Just finished my write-up from tonight’s event with Border Action Network. Feeling much more motivated than I have been as of late. How goes it for everyone?
Too bad I wasn’t there at the time. We could’ve sat at a sidewalk cafe, smoking cigarettes and sneering a people’s shoes. And, yes, I do have a beret — two in fact! One black, one pink.
I’ve been lurking at the blue place, I really like how that place has developed over the year. My head spins with most of the topics, but that’s good because I learn different perspectives. Very cool that you’re active over there.
not as bad as they were yesterday. I didn’t get to the gym tonight tho so we’ll see how I feel after getting back into the grind tomorrow. Thanks for the welcome! 😉
but I wanted to push hard for this week to get back into things. I’m eventually going to shift to a Mon/Tues/Thurs routine. I’m doing it as a stress reliever too, so there can never be enough gym time! 🙂
I read that you got a good storm through the area to cool things off, good to hear. I was at an outdoor event this evening but thankfully there was a cool breeze so it wasn’t unbearable. Can’t beat free food, live music and great speakers.
we had a mean hail storm on Tuesday evening, glad my truck was under a steel canopy at the complex. I’ll never understand the weirdness of the weather, I know why it happens but still doesn’t make any sense to me. So it goes.
I’m actually surprised at the ability to wrestle computer access this week. Alas that shall come to an end tomorrow for a stretch. Been a good break. Took the kids to the Huntington Beach pier on Wednesday & my son to his first Angels game Tuesday. Got to babysit the daughters while the Missus took our son to Dismal Land today, and they had a good time even within the confines of our shoestring budget. Been nice to just relax a bit, which is something that I hadn’t been able to do in a long while.
Oh, yeah – I’m also anti-American and probably an elitist, but y’all knew that already! 😉
Dismal land? Sacrilege! 🙂 That’s more offensive than the other attributes that you’re landing. Glad to hear you’re getting some relaxation in on the vacation. I really need to figure out when I’m taking mine, I need one badly! I just caught your msg on the Eegee Board, will make sure to post stuff over the weekend, I don’t have anything planned so can blogsit no problem.
I haven’t heard that saying since….well, since I was living in Oklahoma 🙂 It’s no problem at all with the blog stuff, hopefully I haven’t provided too much of a culture shock for your readership [evil grin]
due to the dial up thing I’m mostly following events in the recent comment column, although there’s times I have to hit the parent of a comment to get the context to make some sense of it.
True enough – we’ve got 56k at my house. The inlaws have some sort of broadband deal going, so that’s nice for this trip. Depending on when or if I get a payraise (and the extent of the payraise) I’d love to get our home off of dialup once and for all. That may be a pipe dream this year.
I guess I won’t mention that I spent New Years there in front of the castle and had the time of my life! I recommend Christmastime, you don’t have to endure “It’s a Small World” – they replace it with Jingle Bells. Although that could be just as unnerving… hehe
Fortunately for me, I don’t do well with rollercoaster rides, so I usually have a ready-made out. My wife and my son are more of the thrill-seeking types and enjoy that sort of thing. Of course I was half-tempted to suggest simply going to the OC county fair that’s going on instead, but my wife has this thing for the Tragic Kingdom that I’ve never quite understood. Then again there are my own personal quirks that baffle her after ten years of marriage. So it goes. 🙂
projects here at the farmstead, finishing a new 8X11ft deck off the 2nd floor and some new steps out the back door, and some fun relative visitations, with more to come. So it’s been a fairly busy July so far and scheduled to be busy through most of Aug also.
We’re thinking we may celebrate the Lewis and Clark Expedition/Mandan Indians even weekend of Aug 17. That should be fun. More on that later as it nears.
That spammer is back again, and loaded a huge comment that’s showing up in “recent comments”, so I’m unable to load that anymore.
I’d go flex my “zero muscle,” but I can’t get to it now. If any of you are in the mood, I’d say have at it. It’s been a few months since I’ve seen that.
