Any online community is going to have its occassional growing pains or internal strife. This community has been particularly invulnerable to such things. One reason is that it has been very welcoming to new members. Another reason is that the ratings system is used almost exclusively for positive reinforcement. Another reason is the ‘don’t be a prick’ rule. But even we can’t avoid an occassional spat.
My short term advice is for the long-time members to be sure to acknowledge new members and offer to show them around. A friendly environment gives a good first impression. New members may be coming from more rough and tumble environments and not understand the way we try to do things here.
The second piece of advise is more problematic. It’s hard to keep a tranquil pond when people are being down-rated. But the prick rule really must be enforced by the trusted users because I cannot read even a fraction of what is on the site. One thing I’d like to say about receiving a down-rating for prickishness. A down-rating is no big deal. Take it in stride as the valid opinion of another member, even if you think your behavior was faultless. Nothing is more boring than a ratings war.
Lastly, we all agree on a lot more that we disagree on. If you have hurt someone’s feelings, consider apologizing. If your feelings have been hurt, consider forgiveness.
And if I have angered anyone through my actions or inactions, I apologize. I try to do my best, but sometimes I fail, and sometimes my best is not good enough.
for being a Yankees fan. Nobody’s perfect ๐
Sorry about this, but I have been thinking about trying to gather the Michigan froggies for a get together, before summer is over. Kidspeak and I have exchanged a couple of comments in the Midwest thread – perhaps with Kensingston being the meeting place. What do you think?
Definitely a possibility. My schedule is pretty packed in the summer (especially weekends), but if there were such an event I’d do my best to at least stop in for a while.
Has there been any discussion over a possible date?
That’s the next step. Why don’t you e-mail me some good dates and I’ll see if Kidspeak can do the same. In the meantime, we’ll need to figure out who the rest of the Michiganders are, I know that Boston Joe is up kind of Lansing way.
OK, I’ll send you an email sometime tomorrow, I’m not going to have time to go over my calendar tonight (I’m about to head out to go see Slaughter, Skid Row, and Tesla at DTE!).
BostonJoe is around Lansing, and I believe keepinon is near there as well (somewhere in MI-08, anyway). Street Kid is a Michigander as well.
Sounds like a good start, and at least a good sized picnic. Stay dry and enjoy the show.
I wish you would pick somewhere easier for me to get to. Kensington Park is oh, I guess 15 minutes from where I live! Dates could be an issue, but I will sure try to be available. Love to meet you folks anytime we can get together. If another location is better for everyone, that is fine too. Great Idea TT!
Hey keepinon!
There are probably only a half dozen of us, if that, so e-mail the dates that don’t work and I’ll see how those stack up with others. Maybe I’ll put up a diary this weekend.
Right now, I’m not available the 5th-6th, 13th, 20th and 27th of August.B-days and a weekend trip. Thanks for the idea TT. If memory serves me correctly, you can reserve one of the “covered” picnic sites as a hedge against bad weather.
Please note that I was polite enough to use a euphamism for that bad word.
But I guess we can accept him here on this site, right?? Surely he has a few positive attributes that cover that horrible lapse in judgement.
Carry on, Booman. But avoid that Y*k* stuff, OK?
I really hate it when you post stuff like this on the front page, just because you have the same nickname as the guy who started the site’s dog. Whenever you write something like this, I have no way of giving it a 4 or recommending it, like I can with comments or diaries. This is really starting to cheese me off.
I haven’t been keeping up with all the newbies, but you’re right, the reception in the frog corral at the bottom of the pond has been an excellent extension of the Welcome Wagon series of twelve months ago.
There has been a coming and going of frog pen pals, but at what UID number is BMT welcoming its new members BooMan?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
…to welcome new members, but I think you’re a prick for refusing my plan for a metal detector and making everybody take off their shoes for a look-see before posting their first comments or Diary.
I know it’s all fashionable to sing kumbaya and give peace a chance here at the frog pond, but everything has changed since whenever what happened happened. Get with the program. You want to spice up this so-called web site? Install a middle-finger button in the ratings system.
>snark off<
…at MyLeftWing!
making everybody take off their shoes for a look-see
I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing, MB. Have you talked to anna in philly (I think that the right person) about this?
i charge those foot fetish guys extra
With the election year heating up, it’s a good thing to be reminded to be aware of others feelings. I think that so many of us have felt very beaten down during this disastrous administration that it is very easy to get our defenses up and attack people. Hell, we see the right-wingers do it all the time and win.
Here’s your chance. I’m being a prick right now, sticking out my tongue at all of you! Take that!
neaner neaner
Teacher! Teacher! boran2 hit me back first!!
if you boys do not stop your incessant horse play, you will not have recess for a week. Now are we clear?
