The minimum wage battle continues, with unions and workers fighting for an entry level raise for honest American workers that has been denied for nearly a decade while the dispassionate empty suits of business, their lackeys in local and national Chambers of Commerce, and the evil lick spittle minions they have purchased wholesale in our government at all levels, make pious pronouncements about the “marketplace” and the peril of allowing the government to regulate wages.
In the meantime, I’ve been talking to my friend, Jane.
Jane is a hardworking person, a decent, honest, American citizen, whose children are grown and now, divorced, has found herself forced to stay in the workplace to support the cost of her health insurance.
Jane has worked in the service sector as a Server in various restaurants for many years. As I say, she has a good work ethic and goes in every day, works hard, hustles and takes care of her customers, many of whom are regulars and patronize the restaurant in large part due her friendly attitude and the good service she provides.
The company that Jane works for is a large one with more than twenty five thousand employees working all over the country in various restaurant enterprises as well as other areas of the industry. (This ain’t Ma and Pa Kettle’s Corner Choke and Chew.) They are a very successful company and make a lot of money. A whole, big, heaping lot of money.
Their upper management is exceptionally well compensated and middle management is able to live very comfortably. The individual managers make a decent living, but, being at the bottom of the management food chain, they are often taken advantage of with long hours, chronic micro-management and the ever present threat of uncertainty in their continued employment.
And then there’s Jane. Jane worked thirty five hours last week, from four in the afternoon until closing time, which is usually around eleven in the evening. She works five shifts a week, bustling around performing all the functions expected of her by a demanding management and an often more demanding clientele. She does her job as a Server well, with an easy grace and earns decent tips. (Note the word decent.) (Also note the word earns)
Jane manages, on the tips she brings home after taxes, to support herself in a small apartment, drive the twenty five mile round trip to work in an older model used car of somewhat questionable reliability, and rise each day to iron a fresh uniform to do it all again. She has worked for this particular company for ten years.
For the services she provides to the company, let’s just call them “Big Flo’s Diner and Steam Table Amalgamated International Restaurant Barons and Bloated Plutocrat Chop House” they pay Jane two dollars and thirty six cents an hour. That’s $2.36 per hour and Jane is a “Team Leader,” the others on her team,, the “Team Members” make $2.13 per hour.
Let that settle a minute.
Thirty five hours at $2.36 per hour comes to $82.60. for a week’s worth of work, five days, thirty five hours, hustling through the rushes, being gracious to all, waiting tables, dealing with kitchen screw ups, correcting mistakes, being a diplomat, for ironing five uniforms, for buying gas at nearly $3.00 per gallon and driving one hundred and twenty five miles back and forth to work every week …… $82.60.
That is all it costs the company, (“Big Flo’s”) to have her available, to have her show up every day with her friendly personality, her ability to make customers feel comfortable and well treated five out of seven days a week …. $82.60
From the princely sum which “Big Flo’s” pays her, the Government of the United States extracts it’s Federal Withholding Tax and Social Security, the State of Ohio puts it’s gentle grasp on it’s due, and the City of Dayton, Ohio takes their cut.
She invests part of the remainder in a 401K (Her portfolio would not impress you) and also pays her health insurance. (Nor would her medical plan)
When she takes her check to the bank every week she makes out a deposit slip for $13.00 and change, and not much change.
The Congress of the United States recently accepted another cost of living increase which brought their annual compensation to something over $165,000. They have received these increases with clockwork regularity for the last eight years. In all, over this period, they have granted themselves cost of living raises of over $35,000. The aggregate sum of their annual cost of living increases during this period is close to the median income for an American family of four. And we’re talking about one venal, blow dried, charlatan bastard in a lunch stained power tie with martini breath, cheese in his teeth and his hand in America’s pocket.
That, amount, $35,000, is more than the total Jane has been paid by “Big Flo’s” in over eight years or 20,000 days. But who’s counting?
I am.
Lee Raymond of Exxon Mobil fame, (infamy in some quarters) who is possibly the ugliest and most hideously bloated of all of our current crop of wretched American plutocrats and robber barons is reported to have been compensated at the rate of $144,000 a day over the last ten years.
On one Casual Friday Lee Raymond came to work, probably around mid morning, left early for a Friday afternoon round of golf with a foursome of like minded criminals and made more money than Jane has been paid by “Big Flo” in her entire career as a Server.
Jane would probably have to work six months to pay the greens fees.
