensible that bush will not even go through the motions of calling for a cease-fire. If anything has showed his true warmongering bloodstained hands it is not making any attempt to call for cease-fire-unbelievably sick twisted fucker.
a symbol of the latest Lebanon war
Nerdified Link.
was the first image I saw today on CNN.
Even conservatives like Buchanan are outraged over this murderous attack on Lebanon and Gaza. He said Israel had the right to attack after it was attacked but not to destroy the government and infrastructure of the entire country. Not to kill thousands of innocent people and make millions into refugees. Not to foment more hatred and vengeance. Chris Matthews: For every one Lebanese killed, there is a family, a clan that will be seeking revenge.
Today 20 July was the worst day for Lebanon and Gaza and yet there is little talk of it on the blogs. This is an immediate crisis, the murder must be stopped.
In the meantime, frozen cells in petri dishes have been protected by the President of the USA. woo hoo!
Pretty scary also when someone like Buchanan and I agree.