(pssst! Janet! What’s the answer to question 4?)
I have been tremendously upset by the recent happenings here at the pond.
But given this is an open thread, I hope no one will mind if I mention something else right now.
I’m literally in tears about what I just heard on CNN. Wolfie was interviewing Bill Bennett about the middle east. Bennett, in make some convoluted argument about Israel needing to fight back after the capture of their two soldiers said,
“Give war a chance.”
That just breaks my heart in more ways than I can write about.
Why is Bill Bennett on any discussion panel. It seems that after his hypocritical gambling problem and then the crap he said about aborting African-American babies his credibility should be shot.
Alas, how the “news” shows will prostitute themselves for controversy and ratings.
I always disliked Bennett, but due to recent sitings on CNN and MTP, I think he has finally jumped ahead of Cheney on my Olberman-like list of the most evil people in the world. That’s probably because Cheney keeps himself so cloaked though. Maybe they are actually tied.
Give war a chance??? OMG…
black is white, freedom is slavery, sciense is nonsense, dead babies is collateral damage and stem-cells are murdered..
We’re so fucked…
Oh Janet – those are exactly the words I was looking for. I just know that John Lennon heard this and I can see him crying with us. What a monstrously ugly desecration of the pleadings of a most beautiful human being.
I mean, in which casino was he gambling when CNN interviewed him?
And did he have a copy of the “Book of Virtues” with him?
He’s probably in the middle of a big losing streak and more of an asshole than usual.
I wonder how many times I can write that Bennett and the rest of all the warmongers are sick fucking bastards?
“Give war a chance”? WTF? Isn’t that what we’ve already been doing?
Thanks to all of you above for your responses to this outrage. It really helps me to not feel so alone with this kind of madness.
I agree with you about the war thing and I also heard in interview with Israel soldiers, they said “we don’t want to be here doing this, we want to be with our girlfriends on the beach, living our lives,” etc…so many lives go on hold, not just soldiers but civilians and now there are so many new refugees in the ME, added to the huge numbers all over the world that have been displaced due to war or weather or political situations.
“the Madness must end”!!!!!!!
along with that chance.
How could someone say “give war a chance?”
This is the same Bill Bennett who was Secretary of Education?! Dammit Janet has it right, Good is Bad, Black is White, Peace Sucks, Greed is wonderful etc.
You guys have missed it totally with Bennett. He’s not deliberately misquoting John Lennon. He’s saying Place your Bets on the War!!
Recently, while driving through the Philiadelphia area, my eyes were slapped by a huge billboard with Bennett’s ugly mug advertising his radio show. I had an immediate urge to climb up that billboard and draw a big Snidley Whiplash mustasche and maybe an eye patch. He’s a real bottom feeding scum sucking mollusk.
Give war a chance.
Oh dear God in heaven.
I certainly don’t expect utopia even in blogtopia (yes, skippy, I know!). I think this blog has been remarkably free of trolls, at least in part to the norms you and others tried to set. Those norms largely work well. It ain’t perfect, but nothing is, really. Somehow life goes on.
I find myself agreeing with you….see, life does go on.
Well, I agree with both of you. So there.
Crazier things have been known to happen. ๐
…for that cookie Dr. Benjamin promised me.
UPS came to my door about twenty minutes ago, but it was a package from TravelSmith.
Will chocolate chip (homemade) suffice?
Did someone say chocolate chip cookies?
I’ve always wondered… if they’re baked in an oven, why aren’t they called “bakies”?
Send some chocolate chip bakies over this way, please. (I’m smiling nice and behaving myself)
I agree too, but I missed all the drama (again!).
Have you seen this new ad Ken Blackwell (Republican candidate for Governor in Ohio) has put out, targeting African American voters? Pardon my French but, holy crap is it bad!
For anyone not aware of this, Blackwell himself is technically–on some genetic level–African American, but his alliegances are to the Bush administration. He had no problem making “his people” wait in line for hours and hours in the 2004 election.
And in the same vein, Bush’s speech to the NAACP today. . .
I am sorry if some here feel that I am not supporting the troops, but after a long thought (and this post probbly won’t be seen since it’s been so long and now down the screen) I guess I am not a supporter of the troops in many regards.
I’ve sent over $400 worth of phone cards since 2004 to Walter Reed so that returning disabled troops could call home due.
I march to support bringing them HOME. ALIVE.
I protest the slicing of the Geneva Conventions as torture is so wrong and inhumane but it also hurts out troops.
I protest this Administration because I see Bush Inc using our men and women as pawns.