You can hang out here now.
Ah, here you are. I left you an answer in the last thread.
but thought I would say hello anyways 🙂
Just finished my write-up from tonight’s event with Border Action Network. Feeling much more motivated than I have been as of late. How goes it for everyone?
But you are most definitely welcome!
How are your muscles tonight … 🙂
Hey, O! I saw you at the blue place and said hi, but I think you were long gone by then.
Yeah, I was over there reading and saw your comment and thought I’d say hi. 🙂
Too bad I wasn’t there at the time. We could’ve sat at a sidewalk cafe, smoking cigarettes and sneering a people’s shoes. And, yes, I do have a beret — two in fact! One black, one pink.
That would have been cool! I’ll have to look for you when I go over there. 🙂
I’ve been lurking at the blue place, I really like how that place has developed over the year. My head spins with most of the topics, but that’s good because I learn different perspectives. Very cool that you’re active over there.
I thinks it’s very cool, too. I have no idea what I’m doing there, but that’s true for most places. But it’s fun.
not as bad as they were yesterday. I didn’t get to the gym tonight tho so we’ll see how I feel after getting back into the grind tomorrow. Thanks for the welcome! 😉
you need to have some recovery days …
Hello everyone.
You’re awake! Hi Family Man, I hope you get plenty of naps in today since you’re up at this ungodly hour.
Hi Manny. This has been my getting up time for the last couple of days. Hopefully I’ll go back to normal soon.
You’re up though. I hope you get some sleep before you go to work.
down, finally, but had an energizing evening so trying to get it out so I don’t toss and turn all night. Hope things settle down for you soon. paz
I thought you might have conked out at your chair again.
Nope made it to the bed this time. Looks like this is the beginning of my day. 🙁
well … do you have any good books you’re reading right now. Maybe you could settle down in bed w/ your book and just relax w/ it.
Nope no good book, but I’m wide awake now. I don’t usually try and fight it, I just wait until I get sleepy again.
Speaking of sleep, are you going to try before work today. 🙂
I’m bad.
Nope, appears just a whipper snapper with a lot of energy. 🙂
I’m doing that whole dreading tomorrow / procrastination thing …
No need to dread what you can’t change. You might not like it, but you don’t have to worry about it.
If only it were that easy …
I’m a chronic insomniac. Waiting to go to sleep again is about par for the course.
Of course, if need be, I can always find a stats book or something to try to read for a while…that can sometimes induce zzzz’s.
long time no see’m, when the nightowl and the lark paths don’t cross.
Your grass still growing? Only thing growing in my lawn now are Canadian Thistle and Yellow goats beard.
Hi NDD. Heat is killing off some grass, but not enough for me.
Yeah I have go get up in the middle fo the night just to get to talk to some of you. Geez. 🙂
but I wanted to push hard for this week to get back into things. I’m eventually going to shift to a Mon/Tues/Thurs routine. I’m doing it as a stress reliever too, so there can never be enough gym time! 🙂
¡Hola dada y Manny! ¿Como esta?
I read that you got a good storm through the area to cool things off, good to hear. I was at an outdoor event this evening but thankfully there was a cool breeze so it wasn’t unbearable. Can’t beat free food, live music and great speakers.
yeah, we got dumped on for about 20 min…being outside was not an option…lots of lightning and thunder but no hail…whew…<wipes brow>
we had a mean hail storm on Tuesday evening, glad my truck was under a steel canopy at the complex. I’ll never understand the weirdness of the weather, I know why it happens but still doesn’t make any sense to me. So it goes.
I’m actually surprised at the ability to wrestle computer access this week. Alas that shall come to an end tomorrow for a stretch. Been a good break. Took the kids to the Huntington Beach pier on Wednesday & my son to his first Angels game Tuesday. Got to babysit the daughters while the Missus took our son to Dismal Land today, and they had a good time even within the confines of our shoestring budget. Been nice to just relax a bit, which is something that I hadn’t been able to do in a long while.