For every dollar of excess profit that this company and the myriad of American businesses of the same ilk salts away, for every dollar of executive bonus, for every outlandish perquisite and privilege, there is a dollar missing from the pay envelope of an honest hardworking and decent person like Jane.
Minimum wage hell, Fair wage, Living wage, anything less amounts to the same serfdom that brought these disgusting one per centers their wealth, power, and ultimate political control in the first place.
It is time for class warfare all right, it has been waged from the top, and upon the bottom economic tiers of society for most of human history.
It is past time for a reversal, for labor to stand and demand, no, to seize it’s due and unpaid wages.
Bob Higgins
Worldwide Sawdust
This was right on. We need to address the continuing fall of wages, while those in privelege get more and more.
Beautiful diary.
Great diary, Sir. YOu have hit the nail on the head.
well-written. But, you didn’t write about tips, about how Jane has to give a percentage to the Hostess and Busboys, and fill out a daily report so she pays taxes on her tips, too. Obviously, Jane makes more than $13 per week or she’d be dead of starvation. For her real earnings, Jane must rely “upon the kindness of strangers” who run her ragged and leave a quarter on the table. So she gets screwed from the top by corporate execs and at the bottom by customers who take her service for granted. The unfairness of it all makes me want to scream.
that when I was waitressing (and it’s been awhile ago now), they came out with a law where you had to pay taxes on tips equal to 8% of the total credit card charges from the people you served. Because of this, none of the waitstaff ever got a check, and that was WITHOUT health insurance or anything deducted.
The crowning insult was that part of being waitstaff there meant that you cleaned the kitchen up at the end of the night, because the owner wanted to save the money that he would have to pay the kitchen staff to clean up after themselves (8-10 an hour). And he drove a mercedes and sent his kids to private school, so he wasn’t that hard up for cash..
Thanks for posting here as well.
I posted this in your kos-entry:
The demise of the unions must be reversed.
Wet dream, tie these guys down and force them to listen to this song repeatedly and very loud:
Part Of The Union – a classic from the 70s by The Strawbs (Hudson/Ford).
The reality is, too, that a higher minimum wage won’t do a lot for waitstaff like Jane. She isn’t entitled to regular minimum wages, on the theory that her tips produce higher wages than minimum wages would produce. And I bet she is classified – according to the new bushovian interpretation – as “management”, and therefore she isn’t entitled to overtime, either.
The law needs changing, and not just to a higher minimum. It needs some “tooth” that will insure fair wages, transparency in how the cash economy of tips is handled (no kick-backs to employer to get the good, better tipping shifts, etc.).
I object to the lowly number of times I can reccomend this diary!
very well said …
sadly, it’s unlikely to change until American workers come to realize that they have more in common with each other than apart, and until the act on that realization with a confrontational labor movement that will HAVE to put their short-term earnings at grave risk.
That is positively obscene, to disqualify servers from earning even the current paltry minimum wage because “well, they get tips”… The only time a tip is guaranteed is when the restaurant adds it to the bill (parties of six or more, at most restaurants I’ve been to). Otherwise, it is indeed relying on the kindness of strangers, some of whom still think that since 10% was an adequate tip twenty years ago, it’s perfectly adequate today (after all, look how much the price of restaurant meals has gone up!). And yet, the server is required to report and pay tax on this income that doesn’t cost her employers one red cent.
Also remember that when Bush & Co boast about all the “new jobs!” that they’ve created, that a huge number of them are in the services industry — basically jobs just like Jane’s.
And then the employers turn around and expect workers (who barely make enough to pay rent and other essentials of day-to-day living) to pay their “fair share” of their own health insurance… for a policy that often also has a high deductable, requiring the worker to not only pay a portion of the premium, but pay several hundred dollars up front for their own medical care before the insurance they’re already paying for kicks in at all.
I worked for a company once (private security guard services) that used to boast that they even offered health insurance to employees… I guess they considered it a recruitment perk. Problem was, the employee’s share of the premium came to about 10% of their entire take-home check. On a minimum wage (or slightly higher for supervisors) job. Guess how many of the security guards at our work site actually opted to TAKE the insurance plan the company offered? None. And this was twenty years ago… and healthcare costs have skyrocketed.