I protest, march, stand at vigils with Veterans. Usually Veterans for Peace.
But… this is not about whether or not I’m pro-troops or anti-troops or any of this crap..
Humanity is humanity and inhumanity is inhumity.
I don’t consider myself an “American” anymore thanks to these diares and this conflict. I go out tonight not as an American.. .but as a human.
I’d like to know if I may continue to post diaries of the events I attend as well as the CodePink alerts and the misc thoughts I have regarding my involvement in the Peace Movement.
Thank you.
of course you can.
And when you ‘some’ do you really mean ‘one’? Or is there something going on I am not aware of?
“Some” as in… trying to keep the peace and not singling anyone out. I’m mainly speaking of not a person but of policies… kinda like how I do with marching… I’m not marching against America… I’m marching against it’s govt, methods, policies and practices.
As to “one” you and they know I love them so much. I consider them a dear friend. And I think since you brought itup… that if any of my posts or thoughts were going to inflict any harm on them during what I can’t imagine how I could even breathe… such a hard time personally then I would gladly and without any bad feelings take a “break” or just maybe link to my diaries elsewhere. I think that person and I are marching along the same path… incrediblly so. It’s almost fucking ironic. But I think we are doing it in different manners. I’d like to continue that journey with them… but if they need some time alone due to hardships… that’s so fine with me. I understand. So please let me know about that.
You see, it’s not always about “being right”… it’s about allowing another to find their own ways, answers.
I’m finding that there’s much going on that I’m not aware of. I just searched some posters blogs and found that there’s MUCH conversation going on.
But I think the main focus is that we try to find some way to realize that although we’re not all on the same page, that at least were in the same book, or at least same library.
It’s hard enough doing what we all do individually.. this fighting… and in some cases almost demanding that we all be on the same page… really stifles any movement to end… what needs to be ended.
I stayed out of alot of this for a long time… and then merely tried to reiterate that I wasn’t anti-anything… that I was really a humanitarian perspective… I’m not here to stir up any shit… I think you know that. I’m here to learn as well as to laugh ๐
But mostly I am here so I can find my feet.
I’ve shared incredible hard times here… I’ve written spoofs… but I think all of what I’ve written, posted here was 100% “Janet”… if there needs to be any “label” addressed to me.
I’m rambling and my family thinks I’ve gone bonkers.
Dearest Janet,
I hope you will continue posting everything about what you do, and why you do it. I’m constantly amazed at the energy you find to devote to the causes you’ve chosen. To be honest, I haven’t found that in myself yet.
Awhile ago I changed my sig line at dKos to a single sentence written by a diarist I had never before heard of. It’s simply:
I really feel like you embody this more than anyone else I read here (though BostonJoe is ascending the ranks quickly ๐ and it gives me great comfort to know that there are people like you out there who are doing the right thing by their hearts and fighting on the side of peace and true compassion.
Wow, I love that quote.
BostonJoe… I consider him someone I want to walk next to as we march. I think we were both ignited a bit in DC. Each of us in our own ways, of course, but I think of him every day. He’s in very many ways, my brother.
I had to bail from the rally yesterday… we do the Fri rally as a family. It was 108 here. My daughter cant’ take that heat. We were all bummed out about not being able to attend.
Thanks, and I’ll continue to diarize what comes about.
I was just told that our local radio is opening up a spot on the air for ACTIVISM and MEETING announcements. ๐ So the word and want is spreading, my friend. ๐
Janet, I really admire everything you’ve done over the past year, from that first march in DC in September (where I was lucky enough to actually meet you in person), to your joining up with Code Pink in your hometown, appearing on the radio with your CP sisters, marching on Friday nights, protesting Hillary in the cold and rain, standing up for Lt. Watada, all of it.
And I love reading your diaries and seeing all the pictures from them too.
Thanks. I was thrilled to meet you. That first march…. DC. You know come to think of it while I was living in bumfuck nowhere Northern Calif… in a way I was doing what CodePink calls One Person Protests all along. The “Bring them Home Now” postcards pinnings… all of that… which is where much of the personal violence at me occurred.
Someone shared something with me recently and I had to go “whoah… maybe you’re right”. I’m not exactly a “newbie” in this marching, protesting. Yeah I may not know how the House and Senate all work… I may not be able to quote off laws, however the Bill of Rights thanks to BOHICA I am learning :)… but I’ve been doing this for a long time in many ways.
DC… I did that not alone but with all of you. It was actually the safest thing I embarked on. At the time, it was the scariest… because before that… I only had myself to count on.
I count on you guys now. And I guess that is why it’s so upsetting to me to see “the guys” fighting. People count on us.