The Lobby Day to fix Medicare Part D at Rep. Fitzpatrick’s Oxford Valley Mall office is, of course, about asking the congressman to make specific fixes to the disastrous prescription drug program.  But it’s also a celebration.

On Saturday, at 9:15AM, we’ll be celebrating Medicare’s 41st birthday.  Over those four decades Medicare has been the model of efficiency:

… The typical private health insurer spends about 10 percent of its outlays on administrative costs, including lavish salaries, extensive marketing budgets, and the expense of weeding out sick people. Medicare spends about 2 percent to 3 percent. And Social Security spends just 1 percent. Even low-cost mutual funds have operating costs greater than that.

That was before Part D, with its built-in sops to the big-donor insurance and pharmaceutical industries came online.  But setting that horrible plan aside, the ideal and the reality of Medicare deserves to be celebrated.  So celebrate we will.
July 29th also marks 100 days until election day, which is the keystone of American democracy.  Don’t miss the party.

And, as any good party guest knows, it’s polite to give your hosts an idea of how many people we need to prepare for.   PLEASE RSVP here and make the commitment to coming out on the 20th.  Not only to lobby our congressman for real reform of a confusing and crony-driven Part D but also to celebrate Medicare and our democracy.

What: Medicare D-Day on Medicare’s B-Day
When: 9:15am Saturday, JULY 29
Where: Oxford Valley Mall – JC Penney parking lot
Why: to lobby Congressman Fitzpatrick to fix Medicare’s Prescription
drug benefit