So many people at this level of employment not only work full time at one such job, but are forced to get a second part-time job, or even a third… just to keep their heads (and that of their families) above water, gas in the car, heat and electricity in their homes, clothes on the kids…
Hard-working people like Jane deserve a guaranteed, livable wage… (and the corporate execs for her comany deserve to work a week in her shoes, just to appreciate what kind of labor actually pays their salaries.) The fact that a server gets tips shouldn’t affect her base salary — does the fact that corporate managers get annual bonuses mean they can take a $10,000-$25,000 cut in their salaries?
..mainstream, if you ask me. EXCELLENY work. Every word filled with total truths and put together incredibly well.
I have known and admired more Janes than I can ever remember. And have taken care of a good many Janes as their bodies broke long before they would have if they hadn’t had to work like slaves to survive.
You find a lot of Janes living in senior buildings like I live in now, not because they are old, but because they now live on tiny disabilities incomes: the only retirement there is for many who faithfully perform a lifetime, for the Big Flos of the world.
I want to second Scribes proclamation. Very nice diary and keep them coming !
Nicely written, Bob. Thanks from an old organizer. Enjoyed your blog, too. The cat picture alone was worth the trip.
Indianadem. . .nice to find another Union person. I was a Union Advocate and officer for 25 of the past 30 years. They have been chiseling away at Unions and their protections of workers right for that long and longer. It pains me to see to what great degree they have been successful.
This is an OUTRAGE! Workers deserve to live, not to be slaves to corporate.
Same here, Shirl! It was many years ago in Florida right on the heels of Ceasar Chavez. What fun we had. I still have the collective bargaining brief I helped to write (I never throw anything away);-) The Union was the beginning of my activism and I wound up being the first secretary of the new local.
This election, I’m helping a retired UAW man with a campaign for county commissioner in his first run for public office.
Yes, it’s been sad to watch the demonizations of the Unions that has gone on for so long. We have lost a lot of ground. The robber barons are laughing.
The biggest single terror threat in America today is not an attack by religious fanatics.
The biggest terror threat in the as seen from the eyes of this government is the working class American.
There is nothing else that explains the gutting of the legal system in the name of religious morality, the gutting of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Labor Unions where destroyed by the opening of China to free trade. Jobs shipped overseas disenfranchised the voting and working class in America to such a degree that Labor Unions are completely impotent to demand any type of effective change in policy. A union can’t organize a workforce that has no voting rights here in America.
To keep control of the “disgruntled” workers produced by this fundamental shift in the composition of the workforce in America the Evangelical Born Again movement was funded by major corporations to “save” America from it’s evil degeneration of family values and moral responsibility. Never mind that the shift in production and the workforce to China and other countries was the stake that killed the traditional family.
So the most successful PR campaign in history created the deception that it was the worker who was to blame for the lack of morals and family values in America.
The deception has become an astounding success as seen in the results of the last election wherein 51% of Americans fell into the trap and elected a pro-business government that has proven beyond any doubt that every American worker is expendable and replaceable no matter where they work in America.
As seen during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina everyone was left to “pray for salvation” since the government paid for by working class taxpayers was nowhere to be found for weeks.
Praying has never fed one person or relieved their suffering yet America is being asked to accept without any protest “a government that is based on faith”.
Since 9/11 not a day has gone by without a new emergency, a new crisis, a new scandal, a new revelation of corruption. Yet America is asked to “have faith” and “trust government, the business leaders, lawyers, media, pundit” who are all part of the machine assembled to fight the terrorist.
“Having Faith” is never a good subsitute when your kids haven’t been fed for days on end.
Which terrorist are they talking about. It is certainly not the ones found in the middle east.
It now is very clear that the real terrorist the government is ready to fight is the working class American. Every working class American who would demand a living wage, universal health care, environmental justice and demand that corporations be held accountable for their greed and corruption of government is a terrorist.
If you filed a 1040 Short Form you are a Terrorist. So when your no longer of any use to the Corporate powers that be you will be secretly classified a terrorist because you will discover in a heartbeat that your lifes work is an empty paper cup.
This is America. The land of the cheap labor movement, massive lifetime debt where the worker will lose every time and in the end everything all so a very small percentage of the upper class can maintain control, own it all and have every whim satified.
Get out your bibles and pray because that is all government has got left to return to the working class American. Everything else was given away to the corporations who supported the religious movement that started it all.
Anyone remember them? It is called the Anti-Abortion Movement. The source of all the evils that America has seen to date with more yet to come.
The suspected terrorist? Try this answer on for size and see if it fits.
Working Class Americans!