Oh, yeah – I’m also anti-American and probably an elitist, but y’all knew that already! 😉
Dismal land? Sacrilege! 🙂 That’s more offensive than the other attributes that you’re landing. Glad to hear you’re getting some relaxation in on the vacation. I really need to figure out when I’m taking mine, I need one badly! I just caught your msg on the Eegee Board, will make sure to post stuff over the weekend, I don’t have anything planned so can blogsit no problem.
I’ve gathered you’ve been busier than a one-armed man in a milking contest. Breaks are good. Hope you can get one soon.
Anyhoo, feel free to post away. You, Duke and DTF have a knowledge base in areas where I don’t. Words cannot express how much I appreciate y’all.
I haven’t heard that saying since….well, since I was living in Oklahoma 🙂 It’s no problem at all with the blog stuff, hopefully I haven’t provided too much of a culture shock for your readership [evil grin]
are ya takin’ a breather in the 24/7 FBC after a taxing evening elsewhere in BT land.
Just for the record I generally find myself in agreement with your comments in the more serious diaries.
tsk tsk tsk
due to the dial up thing I’m mostly following events in the recent comment column, although there’s times I have to hit the parent of a comment to get the context to make some sense of it.
dialup is the bane of my internet existence. Nuff said.
my city location has spoiled me with 1.5M or greater, so out here in the boonies I’m about to start banging my head on the wall…
True enough – we’ve got 56k at my house. The inlaws have some sort of broadband deal going, so that’s nice for this trip. Depending on when or if I get a payraise (and the extent of the payraise) I’d love to get our home off of dialup once and for all. That may be a pipe dream this year.
Still at 24?
Dismal Land…I like it. You’re lucky you didn’t have to go…I never had that choice.
I guess I won’t mention that I spent New Years there in front of the castle and had the time of my life! I recommend Christmastime, you don’t have to endure “It’s a Small World” – they replace it with Jingle Bells. Although that could be just as unnerving… hehe
the lack of the proper pharmaceuticals…
Fortunately for me, I don’t do well with rollercoaster rides, so I usually have a ready-made out. My wife and my son are more of the thrill-seeking types and enjoy that sort of thing. Of course I was half-tempted to suggest simply going to the OC county fair that’s going on instead, but my wife has this thing for the Tragic Kingdom that I’ve never quite understood. Then again there are my own personal quirks that baffle her after ten years of marriage. So it goes. 🙂
I think elsewhere in BT land seems to have reached that point of diminishing returns. Life really is too short.
Thanks for the props btw. The good vibes are most appreciated.
the “point of diminishing returns” has actually reached the “point of counter productivity.” Hence my lack of direct particpation in same.
seems like you’re joining the club … 🙂
you check out the video posted in STOP George’s latest diary, pure hilarity (albeit a sad state of affairs which Shrubzilla terrorizing the land)
have a good night peeps, see you around the matrix. paz a todos.
Have a good night Manny.
Catch you on the flipside.
Night James.
escapades to report that I may have missed?
Nope. Pretty mundane.
How about you?
projects here at the farmstead, finishing a new 8X11ft deck off the 2nd floor and some new steps out the back door, and some fun relative visitations, with more to come. So it’s been a fairly busy July so far and scheduled to be busy through most of Aug also.
We’re thinking we may celebrate the Lewis and Clark Expedition/Mandan Indians even weekend of Aug 17. That should be fun. More on that later as it nears.
inspite of the molasses pace here.
So G’Night everyone, and sleep well.
That spammer is back again, and loaded a huge comment that’s showing up in “recent comments”, so I’m unable to load that anymore.
I’d go flex my “zero muscle,” but I can’t get to it now. If any of you are in the mood, I’d say have at it. It’s been a few months since I’ve seen that.
see you round the bend!
I just found it on the web.